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© Paul Overaa 1993

ISBN: 1-873308-27-2
First Edition: October 1993, published by Bruce Smith Books Ltd
Editor: Peter Fitzpatrick - Typesetting: Bruce Smith Books Ltd
Workbench, Amiga and AmigaDOS are trademarks of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. +
UNIX is a trademark of AT&T.
MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
All other Trademarks and Registered Trademarks used are hereby acknowledged.

The Author

Paul Overaa initially qualified as an analytical chemist and spent two decades working in a field of physical chemistry known as gas-liquid chromatography. It was during this time that he became heavily involved with computerised data reduction techniques and computer programming. Nowadays he considers himself a programmer first and an analytical chemist second.

Paul has previously written books on low-level 6502 and Z80 assembly language programming, on Amiga programming in C and ARexx, on Amiga systems programming and on both Commodore Amiga and Atari ST program design. He is a proficient ARexx, C and 68000 assembly language programmer, and a very experienced Amiga programmer whose technical expertise is frequently used by a great many computer magazines including Amiga Shopper, Amiga Format, Amiga User International, Amiga Computing, Program Now, Computing, the Amiga Buyer’s Guide and Atari ST User. In addition to this he provides expertise on MIDI programming for magazines such as Sound on Sound and International Musician. In the past he has written for many other publications including ST World, Personal Computer World, Practical Computing, Laboratory Practice, and the one time highly influential Transactor Amiga magazine.

Outside interests include Yoga, mathematics and badminton but his main passion nowadays is computer programming with his research interests having a strong bias towards the practical use of the Warmer diagram and other language-independent program design techniques.


The Amiga is an incredible computer already but, by learning bow to program it using 680x0 Assembly Language, you can unleash some amazing additional power…​

You’ve either bought this book already, or are giving it the once over in order to see whether it’s likely to be useful to you or not. If you fall into the first category then thanks, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. For those of you in the second category I’ll try and explain the general plan of the book in order that you can decide whether this particular offering is suitable for you or not.

Firstly let me reassure you about one thing - learning 680x0 assembly language is not that difficult a task. There are in fact a great many books available that provide very good introductions to this subject. So why did I bother to write another? It’s because many books, although perfectly well written, are about 680x0 coding in general rather than 680x0 coding on the Amiga. The difference is important because the 680x0 chips used in the Amiga do not work in isolation - they’re just a small part of a system which involves a fairly complex surrounding shell of operating system software. If you are intent on programming the Amiga using assembly language then a littie knowledge about this operating system is needed early on. It is often the lack of this sort of Amiga specific material that provides a major stumbling block for potential 68k coders. It is just this sort of Amiga-specific info that I’ve made a point of providing in this Insider Guide.

The material in this book is up-to-date and this again is important because the Amiga’s operating system has undergone quite a few changes in recent years as Workbenches 2 and 3 have arrived. Where relevant I’ve made a point of dealing with the changes in detail and you will for instance find explanations on the use of Intuition and the new Tag-List based function calls towards the end of the book.

I’ve attempted to introduce 680x0 assembly language specifically from an Amiga oriented viewpoint and my main aim has been to provide you with the necessary footholds to get into low-level Amiga programming as quickly as possible. I believe that I can show you a simple pathway to achieve this objective and even make the subject enjoyable. That, believe me, is over half of the battle. This book will not, by any stretch of the imagination, make you a 68k expert but it will get you started and prepare you for the things you’ll read about when you feel ready to tackle more advanced Amiga books.

Setting the Scene

Many serious Amiga owners, including lots of new Workbench 2 and Workbench 3 based A600, A1200, and A4000/030 owners, are clamouring to learn the computer language that expert coders use. It’s called 68000 Assembly Language and to start learning about it all you have to do is read on…​

The heart of the Amiga is a silicon chip called the central processing unit or CPU. Although various Amiga models | use different processors from the Motorola 680x0 family the basic device from this family is the unit known as the 68000 microprocessor. Later chips, such as the 68030 and 68040, are more powerful but since the 68000 provides a similar set of core facilities to those found in other members it is this chip that I’ll refer to in this book.

To program the 68000 you use something called assembly language and these early chapters provide an overview of what assembly language programming is all about. I’ve made a point of trying to avoid all of the difficult stuff you usually find in assembly language books but there is bound to be the odd topic that just doesn’t appear to make sense at first. Don’t get disheartened if you suddenly find you don’t understand something, and don’t for a moment think that you are expected to memorise everything in one sitting!

Certainly try to grasp things as you encounter them but when you do hit a topic that seems impossibly difficult to grasp then skip over it and make a note to return to it later on. You may actually find that areas, such as the 68000’s addressing modes discussed in Chapter Four, make more sense once you’ve tackled a few of the small programs given in later chapters.

As you get more comfortable with the general ideas, refer back to the early chapters, as you’ll get a little more from them each time you do. Work at your own pace and remember that no-one, and I really mean no-one, has ever learnt 68000 assembly language in a day. Take your time, enjoy the journey and, by the end of the book, you should be ready to tackle the more advanced texts that are available.

Chips, Chips And More Chips

It’s the Motorola 68000 chip itself that is our main concern. Like other microprocessors the 68000 has various hardware lines for communicating with the outside world along with a set of internal registers for storing data. These communications links are used to connect the 68000 to other components and very important they are too - before it can do any useful work the 68000 has to be connected to additional memory in order to provide additional data and program storage space. Two basic types of memory chips, called RAM and ROM chips, are in common use: RAM (Random Access Memory) chips can both be written to and read from by the microprocessor but have the disadvantage of losing their contents when the power is turned off. ROM (Read Only Memory) chips can keep their contents indefinitely, whether powered up or not, but they have to be pre-programmed with data and their contents cannot be changed.

Because of the way it’s been designed the 68000 microprocessor is able to perform various logical and arithmetic tasks and these are identified by numbers that represent particular microprocessor instructions. Computer programs are simply collections of these instructions put together in a meaningful way. One of the things that both RAM and ROM chips are used for is storing these programs whilst they are being executed, ie run, by the 68000 chip.

The instruction sets (the collection of available instructions) of most processors, including the 68000, are quite large but there is nothing inherently complex about the operations they perform. Each instruction carries out some elementary task, adding two values together perhaps or copying the contents of one memory location to another, but there is a minor snag - the language that the microprocessor understands is based on binary numbers. Given suitable hardware (a processor chip, memory, some input/output facilities, and all the associated electronic support) such a system could be programmed by entering suitable numbers directly into system memory and then getting the processor to execute the instructions. Trying to program a 68000 chip using the raw numbers in this way turns out to be a nightmare so, instead, Motorola give the instructions standardised and meaningful names such as ADD and MOVE. This makes it easier for programmers to remember the purpose of these instructions whose names are known as mnemonics. The process of converting mnemonics back into those numbers which represent real processor instructions is something that the computer itself can do quite easily and programs which do this are known as assemblers. The mnemonic form of the 68000 instructions are known as the 68000 Assembly Language and it is precisely these instructions that you’ll be learning about in this book.

Since the Amiga is a 680x0 based machine, it’s pretty obvious that all Amiga languages end up generating 680x0 code. They have to because otherwise the final programs simply wouldn’t be able to run on the Amiga’s microprocessor. You may be wondering what it is then that makes code written by assembler programmers run faster than the equivalent 68000 code generated by other high-level languages. The answer is simply that assembler programmer’s can fine tune their code to make sure that it is super-efficient and, for a number of reasons, high-level languages are unable to do this to the same degree.

Note: I’ve used the term 680x0 above quite a lot and if the meaning isn’t clear it is simply a global way of referring to the family of 68000 chips, namely the 68020, 68030 and 68040.

Creating a Program

Writing in 68000 Assembler requires a number of different preliminary stages before a runable program can be produced. You can’t just type in a program and then select “Run”…​

The first step in writing an assembly language program is to use an editor to prepare something known as a source code file. It sounds good, but all it really means is that you have to produce a plain text file (commonly called an ASCII text file) which contains the required program instructions. You can list and print the contents of such a file just as you would a letter or any other piece of stored text.

The Amiga provides one editor, called ED, as part of the Workbench system software but most commercial assemblers come with their own rather better editor programs. If preferred you can use an alternative editor or even your favourite word-processor program. The only proviso with the latter option is that it must be possible to stop the wordprocessor from inserting additional control characters because these are meaningless to an assembler and would cause it to come to a grinding halt if it tried to interpret them.

Once a source file is available the next step is to get the assembler program to convert it to the appropriate 680x0 instructions. In many cases the assembler has to be used first to create a standardised intermediate form known as an object code file. This is not a runable program as such. Although the object file includes the translated 680x0 instruction-related material the code is not of the right format to be loaded by AmigaDOS. The program doesn’t contain a sometimes important piece of Amiga specific front-end code known as the startup module which is needed if the program is to be run from the Workbench. Finally, the file may still contain references to unresolved (unknown) items, such as library routines or variables that have been specified as being present in other object code modules. The third stage in producing an assembly language is known as linking, and it attempts to fill in the gaps created by these unresolved references. The Amiga linker (usually called Blink) is able to combine the code you have written, the start-up code, and any other modules or library code required, to produce a real Amiga program - ie a file that may be loaded and run!

On occasion things may not go well and you may find that, as the assembler attempts to translate your source file, it reports any number of errors. Whatever the cause (syntax errors, illegal instructions etc) these faults have to be corrected and this can mean that, in the early days, you have to pass through the edit-assemble cycle quite a few times before you succeed in creating a program that even assembles successfully. Once through that stage you may then find that the linker reports additional errors such as misspelling a library routine name or not specifying the correct location of library files. These errors must also be found and eliminated before a runable version of the program can be created.

As you might guess, there is no guarantee, even once a program is up and running, that it is free from errors. Assembly language programmers are, unless they are very careful, likely to spend far more time looking for hidden errors - commonly called bugs - than their high-level language counterparts. Many programmers frequently use a piece of software called a debugger - a system tool that is able to execute a program on a step-by-step basis - in order to help them to trace program execution and identify faults. It’s worth mentioning that debugging tools are by no means essential because there are plenty of other ways of locating program bugs.

Insider Guide #1 - Wordprocessor ASCII Files

Almost all wordprocessors nowadays provide options for writing plain ASCII text files but, since this will not be the default text file format, it’s up to you to explicitly select this type of file output. With Final Copy II, for instance, you have to use the Project Menu’s ‘Save As' Option and select ASCII using the file requester’s Export gadget.

Insider Guide #2 - Program Crashes

When you execute an assembly language program that contains one or more bugs it may, if you are lucky, just fail to work as expected but otherwise be relatively harmless as far as your Amiga’s operating system (0/S) is concerned. More often however, seemingly small errors can cause your Amiga to display a Guru message or even seize up completely so that you have to re boot. The danger here is that, if you were not prepared for such an eventuality, you may have unsaved files present in your Ram Disk (most program editing and assembly operations are done in Ram because it is quicker). Sometimes the Amiga’s O/S can stop the faulty program from running and let you recover Ram Disk files by switching to a working Shell window and saving any important files. At other times the faulty code might have overwritten important portions of the Amiga’s O/S causing your Amiga to re-boot without warning. Because of this you should get into the habit of saving your source files frequently just in case something does go wrong when you run a newly created, or recently modified, program for the first time.

Insider Guide #3 - Assemblers

Two of the most popular Amiga assemblers are Hisoft’s Devpac and Charlie Gibb’s A68k. Devpac is a commercial offering which has been around for a long time and there is no doubt at all that it’s a very well supported program. It comes with an easy-to-use Intuition styled front end, lots of extra utilities, and all of the necessary Amiga system files. Devpac 3, the latest version, is very highly thought of and used by a great many professional programmers. One of the most popular Amiga assemblers is the HiSoft Devpac package

Insider Guide #4 - Assemblers A68k

A68k is a freely distributable public domain assembler available from most PD libraries. It is an extremely well programmed piece of software although not having an Intuition style front end - it requires Shell based commands instead - and it’s not as easy to use as Devpac. Charlie Gibb’s A68k public domain assembler is also perfectly adequate. For convenience, A68k has been included, along with the Blink linker, on the accompanying Insider Guide disk that is obtainable free from the publishers of this book - see Appendix E. The disk therefore contains everything you need to assemble and run all of the examples in this book. You’ll find more details about actually using assemblers and linkers later.

A Model of the 68000 chip

Learning about the microprocessor hardware and electronics is a nightmare for the newcomer but this chapter provides an easy way around the problems…​

To write assembly language programs all you need is a simple conceptual model of the processor so, initially, there’s no need to appreciate either the hardware or the associated electronics. However, it is important to get an understanding of the general characteristics of the 68000 -such as what sort of bits of information (data) it can store internally - and of some restrictions imposed by the overall design of the chip.

Figure 3.1 shows a schematic diagram of a 68000 processor. What I’ll be doing for the rest of this chapter is building a conceptual model of the 68000 chip, a simplified picture of the chip and its facilities, and this will allow me to discuss the features which are relevant to the writing of assembly language programs without having to get involved with the rather awkward hardware issues.

Figure 3.1. A schematic model of the Motorola 68000 microprocessor.

Microprocessor Registers

The 68000’s internal registers are split into two groups known as address registers and data registers respectively. Registers of each group are numbered from 0 to 7 with data registers being labelled as d0, d1, d2…​ d7 (or D1, D2…​ etc.), and address registers as a0 (or A0) and so forth. Each 68000 register can hold a four byte (32 bit) number and amongst its other facilities the processor is able to move such numbers between its internal registers or between a register and a memory location (and vice versa). The 68000 can also move external data held in memory from one location to another.

Address register a7 has a special purpose in that it serves as the microprocessor’s stack register. This holds the address of, or points to, an area of memory used to store and retrieve information on a last-in-first-out basis. The 68000 uses this area to store things like subroutine addresses which well discuss later.

There are in fact two different 68000 stack pointers and this stems from the fact that the processor can operate in two modes known as user mode and supervisor mode. In some situations it is convenient for each mode to have its own stack and so the 68000 was designed so that register a7 behaved like two separate registers. We’re not going to be involved with these mode related issues at all and, for the purposes of this book, just regard register a7 as a single register holding a single stack pointer.

One of the nicest features of the 68000 is the flexibility of its registers. Although they can hold 32 bit (long word) values the chip can for many operations use the address registers to work with 16 bit values (words) and the data registers can in fact work with 32 bit, 16 bit or 8 bit values. Similarly there are few restrictions on what you can, or cannot, use the contents of such registers for. If, for instance, you wish to copy the contents of a data register into an address register the 68000 lets you do it although having said that it is usually better to use address registers for storing and working with memory addresses and data registers for data oriented operations because each group is best suited to its design-chosen purpose.

When working with instructions that may involve byte, word or long word values it is often necessary for the assembly language programmer to identify the size that should be assigned to a given value. As you’ll see later the 68000 conventions are based on placing .b, .w or .1 after the instructions. The 68000, because of its design does however have a limitation in that when accessing word or long word addresses the address must be even. These even addresses are conventionally said to be word aligned but the good news here is that assemblers take care of much of the word-alignment problems automatically.

The Program Counter

The 68000 also contains a 32 bit program counter which is a register used by the microprocessor to determine the address of the next instruction to be executed. Under normal conditions the program counter is automatically incremented as instructions are read and acted upon, hence instructions contained in memory are executed in sequence, ie one after another. An important part of microprocessor programming, however, involves the use of a number of instructions which can alter the contents of the program counter and the result of doing this has far reaching implications. By changing the address held in the program counter it is possible to cause the microprocessor to get its next instruction from anywhere in memory, as opposed to getting the instruction sequentially next in memory. The result is that the execution of the program can jump, or branch, from one part of the program to another. The fact that these jumps can be made conditional on the state of various processor flags means of course that the processor can make intelligent flow control decisions based on the data with which it is working. A program might for instance compare two numbers and, on the basis of the result, execute (or perhaps not execute) a particular group of instructions.

The 68000’s Status Register

Another important 68000 register is the status register which is actually divided into two eight bit registers known as the system byte and the user byte. We won’t be concerned with the system byte as it is only accessible in supervisor mode. The user byte, on the other hand, is going to be important because it contains flag bits whose values are set and cleared according to the results of particular instructions. Five flags - out of a possible total of eight - have been implemented in the 68000’s user byte and these provide single bit true/false type detection of the processor conditions known as carry ©, overflow (V), zero (Z), negative (N), and extend (X). The carry bit holds the carry from the most significant bit produced by bit shifting or arithmetic operations. The zero flag is set high (ie set to 1) when an operation produces a zero result. If, for example, the result of adding two numbers together produced a zero then the 68000’s zero flag would be set to 1. The negative bit (sometimes called the sign bit) always takes the value of the most significant bit of the result and, along with the overflow and extend flags, is primarily used for arithmetic applications. Not all instructions affect all flags as you’ll see when we look at typical instructions.

Insider Guide #5 - Flags and Flag Bits

In the computing world, flags are simply those bits present in a variable, or hardware register, which have been assigned some specific meaning. The term is normally reserved for yes/no (true/false) type indicators which only require a single bit of storage space. A byte-sized hardware register, since it is a register containing 8 bits, can therefore act as a store for up to eight different flag values. By convention if a Pag bit has the value 1, then it is said to be set (or true), and if the bit has the value 0 it is said to be clear (or false).

Insider Guide #6 — How a Computer works

MEMORY n INPUT ---------► CONTROL A ARITHMETIC AND LOGIC UNIT The Microprocessor Above: Block diagram of a computer

A computer consists essentially of a microprocessor (containing a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unit) coupled to memory chips and various input/output devices such as a keyboard, VDU screen, disk drives, and printer. The chip is built in such a way so that it can understand a particular set of simple instructions known as the instruction set. It is able to be programmed to perform different tasks by providing it with different instructions. Computer programs consist of a list of such instructions arranged in a suitable order for the task being carried out. Programs are stored in memory and are executed by the microprocessor using a loop consisting of four basic steps:

1 Fetch the next instruction from memory and place it in the control unit. 2 Decode the instruction (ie figure out what must be done). 3 Obey the instruction. 4 Go to step 1

The first two steps are called the fetch cycle, the second two are known as the execution cycle.

Insider Guide # 7 - The 68000 Chip Itself

The Motorola 68000 is one of a family of ‘68’ processors ranging from an eight bit oriented 68008 to a fairly recently announced super chip called the 68060. All the processors are essentially object code compatible, which means that they execute the same base level instructions, although chips higher up the family - like the 68020, 68030, 68 040 and so on - all have more powerful instruction sets than the basic 68000. As far as the physical details of the 68000 chip itself is concerned the logical layout of the pins looks like this:

Clock CLK a1-a23 Address Bus d0-d15 Data bus Reset RESET Halt HALT Processor FCO AS Asynchronous Status FC1 data bus FC2 UDS control LDS R/W DTACK Interrupt Inputs IPLO IPL1 IPL2 VMA Synchronous Bus BR E data bus VPA control arbitration BG control BGACK Bus error BERR

Above: The Motorola 68000 processor

An external clock signal causes the 68000 microprocessor to step through its fetch/execute cycle at a specified rate. The processor collects data from memory, and stores data in memory using pins d0-dl5 which are connected to a common electronic pathway called a bus (pins al-a23 are used to provide address information for the 68000 chip). The remainder of the pins are power and control signals - the R/W line for instance informs the memory chip whether the processor is doing a read or a write operation. For more details of the electronics involved you’ll need to consult a 68000 hardware reference book.

Addressing Modes & Instructions

The 68000 instruction set is powerful and a variety of addressing modes are available for many commands. There’s a lot of new jargon to be learnt but this chapter should put you straight as far as the basic ideas are concerned…​

Most processor instructions work on a piece of data I called the operand and this data has to be stored somewhere. Many instructions use some real or implied source address, do something, and then transfer the result to its destination address. It is the processor’s addressing modes which enable these source and destination addresses to be specified. With the 68000 there are eleven basic addressing schemes and for completeness here are the names…​ Inherent, Register, Immediate, Absolute, Address Register Indirect, Address Register Indirect with Displacement, Address Register Indirect with Postincrement, Address Register Indirect with Predecrement, Address Register Indirect with Index and Displacement, Program Counter Relative with Displacement, and Program Counter Relative with Index and Displacement. Now, I’m not going to explain all of these addressing modes in detail because you are unlikely to need more than a few of them during your early coding days. For the moment, then, here are just a few brief descriptions to set the scene.

Inherent addressing means that the instruction itself implies the location of the data it is going to work with. Register addressing implies that the operand resides in one of the 68000’s internal registers. Absolute addressing means that the address of the operand is stored just after the instruction in memory whereas Immediate addressing implies that the operand value itself (not its address) is located just after the instruction in memory.

Indirect addressing is a very powerful concept and on the 68000 a variant called register indirect addressing is used. In short an address register is used to specify the address of the operand. In addition to these straightforward addressing modes it is possible to specify displacements, to auto-increment or auto-decrement an address by 1,2, or 4 bytes and write something called program counter relative code. Later on, when I do need to provide more details about certain addressing modes, I’ll do it within the context of some example code because this makes the ideas easier to absorb.

68000 Instruction Classes

The 68000 instruction set, as we’ve mentioned, is reasonably large and because almost all sensible addressing modes can be used with any instruction the full number of variations available is actually quite substantial. As was the case with the 68000’s addressing modes it is not a useful exercise, either now or later, to list or discuss each instruction as the basic details alone would fill a complete book by themselves. Luckily all we need to start with is a general understanding of the types of things the 68000 can do. So, before we start looking at actual programs, the following sections provide suitably brief overviews of the type of instructions available.

Data Movement

The 68000 has a large number of instructions which allow the transfer of data to and from memory and/or the 68000 microprocessor’s internal registers. For example, the instruction

move.b d0,d4

transfers the lower eight bits of data from register d0 to register d4. This is an example of register addressing. On the other hand

move.l #0,d1

places a zero value in register dl. The hash # sign indicates an operand source addressing mode known as Immediate addressing - in terms of the final 68000 instruction this means that the operand (in this case a long word, ie 32 bit, zero value) is stored immediately after the move.l instruction code. Data can also be moved to memory locations so, to move the full 32 bit contents of register d0 to a memory location which has been given the symbolic name _DOSBase you would use this instruction

move.l d0,_DOSBase

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions

The 68000 supports a standard set of logic and arithmetic operations which allow it to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In addition to this it also supports all of the common logic operations (such as AND and OR etc.) As an example, the instruction

add.1 d0,d1

adds the full (32 bit) contents of data register d0 to those of data register d1.

Flow Control

Without flow control instructions a processor would only be able to execute program instructions sequentially. The ability to execute different parts of a program under different input/data conditions is fundamental to the nature of computing so the 68000, like all other processors, provides a number of useful mechanisms.

The 68000 provides a number of conditional branch type instructions for transferring control from one part of a program to another. One such instruction is called beq (Branch on EQual to zero) and this is a flow control branch which is only taken if the 68000’s zero flag is set. To use this instruction to branch conditionally to a symbolic address called EXIT one would write

beq EXIT

Unconditional branch/jump and subroutine oriented branch/jump instructions are also available on the 68000. The main differences between ordinary branches or jumps and the subroutine oriented variety are that the subroutine forms automatically store a return address on the stack. After a subroutine call has been executed, this return address can be retrieved and used to transfer control back to the main part of the program.

Insider Guide #8 - Branches and Jumps

The terms branch and jump tend to get used interchangeably and this is understandable because both types of instructions have similar end results - the program counter register gets loaded with a new value which causes the 68000 chip to get the next instruction from somewhere other than the next sequential instruction in memory. Branches and jumps, however, do work in slightly different ways because whereas jump instructions use real addresses branch instructions use displacements. Thus a jump instruction effectively tells the processor to go to location XYZ for its next instruction while a branch instruction supplies offset values from the current value of the program counter register.

It’s a bit like someone asking you where Mr Jones (a neighbour) lives. You may live at number 30 and Mr Jones 3 doors down at number 36. You could say Mr Jones lives at number 36- giving his absolute address - or you could say "Oh, he lives three doors away", pointing the caller either up or down the road as appropriate. In the latter case you’ve provided a relative address - a positive or negative displacement from a known anchor point.

Other Instructions

Instructions are provided which allow the 68000 to test, set, and clear individual bits and to rotate and shift operands. There are powerful address calculation instructions, automated loop instructions, and even instructions which allow data areas to be allocated within stack space as subroutine calls are made. A variety of instructions are also available for comparing particular operand values - these set the appropriate status register flags.

Insider Guide #9 - Subroutines

There are frequent cases in programming where the same sequence of instructions is needed in more than one place in a program. Instead of duplicating those instructions (which is wasteful of memory) microprocessors are provided with special instructions that allow a section of code to be re-used. These code sections are themselves mini-programs written to do well-defined jobs. Since they represent routines which may be called by other parts of a program, they are called subroutines.

The 68000 provides two basic methods for transferring control to a subroutine. The jump-to-subroutine instruction, whose mnemonic is jsr, causes an unconditional jump to a specified memory address. This instruction behaves just like the unconditional jump (jmp) instruction but, in addition to placing the specified jump address into the program counter, it also saves a return address on the stack. By placing a return-from-subroutine instruction (rts) at the end of a subroutine this address can be retrieved and placed into the program counter so the net result is that the processor having jumped to, and executed, a piece of suitably written subroutine code, returns to the instruction immediately following the original subroutine call.

A further instruction, called branch-to-subroutine (bsr), provides a relative addressing form of the subroutine call mechanism and in this case either an 8 or 16 bit displacement can be provided.


Assemblers, with the help of a linker, can translate your source code files into programs which can be run on the Amiga. Such assemblers have certain rules and conventions …​

An assembly language program consists of a number of statements. Some statements correspond directly to 68000 instructions, others are assembler-oriented directives known as pseudo-operations or pseudo-ops.

Program lines may contain as many as four fields - a label, a mnemonic, an operand or address field, and a comment. The mnemonic represents an instruction op-code while the operand, if present, is the data that the instruction acts on.

Here are some typical assembly code lines to illustrate the format. Don’t worry about what the instructions are doing, it’s the general layout of the program lines that is important not the details.

  ; an example assembly language code fragment

  OpenLib move.l	  library_name,a1	  get library name

          move.l	  _IntuitionBase,a6	get library base value


  Labels	Mnemonics Operands		      Comments field

Not like BASIC is it? But don’t worry too much because I’ll let you into a secret - each line of assembly language is actually far simpler than a typical line of BASIC because it only involves the one operation. Assembly language instructions perform far simpler tasks than high-level languages commands and this will become apparent as we look at the various fields present in the above example code.


Comments are optional, ie they do not need to be present. They are added for the same reasons that REM statements are added to BASIC programs - to provide in-line documentation, lines to separate routines etc.

Assemblers vary in how they delimit comments but usually those lines which begin with an asterisk are treated as a whole line comment, any characters after a semicolon are similarly ignored, and any text after the operands field is usually also be treated as a comment providing it is separated by one or more spaces.


Labels do not have to be used but if they are, they normally have to be placed at the start of the line - some assemblers are quite fussy about field placement.

Many 68000 assemblers adopt a convention which allows white space to signify the end of the label - as in the above example - but also allow the label to start at a position other than the first character of the line providing it is terminated with a colon (:).

Each byte of each instruction or data item in an assembler program has, by virtue of its position in the program, an address by which it can be identified. Internally the assembler keeps track of this numerical position information by using a location counter. Referring to places within a program using such numbers is awkward as it means the programmer has to remember the lengths of each instruction so labels can make life a lot easier. It also leads to far more readable code - in the above fragment the programmer can use ‘OpenLib’ rather than having to work with some relatively meaningless numeric value.

Labels can also appear in the operand fields and this, as the exit label in the following fragment illustrates, is commonly used to specify a location to jump or branch to.

        move.l    _IntuitionBase,a6	  get library base value
        beq	      exit	              test result for success
        CALLSYS   CloseLibrary,_AbsExecBase
  exit  rts	                          logical end of program

Programmers use labels to identify space set aside for variables and static program data, the starts of both the program and particular routines, entry and exit points, jump/branch positions etc. Given the purpose of labels in an assembly language program it should be obvious that it is best to use labels that are meaningful as OpenLib, exit, and library_name in the above example should show. Labels like HOWZAT or ICUR2Y4ME are less than useful.

Label conventions

The conventions which assemblers expect vary and sometimes vary considerably. Many assemblers, for instance, place restrictions on the lengths of labels and on the characters which may be used within them. For example, the leading character often has to be a letter and usually only a few non-alphanumeric characters are allowed. Some assemblers allow long labels, others may not or may truncate them without warning.

An assembler, since it has to equate each label to a specific address, cannot allow the same label to be defined twice within a program. With older assemblers it was the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that duplicate label names were avoided. If, for instance, you had three routines similar to our last example fragment within the same program it was necessary to use, say, exitl, exit2, exit3 to avoid causing duplicate label errors. Modern day assemblers now provide something known as local label support. Here the assembler builds up the internally unique identifier by adding the local name to some previously supplied base name. Devpac, for instance, adopts a convention whereby a label beginning with a period (or optionally an underline) is attached to the last non-local label.

Assembler Directives

Assembler Directives are the pseudo-ops mentioned earlier and are used to define symbols, designate areas of memory for data storage, place fixed values in memory and so on. Directives also exist for more mundane operations such as controlling the listing and error reporting facilities of the assembler. Once again, conventions are going to vary from assembler to assembler but the detailed specifics are fully documented in your assembler manuals. Having said that, a few pseudo-ops do need to be dealt with because they are used extensively within this book.

The EQU Equate Directive

This allows the programmer to define a label with a specific numerical value. For instance:

    NULL	EQU	0
    TRUE	EQU	1
    SPACE	EQU	32

Most assemblers even allow you to define one label in terms of another, or in terms of a numeric expression:

    BASE	EQU	10

None of these EQU type definitions cause the assembler to create any code. All that happens is that the definition supplied gets noted internally and from that point on the programmer is free to use the label wherever they would otherwise have needed to use the appropriate numerical value. Other advantages, in terms of program maintenance, also exist because if you alter a label at the front of a program that new definition is then automatically updated wherever the label has been used.

Storage Allocation Directives

All assemblers recognise a set of directives which allow you to reserve specified amounts of memory and initialise locations, or sets of locations, to particular values. It is usually possible to specify bytes, words or long word allocations by appending the appropriate .b, ,.w, or .1 suffix to a directive. A ds (define storage) directive, when written as ds.l, allocates space for a number of four-byte (long word) values. To reserve four bytes of uninitialised space for a variable called _IntuitionBase we could use:

  _IntuitionBase  ds.l 1

Directives are also available for placing constant values in memory. The following statement uses dc.b, the byte form of a define constants directive, to store the numerical equivalents of the characters "intuition.library” plus a terminal NULL (zero) character in a set of memory locations whose start address has been labelled as "intuition_name”.

  intuition_name  dc.b ‘intuition.library’,NULL

Insider Guide #10 — ASCII CODES

All microprocessor data is represented by numbers and so, to develop text-oriented programs, it has been necessary to devise codes whereby each character is represented by a number. Several schemes have been developed but the one used more than any other is called the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). ASCII text files are so called because they use the ASCII code values to represent text characters.

Operands and Addresses

Most assemblers assume that all numbers are decimal numbers unless otherwise stated but can accept binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbers if suitably identified. The $ sign, for instance, is frequently used to specify hexadecimal numbers. Modern assemblers offer great flexibility in terms of the complexity of the numeric expressions they accept and many provide multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, logical operations, use of parentheses etc. Assemblers which support the generation of floating point co-processor code also provide for the use of floating point constants. ASCII character constants, as illustrated in the previous section’s dc.b directive example, are also allowed with quotes or double quotes being used to delimit the start and the end of the set of characters.

Macro Assembly

You frequently find that particular sequences of instructions crop up again and again. Macro 68000 assemblers, such as Charlie Gibb’s A68k and HiSoft’s Devpac, allow you to assign names to such instructions sequences so that when the name is encountered the assembler automatically expands it to produce the original set of instructions. Nowadays this facility is not restricted to predefined, absolutely fixed, instruction sequences - macros can be used which contain parameter placeholder markers. When the macro is used the parameters provided for that particular use instance are inserted into the code that is generated. Macros allow assembly language programming to be done at a significantly higher level than was previously possible and they are in fact an essential part of Amiga assembly language programming. A great many pre-defined macros have been made available to the programmer in the Amiga system header files and you’ll find a number of examples of how such macros are used later in the book.

Don’t, incidentally, make the mistake of thinking that macros are the same as subroutines because they aren’t. The big difference is that each time a macro is used the corresponding code is inserted at that point in the source file. A subroutine, on the other hand, only physically exists in the one place within the source file but the code itself may be called many times.

Conditional Assembly

Most assemblers provide directives which allow specified parts of a program to be assembled, or not assembled, depending on specified conditions. For instance the single standard start-up code source file provided by Commodore includes changeable constant declarations which allow the automatic generation of a number of different start-up module versions. Programmers often include debugging code in their programs but conditionally remove the relevant sections of code in the released versions of their programs.

If You’re Having Trouble

I’ve tried to protect you from as many of the technical nasties as possible but in case you are finding things hard going let me stress that you do not need to either remember, nor understand, everything that has been dealt with. Indeed some of the topics will only really begin to make sense once you have some practical experience under your belt. So, just carry on with the subsequent chapters and refer back to these early chapters, to consolidate or add to the things you’ve already picked up, as and when necessary.

Insider Guide #11 — Program Layout

Assemblers only really need single spaces to be able to distinguish between the various fields present in an assembly language program line and so it is quite permissible to type in code lines in this format:

  OpenLib move.l library_name,a1 get library name

Most programmers do however use either tabs or extra spaces in order to make the listings look tidy and you should do the same. If the listings look neat they’ll be easier to examine, and you’ll make fewer mistakes. This is how program lines are displayed in this book:

OpenLib	  move.l library_name,a1    get	library	name
          move.l _IntuitionBase,a6	get	library	base value

          tab to here	              tab to here

By default the assembler expects the label to occur at the start of the line and if the above lines were laid out in the following fashion:

<space>OpenLib  move.l library_name,a1  get library name
<space>move.l   _IntuitionBase,a6	      get library base value

the assembler would think that OpenLib was meant to represent a 68000 instruction and report an error. Similarly if a program line which does not use a label is written so that the instruction itself starts at the beginning of a line like this:

OpenLib	move.l library_name,a1	get	library	name
move.l  _IntuitionBase,a6	      get	library	base	value

the assembler thinks that move.l represents a label and again generates an error message. Shifting the second line of the above example to the right either by one or more spaces or by a tab so that the move.l instruction no longer starts at the beginning of the line eliminates the error.

Safety In Numbers

We’ve used decimal numbers since childhood, but Assembler programmers also need to know about binary and hexadecimal systems. If you’ve not encountered them before, this chapter will help with some of the basics…​

Go back to your school days and you’ll probably remember maths lessons involving things like squares and cubes of numbers and doing sums that were written like:

  2^2 =	2 x 2   =   4 two squared equals four


  2^3 =	2 x 2 x 2 = 8 two cubed equals eightp

You probably also remember that another way of talking about the results of the above two sums was to say they represent the number 2 raised to the powers of 2 and 3 respectively. In each case the number representing the “power” part of the sum is called an index and you may further recall that numbers with lots of zeros in them could also be written in index form using a 1 (unity) multiplied by the number ten raised to some appropriate power. For example, one million (1000000) can be written as:

1,000,000 =	1 x 10^6

Now let’s apply these ideas to an ordinary decimal number and fill in some extra info about this decimal system that we all know and love.

In the decimal number system 10 different symbols - the digits 0-9 inclusive - are used to represent numbers. Each digit in a number is ten times more significant than the digit to its right, and ten times less significant than the digit to its left. The ten times relationship that exists between the digits of all decimal numbers is a fundamental part of the decimal numbering system. If, for example, we consider the number 375 and write a full description of what each digit means we can see that it is just a convenient way of expressing this sum:

  (3 x 100) + (7 x 10) + 5

Going one better than this and, bearing in mind that any number raised to the power zero is unity, you can express each effective digit term as a product of one digit and a power of 10 like this:

  3 x 10^2 + 7 x 10^1 + 5 x 10^0

For decimal numbers, 10 is known as the radix, or base, of the numbering system but many other bases are possible. Computers use binary - base 2 - numbers which consist of strings of 0s and 1s. Again, if you think of a binary number in terms of its explicit radix = 2 representation it’s easy to see the relationship between the binary and decimal number systems:

  1011 binary = 1x2^3 + 0x2^2 + 1x2^1 + 1x2^0
              = 8     + 0     + 2     + 1     = 11 decimal

By writing out what the binary number means in full it becomes quite easy to see that 1011 binary is the decimal number eleven.

Practising Safe Hex

Computers use binary numbers internally because the two digits 0 and 1 relate directly to the possible states of bits within the memory hardware of most computer systems - ON or OFF. Binary numbers are then intimately involved with a great many computing applications but, since they are not that easy for us humans to work with - those long strings of 0s and Is are easily mis-interpreted - a related radix scheme called hexadecimal is often used as an alternative. Hexadecimal numbers use a radix of 16 and the sixteen symbols used are the digits 0-9 plus the letters A-F. Each column in a base 16 number therefore represents some power of the base. For example the decimal number 16 itself is written as 10 hex, because:

  10 hex =  1x16^1	+ 0x16^0
            16	    + 0      =  16 decimal

Similarly IF hex would be:

  1F hex =  1x16^1	+ 15x16^0
            16	+     15    =   31 decimal

The fact that the bases of the binary and hexadecimal numbering systems are power related (2 to the power of 4 equals 16) allows one hexadecimal digit to represent four binary digits. Best of all, the binary-to-hex conversion process is very easy to understand once you’ve learnt the following table:

    binary	 hex
    0000      0
    0001      1
    0010      2
    0011      3
    0100      4
    0101      5
    0110      6
    0111      7
    1000      8
    1001      9
    1010      A
    1011      B
    1100      C
    1101      D
    1110      E
    1111      F

To convert a hexadecimal number into binary form you just replace each hexadecimal digit with its group of four binary digits. To convert a binary number to its hex form you peel off (from right to left) groups of four bits and replace them with the corresponding hex digit! So, to convert CF hex to the binary equivalent you’d replace each of the two hexadecimal symbols with the binary equivalents:

  CF hex =  C	    F
            1100	1111	=	11001111 binary

To go the other way you take groups of four bits from the binary number and replace then with the corresponding hex digits.

The binary number 1111000010101010, for example, could be translated to hexadecimal form as follows:

1111000010101010 = 1111 0000 1010 1010
                    F     0   A   A     = F0AA hex

Using (and converting between) binary, hex and decimal number systems is not that difficult but it does take practice. Familiarity with hex and binary number forms is also essential for understanding how the bitwise logical operations provided by both microprocessor instructions and high-level languages work. For instance, logical AND and OR instructions for instance, which I’ll assume you know about from languages such as BASIC, perform operations based on these two truth tables:

0	0	0
0	0	Logical AND Operation
0	1	0
1	1	1
0	0	0
'	0	1	Logical OR Operation
0	11
1	1	1

Being able to picture in your mind what these tables mean is a big advantage. If you AND two operands together then only those bit positions where both operands have a bit set to 1 will produce a 1 in the result. With the OR operation you’ll get a 1 in the result when either (or both) of the bits in that position in the corresponding operands are set to 1.

The bit pattern for FO hex for, instance, is 11110000 so ANDing any value with FO hex forces the lower four bits of the result to zero. The value FO hex is called a mask because it masks out certain bit positions. The OR operation is equally useful because it can force bit positions to take particular values.

Insider Guide #12 - Truth Tables

You don’t need to panic because a truth table is just the possible input and output values of some, usually simple, logical operation, laid out in an easy-to-use table form. Let’s take an example - the logical AND operation as applied to the bits of binary numbers. As you know, each digit of a binary number, since it is a base 2 number system, can only take one of two values: 0 or 1. ANDing is a function that effectively says: "Take any combination of these possible input values (which we’ll label as X and Y) and if both are true (1) then my output value is true (1), otherwise my output value is false (0)." How many different possibilities present themselves for applying this AND operation and what results do you get with each case? If you experiment you will find that there are just these four possible combinations: These values represent the AND INPUTS OUTPUT operation’s truth table. X Y X and Y By convention, however, truth tables are usually provided in a 0 0 0 rather different form known as a 0 1 0 matrix representation. In this case the inputs are shown as row and 1 0 0 column headings with the results 1 1 1 forming the entries in the main body of the table like this: Input Y Input X ! 0 (f j 0 1 ! 0 1 ◄--------- Results of Logical ANDing 1

Making a Start

One of the easiest ways to comes to terms with 68000 assembly language programming is to look at some programs and so this is exactly what we shall he doing in this chapter. The good news, as far as this chapter is concerned, is that it brings us to the point where we can actually start looking at some assembly language programs. Before we do this however I’d better give you a few words of warning, just in case you are expecting to dive straight into the world of Amiga graphics and multitasking.

The plain truth of the matter is that to explain the purposes of a lot of the 68000 instructions we are going to need to start with very simple examples containing only a few instructions. Unfortunately such simple programs, by definition, tend not to do very much. In fact the programs that we’ll be dealing with in this chapter don’t even have any visible output when they are run. On the face of it, the prospect of spending time examining programs that add two numbers together, or copy a few bytes from one set of memory locations to another is hardly likely to instill a burning desire to learn about the 68000. Nevertheless this chapter useful because it illustrates a number of important 68000 instructions. Granted they may not seem important within the context of the programs in this chapter but be patient - these examples have been chosen so as to illustrate the operations that you’ll be expected to know about once we get into proper Amiga 68000 programming.

Since the examples provided have no output there is, to be honest, little point in assembling and running the programs. Because of this I’ve left discussions of the practical issues of assembly until Chapter Nine where we do create a program that does something. The best idea for the moment is to work through the material provided, and just think about the examples in relation to the things you’ve picked up so far. You may also find it useful to refer to Appendix A because this lists a selection of commonly used instructions, along with additional details of the 68000 processor’s addressing modes etc.

Despite the simplicity of the examples it is however quite possible to run the programs in this chapter from a Shell window. Users who have access to an Amiga 68000 monitor/debugger program such as Devpac’s MonAm and, more to the point, are familiar with using it, might find it useful to enter and run the odd example in single-step mode. The program may have no visible output, but it is still possible to see how the various instructions affect the state of the processor’s registers and flags.

I wouldn’t recommend anyone to start struggling with a debugger program just for the sake of it. Debuggers are invariably most unfriendly beasts, and you really need some coding experience under your belt before you try using one. With that warning is out of the way, let’s look at some 68k code:

Data Transfer

Data movement on the 68000 can be achieved with move instructions. A number of variants exist but the basic format is:

  move.<size> source destination

Size values can be b (byte), w (word) or 1 (long word) but if the object size is not specified then a word size (16 bit) is assumed by default.

You may remember from Chapter Five that I said that labels can be used to identify memory locations and that this saves having to deal with meaningless numeric addresses. Suppose then that we have asked the assembler to set aside one byte of RAM and label it as location X. To move the contents of this location to the lowest 8 bits of register d0 we write:

  move.b X,d0 copy byte X to lowest 8 bits of d0

Similarly, to move the lowest 8 bits of register d0 to a location which has been labelled Y we could write:

  move.b d0,Y copy lowest 8 bits of d0 to Y

One way of initialising and/or allocating the above X and Y variables would be to use the byte forms of the assembler’s “define constant” and “define storage” pseudo-ops, dc.b and ds.b like this:

X dc.b	10 allocate one byte and initialise it to 10

Y ds.b	1	allocate one byte but do not initialise it

If we put these fragments together we can build a program which copies the pre-inititialised 1 byte value held in location X to location Y. Notice the overall layout of the program - it starts with some instructions which are followed by assembler pseudo-ops telling the assembler that some storage space for variables is needed:

  * Example CH7-1.S

  START   move.b  X,d0	copy byte X to lowest 8 bits of d0
          move.b  d0,Y	copy lowest 8 bits of d0 to Y
          rts           end of program

  X       dc.b 10       allocate one byte and initialise it to 10
  Y       ds.b 1        allocate one byte but do not initialise it

The program starts with X holding the value 10 and Y being undefined. After it has been run byte X still contains the value 10 but byte Y also contains 10.

There was no particular reason why register d0 was chosen - any of the 68000’s data registers (d0-d7) could have been used instead.

There is in fact a much easier way to achieve the above copy operation because the 68000 allows you to transfer data directly from one memory location to another like this:

  move.b X,Y	copy byte X to byte Y

This means that it’s possible to eliminate the use of d0 as a temporary storage register in the above program and write this simpler version:

  *	Example CH7-2.S

  START move.b  X,Y copy byte X to byte Y
  X	    dc.b 10	allocate one byte and initialise to 10
  Y	    ds.b 1	allocate one byte but don’t initialise

When move is used to copy a piece of data the instruction, providing the destination is not an address register, generally affects the flags in the user-byte 68000 status register. These flags are variously called the user-byte flags, condition codes, or the status byte flags. In this book I’ve used the term status byte flags. With move instructions the Zero (Z) and Negative (N) flags are set to an appropriate state whilst the Overflow (V) and Carry © flags are cleared.

Insider Guide #13 — Additional Info

Nowadays most assemblers initialise ds.x statements to zeros but, for consistent documentation, it is best to assume that such initialisation is not done. If you really want to initialise byte Y to zero choose the dc.b 0 pseudo-op. The rts (return from subroutine) instruction at the end of the code is used in these examples to return control back to the Amiga’s operating system. Don’t worry at the moment about understanding what is does, as we’ll deal with those issues later. Strictly speaking even these simple programs should terminate with register d0 set to zero (achieved by using a moved #0, d0 or a clr.l d0 instruction just before the rts). But, for simplicity’s sake, this Amiga-orientated operation has not been included in these, otherwise general, discussions.

Now that you’ve seen how to move 8 bit values you’ll be pleased to know that you can move word (16 bit) and long word (32 bit) values just as easily. The following version performs a word (two byte) copy.

  *	Example CH7-3.S

  START move.w  X,Y copy word X to word Y

  X	    dc.w 10	allocate word and initialise to 10
  Y	    ds.w 1	allocate word but don’t initialise

Since instructions assume a word size by default it is not necessary to include the '.w' size indicator on the move instruction. Example CH7-3.s could therefore just as easily have been written as:

  *	Example CH7-4.S

  START move  X,Y copy word X to word Y

  X	    dc.w 10	allocate word and initialise to 10
  Y	    ds.w 1	allocate word but don’t initialise

Insider Guide #14 - Word Storage

Since two bytes are needed to store a word value, and since each byte has an individual address, you might be wondering what address the assembler assigns to the word variables. On the 68000 Amiga system words are stored in memory as shown below.

TOP OF MEMORY t $nnnnnnnn+1 X = Snnnnnnnn low byte high byte this must be an 1 LOW MEMORY EVEN address Above: 68000 storage of words in memory

Insider Guide #15 - Long Word Storage

Four bytes are needed to store a long word value and, on the 68000, these items are again stored in a particular order. Just as a word can be expressed in terms of an upper and lower byte so we can consider a long word as containing an upper and lower word: 32 bits = 16 bits 16 bits <long word value> = <upper word> <lower word> The 68000 stores the word components of long words in the same way as it stores the byte components of ordinary (16 bit) words, ie it stores the bytes of the most significant word first. The net result is that long words are stored in memory as shown below. TOP OF MEMORY t $nnnnnnnn+3 $nnnnnnnn+2 $nnnnnnnn+1 X = Snnnnnnnn I LOW MEMORY Above: 68000 storage of long words in memory low byte high byte low byte high byte lower word upper word *----must be an EVEN address BEFORE YOU LOOK at the following solution, try to change program Example CH7-4.S to produce a long word version. Here’s the result you should obtain: * Example CH7-5.S START move.l X,Y copy long word X to long word Y rts X dc.l 10 allocate one long word and initialise Y ds.l 1 allocate uninitialised long word

In transferring data from one set of locations to another, Example CH7-5.S used absolute addressing - remember the X and Y labels used in the moved X, Y instruction represent numerical addresses. Another way of writing the programs that we’ve just been looking at is to reserve uninitialised memory space for both the X and Y variables and then explicitly initialise the X variable when the program is run. The following example uses an additional immediate addressing move instruction to load variable X with the value decimal 10. By convention immediate addressing on the 68000 is signified by placing a hash (#) sign in front of the operand: * Example CH7-6.S START move.l move.l rts X ds.l 1 Y ds.l 1 #10, X initialise long word X to 10 X,Y copy long word X to long word Y allocate uninitialised long word allocate uninitialised long word

You can see from the instruction code summaries provided in Appendix A that the move instruction is unable to transfer data to an address register. In actual fact a specialised form of the move instruction - called movea (move address) - is available for this purpose and there are a number of differences between move and movea.

Firstly, like most direct address register instructions, movea can only operate on word or long word values. Secondly, movea does not affect any of the processor’s flags - for address-orientated operations, this is a convenience not a limitation. Lastly, movea sign-extends any word values it is working with. This means that the uppermost bit (bit 15 of the word) is propagated throughout the upper 16 bits of the address register. Sign extension was introduced on the 680x0 series to allow a form of absolute addressing based on word addressing to be used (as opposed to a full long word address) and you can find additional details in Appendix A.

Although it is not a good idea to use address registers for such purposes we can write a word (16 bit) version of our original Example CH7-1 .s data copying program like this: * Example CH7-7.S START movea.w X,a0 copy X to lowest 16 bits of aO move.w rts a0,Y copy lowest 16 bits of aO to Y X dc.w 10 allocate one word and initialise Y ds.w 1 allocate one word

Data Transfer Using Address Registers

As it happens most 68000 assemblers do allow you to use the move mnemonic when specifying an address register. Program Example CH7-7.S actually can be re-written as: * Example CH7-8.S START move.w X,a0 copy X to lowest 16 bits of aO move.w rts a0,Y copy lowest 16 bits of aO to Y X dc.w 10 allocate one word and initialise Y ds.w 1 allocate one word In this last example the assembler automatically inserts a movea instruction for loading register aO and this means that, unlike data register loading operations, the address register loading operation does not affect the processor’s status flags. More subtle differences can also occur as this example shows: t Example CH7-9.S START move.w X,a0 copy X to lowest 16 bits of aO move.w rts aO, Y copy lowest 16 bits of aO to Y X dc.w SFFFF allocate one word set to FFFF hex Y ds.w 1 allocate uninitialised word Here we are using a word data value which includes a 1 in the uppermost position (FFFF hex = 1111 1111 1111 1111). Because the first instruction is really a movea, and because the sign bit (bit 15) of the word $FFFF is set high then the value that movea transfers to register aO is FFFFFFFF hex, and not FFFF hex. Since the program only copies the lower 16 bits of the register back to location Y this doesn’t affect the result in this case. But the instruction has, of course, affected the upper 16 bits of the aO register in a way that the related data register version of the program would not do. Most 68000 coders soon get used to the flag and sign extension implications of address register usage, use the move mnemonic for both data and address orientated instructions, and let their assemblers decide on the correct object code instruction.

Complementing a Value

Complementing a number means turning all the Is present in the number, to Os and turning all the Os to Is. If, for example register d0 contained the value: do = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 binary = 00000000 hex then the complemented value is: d0 = 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 binary = FFFFF F F F hex Try and confirm for yourself that, if d0 = 1F01 hex, then after a long word (32 bit) complement operation d0 contains EOFE hex. Write out each hex digit in the binary form as above, invert all the bits, and then translate the answer back to hexadecimal form. The 68000 instruction which performs this operation is called NOT and, like many other instructions, it exists in byte, word and long word forms. Here’s a short program which uses immediate addressing to load d0 with the byte value OF hex, inverts it, and then stores the result in a location whose symbolic name (ie its label) is RESULT * Example CH7-10.S START move.b #$F,d0 initialise low 8 bits of d0 not.b d0 invert lower 8 bits move.b rts d0,RESULT copy inverted d0 to RESULT RESULT ds.b 1 allocate one byte As was the case with the earlier examples the 68000 allows us to eliminate the use of a temporary storage register by using the not.b instruction directly on a memory location:

  • Example CH7-11.s START move.b #$F,RESULT store value directly in RESULT not.b RESULT invert value rts RESULT ds.b 1 allocate one byte


In the above example the not.b instruction is using absolute addressing. In the previous example the register addressing form was used. The 68000’s basic addition instruction uses the syntax: add<.size> source, destination where the result of the "source plus destination” addition gets placed in the destination register. This feature is common to a great many 68000 instructions that work with two operands. So far the instructions we have looked at have allowed source and destination operands to be either in registers or memory. Not all 68000 instructions are that flexible and in fact the ‘add’ instruction only allows one of its operands to be in memory. You may add the contents of a register to a memory location, or do the reverse - add the contents of a memory location to a register. What you cannot do, however, is add the contents of one memory location directly to the contents of another. This limitation means that for this instruction we need to use a temporary register much as we did with our early data copying examples. The following example loads register d0 with a number contained in NUMBER 1 and then adds it to the contents of the memory locations represented by the label NUMBER2. After the program has been run the variable NUMBER2 contains the value 7. * Example CH7-12.S START move .1 NUMBER1,d0 load 1st number into d0 add. 1 d0,NUMBER2 add contents of d0 to NUMBER2 rts NUMBER1 dc.1 3 set initial value to 3 NUMBER2 dc.1 4 set initial value to 4 Addition Until now I’ve mentioned the byte, word and long word forms of variables but have not said anything about when the various forms should be used. As far as data items are concerned the unwritten rule for the assembler programmer is the same as for the programmer working in any other language, namely to conserve as much memory as possible and not to waste it by allocating unnecessary space. Have a look at the internal contents of the two four byte numbers used in the previous example: byte 3 byte 2 byte 1 byte 0 NUMBER1 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000011 decimal NUMBER2 (before) 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 decimal NUMBER2 (after) 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000111 decimal Both NUMBERS and the final result fit comfortably into an eight bit byte so, in all honesty, we did not need to use long word size variables, bytes would have done. Here then is an improved version: * Example CH7-13.S START move.b NUMBER1,d0 load 1st number into d0 add.b d0,NUMBER2 add contents of d0 to NUMBER2 rts NUMBER! dc.b 3 set initial value to 3 NUMBER2 dc.b 4 set initial value to 4 Only two bytes of variable storage space are needed instead of the eight used previously and the byte-orientated forms of the instructions execute more quickly as well. Programmers would therefore say that this new version of the program was "more memory efficient", or just "more efficient” than the previous one.

Putting some Pieces Together

Now let’s try something a little more complicated. We’ll set up some space for a long word variable called NUMBER 1, initialise it using immediate addressing to some arbitrary value (I’ve used 1FFFFF hex), increment it by 1, complement the result, and then store it in a variable called RESULT. Here’s one program that does the job: Putting Some Pieces Together * Example CH7-14.S START move.l #$1FFFFF,NUMBER1 initialise number move.l #1 ,d0 load d0 with value 1 add.l NUMBER1,d0 increment d0 copy of NUMBER1 not.l d0 complement result move.l d0,RESULT rts NUMBER1 ds.l 1 space for number RESULT ds.l 1 space for result Depending on what was actually required there are many ways that a program similar to the above could have been written. It might, for instance, have been appropriate to place the original value directly in the locations assigned for the result, and do the addition and complement operations on the result locations like this: * Example CH7-15. ,s START move.l #$1FFFFF,RESULT initialise number addi.l #1,RESULT increment value not.l RESULT complement result rts RESULT ds.l 1 space for result In the above example a special form of the add instruction, addi, is being used. This allows an immediately addressed source operand (in this case 1) to be added directly to the destination operand. If you take a sneak preview of the add addressing mode details in Appendix A you’ll find that the normal add instruction couldn’t have been used in Example CH7-15.S because, to use immediate addressing, the destination needs to be a data register. However, as is the case with a number of instructions, most 68000 assemblers do let you write statements such as: add.l #1,RESULT increment value and then automatically translate the instruction to addi.l #1,RESULT increment value so program Example CH7-15.S can be re-written as: * Example CH7-16.S START move. 1 #$1FFFFF,RESULT initialise number add.l #1,RESULT increment value not. 1 rts RESULT complement result RESULT ds.l 1 space for result

Quick Instruction

For immediate operands within limited ranges the 68000 offers a number of quick instructions. Instead of using real immediate addressing - where the operand is placed immediately after the op-code in memory - these instructions have a data value buried in the instruction op-code itself. The moveq instruction, for example, uses a data register as the destination and allows 16 bit operands to be specified. It does, however, sign extend the data to long word size. To load register d2 with the value 23 for instance we can write: moveq #23,62 load d2 with value 23 Add and subtract quick instructions also exist although these only allow immediate data in the range 1-8 to be specified. To increment by 4 the contents of a memory location whose address has the symbolic name RESULT we might, using absolute addressing, write: addq #4,RESULT If we choose to load the address of RESULT into register al we can use the 68000’s indirect addressing scheme instead to specify the destination address: move.l #RESULT,a1 load a1 with address of RESULT addq #4,(a1) add 4 to contents of the byte "pointed to" by register a1 where the destination operands (An) notation is the 68000 assembly language form for specifying an indirect address. Another method of loading register al with the address of the RESULT variable is to use the more specialised Load Effective Address (lea) instruction. If this is done with the above fragment the code ends up looking like this: Quick Instructions lea RESULT,a1 load a1 with address of RESULT addq #4,(a1) add 4 to contents of the byte "pointed to" by register a1 The earlier loading of the address of the RESULT operand into al using an immediate addressing move instruction served us well enough but, in general, the lea instruction is a far more flexible alternative and much more use is made of it later on in the book.

Amiga Libraries

In this chapter you will, believe it or not, be writing your first assembly language Intuition program. In order to do this it is essential to learn a little about the Amiga bbraries first.

This chapter contains another subject that can be diffi-i cult on first encounter but though previously I’ve sug-jgested you skip any issues that seem awkward and return to them later - with this chapter you must persevere. Read it, think about it, sleep on it, read it again, but whatever you do…​ don’t give up! The material in this chapter is, at least as far as the Amiga assembly language newcomer is concerned, absolutely vital. A library, in the conventional programming sense, is just a collection of pre-written routines. The idea is that by supplying a set of ready-made routines for all commonly needed tasks the programmer is saved time and effort because he or she doesn’t need to re-invent those routines. Amiga Libraries It sounds straightforward but, for the Amiga programmer, libraries can be the source of much confusion simply because the term is used in a number of different contexts. Your assembler, for instance, may have its own libraries of standard functions which are used at the linking stage of program assembly. These 1 inker libraries are just disk files of useful functions arranged in a special, easily linker-accessible, format. When a reference to one of these functions is used within a program it causes the construction of an equivalent unresolved reference in the intermediate object code file. At link time the linker must, with some guidance from the programmer, find the library file that contains the function and physically copy it into the program being created. One example of a linker library which you may have already heard of, is the amiga.lib library.

Run-Time Libraries

The Amiga also uses another type of library based on a dynamic Exec library system. Exec incidentally is the part of the Amiga operating system that handles a lot of the housekeeping jobs such as multi-tasking. We won’t be looking inside Exec at all in this book - it is an extremely complicated piece of software - but we will be using its library facilities. Exec style libraries do have one thing in common with linker libraries in that they exist quite separately from the applications programs which use them. That is where the similarities end because whereas linker library code gets added onto the assembled program at the linking stage, ie before the program is turned into runable form, these Exec-style run-time libraries exist separately and never form part of the real program code at all. The libraries are written in a way which allows any number of different programs to use them simultaneously (or at least appear to do so within Exec’s multi-tasking framework) and this obviously makes them much more flexible and efficient. It is the use of these "run-time libraries" that forms the subject matter for this chapter. At the risk of causing temporary confusion I now have to tell you that Exec itself is also effectively organised as a run-time library. Naturally it offers a set of library functions which programmers can use. In fact some of these Exec routines are actually used to open and close other run-time libraries. Rim-Time Libraries

Opening a Library

Programs tell Exec that a library is needed by attempting to open that library using an OpenLibraryO function. When such a call is made Exec does several things. It search- Opening a Library es its lists of libraries which are already open and available. If the library is found then Exec simply returns the address of the library and makes an internal note that another program is now using it.

Insider Guide #16 - Where have all the functions gone?

On less sophisticated computers, especially early eight bit machines, the location of various system functions was fixed because the routines were pre-programmed into a ROM chip and their addresses were therefore static. On the Amiga things have changed and to all intents and purposes you won’t know, until the time you come to use a library, whereabouts its functions are. Some libraries are currently positioned in read only memory (ROM), others may be available in RAM because they’ve been loaded during system start-up, but many actually remain on disk until the first applications program indicates that it needs a particular library. If the library is not already open, Exec passes on the request to AmigaDOS asking it to look for, and then load, the specified library. AmigaDOS looks in the LIBS: logical device - if you boot from the Workbench disk, for instance, then this logical device will have been assigned to SYS:LIBS, ie the LIBS directory of the WorkBench disk. If AmigaDOS finds that library it loads it and tells Exec where it has been placed. Exec then records the fact that the library is now available by adding it to its list of available libraries. Exec never attempts to remove these library modules whilst they are in use. Should the last user of a particular active library indicate that they no longer need access to the routines - which they do by executing a CloseLibraryO function - Exec’s library manager may then remove the memory copy of library and release the associated memory so that it is free for other use.

Insider Guide #17 - Failed Open Library Calls

Why does a library fail to open? The system might not have been able to find it on disk, the specified version might not be available, the programmer might simply have spelt its name wrong within the program, or the system might even be running out of memory and have insufficient space to load a new library. The important point is that you must not make any library function calls unless you have got a valid base pointer or you will doubtless get a visit from the Amiga guru!

Insider Guide #18 - An Important Exec Function

Function Name: OpenLibrary() Description: Open a run-time library Call Format: baseaddress = OpenLibrary(library_name, version); Registers: Arguments: Return Value: Notes: DO A1 DO library_name - the address of a null terminated string version - a library version number baseaddress - the address of the base of the library. If the library could not be opened a NULL value is returned. User must not attempt to use any library functions if this function did not succeed. I N I (I EXEC L I BRflU V tFUNC T N Exec OpenLibraryO function, and then use the library routines in much the same way that the OpenLibraryO function was itself used.

Insider Guide #19 — Another Exec Masterpiece

Function Name CloseLibrary() Description: Close a previously successfully opened library Call Format: CloseLibrary(baseaddress); Registers: A1 Arguments: baseaddress - the library base address Return Value: None Notes: User must not make library calls to a library after it has been closed.

As all this happens a lot of complex operations get carried out but the good news is that you don’t need to worry about this at all. As far as an applications program is concerned, most of these operations are transparent and this is so even at the assembly language programming level. All a program has to do to use a given library is open it using the The only thing which the applications program must do is ensure that the OpenLibraryO call was successful and it does this by checking that the address returned is non-NULL - ie not zero. If the address returned has a zero value then the system has failed to open the library. If an applications program follows this protocol it never needs to concern itself with where the routines are in memory, nor with the fact that other programs may also be using the same routines. This makes for an extremely powerful and flexible library system and there’s no doubt that much of the Amiga’s power has stemmed directly from its run-time library arrangements.

A Sneaky Exec Trick

I’ve already mentioned that the first stage in using a library is to open it by using the Exec OpenLibraryO function. You may now be wondering how it is possible to open the Exec library in the first place. The simple answer is that you do not need to because the Exec library never has to be opened. Exec’s base address, known conventionally as SysBase, is permanently available because it is stored in the long-word memory location whose first byte is at location 4. The four bytes which make up this long word location are called AbsExecBase and, because this is loaded with a pointer to the Exec library during system start-up, the Exec library is always alive and kicking from the word go.

Making a Library Call

By convention the base address of the library is placed in register a6. An indirect subroutine call is made using the appropriate library vector offset (LVO) value to specify the routine to be executed. Indirect subroutine calls of this type are very important on the Amiga and they’re used because the arrangement is connected with the way the Amiga library functions are accessed internally (the explanations of which involve some pretty advanced topics including the use of things called jump tables which are not going to be discussed). Making a Library Call

Insider Guide #20 — The Importance Of Being a6

You might be forgiven for thinking that any register can be used to perform indirect library routine calls. This is most definitely not the case and there is a strict system convention which says that register a6 must be used. Why? It’s because many library functions call other library functions in order to carry out their work. When this is done the function doing the nested library call must also follow the system conventions and provide a library base address. By convention it expects it to be present in register a6. Exceptions to the a6 rule do exist but, to be honest, it is safer if you forget about any special cases and regard the a6 rule as absolute!

What happens, as far as the indirect subroutine call with displacement is concerned, is that the address in the specified address register gets added to the specified LVO function call displacement and this produces a destination subroutine address that leads us to the right library function. Regard it as magic, if you like, but don’t go looking too hard for in-depth explanations until you have a good understanding of the material covered in this chapter!

As far as writing library opening code is concerned we are virtually there. I’ve already mentioned that in the case of the Exec library the base address is already available - it can be loaded directly from memory using AbsExecBase. The bare bones code for an OpenLibraryO Exec call can therefore be written like this: move.l _AbsExecBase,a6 get base address of Exec library jsr _LV00penLibrary(a6) make the indirect subroutine call

Before this sort of code can be executed it is necessary to set up any parameters which the library function needs. If you look back at the OpenLibraryO function you’ll see that it needs a pointer to a library name in register al, and a version number in d0. For the moment we’ll be setting the d0 to zero because this tells Exec that any library version will do.

Library Vector Offset (LVO) Values

L V 0 offset values can be acquired in a number of ways but for the moment we’ll be putting LVO definitions at the start of our programs because it is easiest. You will find an abbreviated set of tables in Appendix B and from the Exec entries you’ll see that the LVO value for the Exec OpenLibraryO function is -552 or -0228 hex. The assembly language programmer is therefore quite at liberty to define the displacement in this fashion: move.l _AbsExecBase, a6 get the base address of Exec library jsr -552(a6) make the indirect subroutine call The trouble with this latter approach is that you lose the inherent documentation that the LVO references provide. Let’s face it, the number -552 will not tell you what library call is being made unless you’ve memorised all of the LVO tables. The reference _LVOOpenLibrary is much more meaningful. Library Vector Offset (LVO) Values

Insider Guide #21 — A Below Average Score?

You may have noticed in the code fragments used that AbsExecBase and the LVO value have underscore prefixes. This stems from an internal C language convention and the underscore used in all assembly language forms has been introduced simply to provide compatibility between C and assembler header files and code. Not all programmers use these underscore arrangements but it’s a good habit to cultivate because it’ll be useful when you come to more advanced coding.

Closing a Library

Closing a Library is just as easy as opening one. You use the same type of indirect subroutine call, but specify the CloseLibraryO function instead: move.l AbsExecBase, a6 get base address of Exec library jsr _LV0CloseLibrary(a6) make the indirect subroutine call The Intuition Library provides a function called DisplavBeepO which, when supplied with a null (ie zero) address, causes all visible Amiga screens to fie flashed. What we’re now going to do is put together all the things we’ve learnt over the last few chapters and produce a program which causes your Amiga to flash its screen. We need to set up the LVO definitions somewhere near the start of the program and this means using some EQUate definitions: _LVOOpenLibrary EQU -552 _LVOCloseLibrary EQU -414 _LVODisplayBeep EQU -96 Putting It All Together Closing a Library

Insider Guide #22 - A Beeping Good Routine Function Name: DisplayBeep()

Description: Causes a screen to flash DisplayBeep(screenaddress); aO Call Format: Registers: Arguments: Return Value: Notes: screenaddress - address of screen to flash None Intuition flashes all screens if a NULL screen address is supplied We also need to set up a text string representing the name of the intuition library. This name string needs to have a NULL (zero) at the end of the real text characters because the system routines being employed use that zero value to identify the end of the string (this is a very common convention so you should get used to it). We also need a labelled long word location to store the base address of the library in once it is open. Here are the sort of pseudo-ops which do the trick…​ intuitionname dc.b ' intuition.libraryNULL IntuitionBase ds.11 I’ll be placing these at the end of my program. The real code - the stuff that the assembler turns into executable instructions - comes between these directives and the initial EQUate definitions. Talking of real code let’s identify a suitable plan of action. We’ve got to load the address of the Exec library into register a6, set up the intuition library name pointer and version details, and then make an OpenLibraryO call as explained earlier. If the value returned in d0 is not zero then the intuition library is open. How do we test d0 to check whether it contains a zero or not? Simple, we use a move instruction to copy the contents of d0 to the location that we’ve set up to hold the intuition library pointer. If the library does open successfully we need this pointer in order to perform the CloseLibraryO routine before the program terminates. It’s important to realise that if, for some reason, the library doesn’t open then we can’t use the Exec CloseLibraryO function because there’ll be no library to close. Similarly we can’t make any intuition library calls if the library didn’t open. As you might guess this calls for a bit of conditional testing and this is done is as follows: We place a beq instruction immediately after we stored the OpenLibraryO return value and branch in such a way that if the OpenLibraryO return value is zero then we avoid executing both the DisplayBeepO routine and the CloseLibraryO routine. As with previous examples this program is terminated with an rts instruction. Since we are now talking about a truly runable Amiga with visible output, we’d better start following another convention - clearing register d0 before returning to system level. The terminal d0 state is actually used by system programs to return an error code but this is another one or those areas which we shall not be getting too involved with. Well, you’ve had the theory and some explanation. All you need now is the code itself, so here it is: * Example CH8-1.s * uses the intuition library to 'beep' the display NULL EQU 0 _AbsExecBase EQU 4 _LV00penLibrary EQU -552 _LVOCloseLibrary EQU -414 J-VODisplayBeep EQU -96 start move.l AbsExecBase, a6 get base address of Exec library lea intuition_name,a1 load pointer to library name moveq #0, d0 any version will do! openlib jsr _LV00penLibrary(a6) make the indirect subroutine call move.l d0,_IntuitionBase save returned pointer beq exit did library open OK? openok move.l #0,a0 flash all screens move.l _IntuitionBase,a6 need library base in a6 jsr _LV0DisplayBeep(a6) make the indirect subroutine call move.l _AbsExecBase, a6 get base address of Exec library move.l _IntuitionBase,a1 library to close jsr _LV0CloseLibrary(a6) make the indirect subroutine call exit clr.l d0 rts logical end of program _IntuitionBase intuition name ds.l 1 dc.b’intuition.library’,NULL This is the smallest example of an Intuition program that can actually do anything visible. Needless to say, most Intuition programs are much larger and much more complex than this. Having seen the code in this chapter you might be wanting to reach for your assembler program, type out the code (or just copy the readymade file from the book’s accompanying disk,), assemble, link and then run this little masteipiece for yourself. For all I know you might have tried already with either this offering, or some similar program! It is almost inevitable, the first time an assembler package is used, that some snags crop up - call it life! To the newcomer these practical problems often seem immensely difficult to solve, usually because there’s no one around to ask. This being so, perhaps a little practical assembling help wouldn’t go amiss and have no fears - it’s exactly this sort of advice that you’ll find in the next chapter…​

Now is your chance to enter the world of assembly language programming for just a couple of quid. This chapter looks at an assembler system that costs little more than the price of a disk…​

To write an assembly language program you need three | things: a text editor to create the source program, an I assembler to convert the 68000 statements such as ADD and MOVE into the numerical form which the Amiga’s processor needs, and a linker which adds the final touches by creating files that are loadable (runable). The linker can attach the WorkBench start-up code, add any library routines specified in the source code and is generally responsible for producing the final, executable, program.

ED and MEMACS are two text editors which have been provided as part of the Amiga system software for some time so all Amiga users have access to at least these text editors. On the assembler front the Amiga community has a program called A68k and if you’ve obtained any public domain assembly language environments, or use NorthC/PDC or other public domain C compiler offerings, then the chances are that you already have A68k. With Steve Hawtin’s NorthC compiler for Using A68k and Blink example you’ll find A68k and Blink, and their documentation files, in the bin directory. If you haven’t got a copy of A68k and Blink then just get in touch with your local Amiga PD library. Now I know what you’re thinking. If this assembler environment is that cheap then there are bound to be problems with it. Right? Wrong - both A68k and Blink are excellent pieces of software and, what’s more, they’ve been written by dedicated, professional, coders who have gone out of their way to provide robust, well-supported, products. For this we owe a debt of thanks to a number of people starting with Brian Anderson and Charlie Gibbs. The A68k story actually starts way back in the mid 80s when the Dr Dobbs Journal published the source for a 68000 cross assembler (called X68000) written in Modula 2 by Brian Anderson. Charlie Gibbs took the X68000’s ideas, translated them into C, and then used them as the basis for an Amiga assembler. After adding many enhancements (including macro and include file support and the difficult job of adding relocation information) the package we now know as A68k was bom! Nowadays A68k is available from almost all public domain libraries and you are legally entitled to copy it for free. A68k, as just mentioned, is found both as a separate package and as a component of many public domain high-level languages. Blink, the Amiga linker program, is another brilliant piece of software that stands in the Amiga’s freely distributable Hall of Fame. It was written by a group of programmers known as the Software Distillery whose members include the likes of John Toebes and other famous names of the Amiga world. The net result is that if you want to dive into some Amiga assembly language programming you can do it virtually for free. There is a minor stumbling block in that many of the code examples that you’ll find in magazines and books will have been created using Devpac but, without detracting from the fact that Devpac is a superb 680x0 programming environment for serious users, there’s no doubt that you can make a start in 68000 coding without it. One good thing about assembly language programming is that you don’t usually have much hassle in getting a published piece of code to assemble properly. Unlike the environments for languages like C the good news is that if a program can be assembled without errors on one assembler the chances are that it can be assembled by other assemblers with little or no change - providing of course that no assembler specific statements have been used. With A68k any changes that are necessary will in fact be minor. A68k, unlike some other assemblers, requires source files to contain an explicit END statement at the end of the source code so this may need to be added to a published listing. This is easily done by reading the source file into any available ASCII text editor, moving to the end of the text file and inserting a terminal END statement as the last line of the source code. Both A68k and Blink are sophisticated programs and the documentation that comes with them is quite extensive - it is provided via document files which are always distributed along with these programs. There are a great many command options available but it is worth stressing that, on many occasions, only simple assembling and linking command lines are needed. To illustrate this I’m now going to work through the steps needed to produce and run an A68k version of the program we created at the end of Chapter Eight. Rather than clutter the initial explanations with details of problems which may, in your particular case, not arise I’ve chosen to deal with the potential snags and pitfalls separately. If during the following assembling and linking stages you do encounter a problem just skip forward to these later sections for some additional help. Step One - Opening a Shell Window

Step One - Opening a Shell Window

ED, the Amiga text editor that we’ll use to create the source file, A68k, Blink and the final program that is going to be created, are all Shell based programs so before we can do anything a Shell window must be opened. Open your Workbench system drawer and double click on the Shell icon. When the window opens you see this sort of prompt: Workbench:> indicating that Workbench is the current directory. For convenience we want to use the Ram disk for our assembling operations so reset the current directory by typing: cd ram: after the prompt. This now changes to: Ram Disk:> At this stage it is convenient to copy the A68k and Blink programs to the Ram Disk so that they are ready for use. Step Two - Creating the Source File

Step Two - Creating the Source File

To start ED from the Shell window type ED followed by the name of the program to be edited or created. Assembler source files, by convention, always have a ,s filename extension so I’m going to call the file "ExampleCH9-l .s” and enter this command at the Ram Disk:> prompt: Ram Disk:>ED ExampleCH9-1.s Feel free to call the program “tests”, or something similarly short in order to save yourself some typing - I’ve only used ExampleCH9-l.s for consistency since this is the name of the equivalent program as stored on the accompanying Insider Guide disk. With ED up and running all you now need to do is type in the source code given at the end of Chapter Eight but add an additional END statement to the listing. Keep to similar field placements but again, to save typing, you do not need to include the comment lines or end of line remarks. You should end up with a file looking something like this: * Example CH9-1.s AbsExecBase EQU 4 NULL EQU 0 _LVOOpenLibrary EQU -552 _LVOCloseLibrary EQU -414 LVODisplayBeep EQU -96 start move.l AbsExecBase,a6 lea intuitionname,a1 moveq #0,d0 openlib jsr LVOOpenLibrary(a6) move.l d0,_IntuitionBase beq exit openok move.l #0, aO move.l _IntuitionBase,a6 exit jsr move. 1 move.1 jsr clr.l _LV0DisplayBeep(a6) _AbsExecBase,a6 IntuitionBase,a1 LVOCloseLibrary(a6) d0 rts IntuitionBase ds.l 1 intuitionname dc.b 'intuition.libraryNULL end Check that you’ve entered the instructions correctly, select Save from the ED Project Menu, and then quit the program (which returns you to the Shell prompt). It is a good idea at this stage to make a permanent copy of the newly created source code file on a floppy or hard disk just in case something goes wrong when you run the finished program.

Step Three - Assembling the Example Code

The created source file above is called ExampleCH9-l.s and is present in the Ram Disk. The Shell command line needed to assemble the program is Ram Disk:>A68k ExampleCH9-1.s The case of the letters is not important and you could just have well have entered Ram Disk:>a68k examplech9-1.s Either way A68k looks for the source code file, assembles it, and creates an intermediate object code module. By default this has the same name as the specified source file but it with a ‘.o’ (for object file) extension. If you want to produce an object file with a name different to its source file - eg test.o - then it is necessary to add an additional command line parameter using a -o prefix like this Ram Disk:>A68k ExampleCH9-1.s -otest.o One way or the other then A68k produces an object file on the Ram disk which can subsequently be linked using Blink.

Step Four - Linking

In the simple case where no start-up code or linker libraries need to be specified on the Blink command line we just have to type Ram Disk:>blink ExampleCH9-1.0 and this results in a Shell executable program called ExampleCH9-l being placed on the Ram disk. Blink, bv default, creates an executable program whose name is the same as the supplied object code module but with the ‘.o’ suffix removed. If you want to specify some alternative name Blink recognises a TO keyword that can be used in conjunction with a suitable destination filename. So Ram Disk:>blink ExampleCH9-1.0 to test produces an executable file called test.

Step Five — Preparing for the Worst

At this stage of the proceedings a runable program is sitting in the Ram disk. Any number of trivial slips might result in this program crashing your machine so, before you run it, take these precautions: 1 Check that you have a backup copy of the source code - on floppy or hard disk. 2 Take out any floppies from your disk drive unless they are write protected. Writable disks have been known to get corrupted during a crash and it is better to be safe than sorry.

Step Six — Go Go Go

Well, it’s now or never. Having taken the above mentioned precautions type the name of your With luck the Workbench screen will flash - nowadays there will also be an audible noise if this has been selected in the Workbench Preferences settings. Now I know that, as programs go, this is hardly what you’d call an earth shattering piece of code. Nonetheless, if you were able to write, assemble and link this example first time you should congratulate yourself - you’ve been far luckier than some!

masterpiece at the Shell window Ram Disk:>ExampleCH9-1

If Things Have Gone Wrong

Ignoring the trivial slips which can occur, such as forgetting to copy A68k and Blink to your Ram Disk it is at the assembling stage where error messages are first seen. Always look very carefully at the first error message because it always indicates a fault in the code. With the second and subsequent errors this may not always be the case - rogue error messages are occasionally produced because an earlier error caused the assembler to misinterpret later, valid, instructions. When an error is found A68k, (where appropriate) displays the source line along with an error position A indicator and error message. Most of the time these error messages are self explanatory as you’ll see from the following examples.

END statement is missing Error

This means exactly what it says. A68k, as mentioned earlier, expects to see an explicit END statement at the end of a source file and you’ve forgotten to include one. Re-edit the source code, move to the end of the file and insert an END (or end) statement remembering to indent the command - placing it in the instruction field - otherwise a68k will think you have added another label to your program! END statement is missing Error

Undefined Symbol Errors

Undefined symbol errors suggest that you’ve either forgotten to define a required symbol completely, or have defined but mis-spelt it. If, in our example program, you typed AbsExecBase instead of _AbsExecBase, forgetting to include the initial underscore, the A68k assembler would rightly complain.

Error In Operand Format

This tells you that the instructions operand format is wrong but as well as true faults of this kind (which obviously you must examine and correct) you’ll also get this error message if additional blanks have been included in the operand field. These latter slips are often harder to find because there is nothing really wrong with the overall code line format. As an example a line which reads move.l. _AbsExecBase,a6 assembles correctly but a single blank separating the two operands “_AbsExecBase” and “a6”: move.l. _AbsExecBase, a6 causes A68k to complain. As always the remedy is to re-edit the source code so as to correct the mistake, and then reassemble it.

Linking Errors

With only one source code file and no include files to worry about the only linker error likely to be found is "Cannot find object ExampleCH9-l .o”. This is most likely to occur because you’ve either got the filename wrong or because the object file was never created in the first place. This latter case would occur if A68k found an error but you failed to spot the error message on the screen.

Program Fails To Run As Expected

In get-t i n g to the point where a runable program was produced A68k and Blink have confirmed that the source code file is syntactically correct. Unfortunately the program can still be a far cry from being bug free. If, for example the program line that reloads a6 with the Exec library base address prior to making the final CloseLibraryQ function call Program Fails To Run As Expected Linking Errors Error In Operand Format Undefined Symbol Errors move.l was inadvertently missed “open_ok” reads as openok move.l move.l jsr move.l jsr _AbsExecBase,a6 out so that the section that starts with #0,a0 IntuitionBase,a6 LVODisplayBeep(a6) IntuitionBase,a1 LVOCloseLibrary(a6) then some very serious problems arise because now, at the time the CloseLibraryO function is executed, a6 is holding the Intuition library base rather than the Exec library base. In short the code ends up trying to execute some wholly inappropriate Intuition library function (obviously this is the one which has the same LVO value). In addition to this the Intuition library never ever gets closed. The result is that the program performs the required DisplayBeepO operations and then crashes the machine immediately afterwards, requiring you to re-boot. Similar errors, such as using the wrong 68000 registers when making library calls, cause other problems. In all cases the solution is easy - look at the code you’ve written, compare it with what you should have written, correct the differences and repeat the assembly/linking processes again. Finding errors in this way is something that comes with practice. Not to worry, all assembler programmers get plenty of practice with this, especially in their early days. It’s worth mentioning at this stage that two of the most frequently made slips are firstly failing to set up properly those parameters needed by a function call (ie not loading the appropriate 68000 registers with the data needed by the library routine), and not checking that the returned values are valid (especially important with things like library bases).


HiSoft’s 680x0 Devpac Amiga Assembler package has been around for a long time forming a large user-base. It is popular because it does the job that it is supposed to do and it is stable and well supported.

he latest version of Devpac - Devpac 3 - has been designed with Workbench 2/3 users in mind. The package is, however, currently shipped with an additional 1.3 based version as well. Quite simply Devpac 3 is just about as good an assembler package as you could wish for.

An Integrated Environment

Devpac comes with its own editor and this, for most operations, acts as a main controller for the whole of the Devpac development environment. The editor offers multiple-file editing with full mouse-controlled cut-&-paste facilities and you can open individually scrollable multiple windows on the same file. This means that whilst working on one program you can open other files and copy pieces of existing code (such as standard routines, text notes and so on). There are a host of other useful extras including bookmark set and locate facilities and macro recording facilities for memorising complex key press sequences. Ail Integrated Environment Devpac There are some powerful assembler/debugger options and one of the big advantages with the Devpac editor is that it not only integrates these tools into the editor environment but provides facilities for the automatic location of errors in the source after assembly. Create the source code using the editor and select "Assemble” from the program menu. Edit/assemble until the assembly process is error free and you can then run the code directly from the editor’s program menu. In short it is possible to create, assemble, debug, run and save your code all from the same environment! An editor settings menu allows you to set the editor and assembler controls and define the usual types of global settings for tab size, end-of-line behaviour, auto indenting, automatic back-up creation and so on. The assembler options themselves are grouped into three separate requesters which are called up by selecting one of three items on the assembler settings sub-menu. A control requester provides control over basic assembler operation, source and destination file paths, listing control etc. The Options requester gives access to the large number of more technical assembler settings - identifying processor, coprocessor and MMU types, ensuring PC-relative code, producing local label underscoring and so on. The third requester provides a range of assembler optimisation settings. Devpac supports the 68000-68040, 68332, 68881/2 and the 68851 memory management unit (MMU) chips. The assembler has all the bells & whistles expected of a modern day offering - it’s a macro assembler which provides comprehensive expression handling and supports *, /, +, -, =, bitwise and/or/xor/not, left and right shifting and all the usual inequality operators. Like many assemblers it allows decimal, hex, octal, binary and character constants but it also offers some more specialised facilities such as floating point constants for 68881/2 coprocessor applications. Devpac allows the use of local labels and, by default, all label names are significant to 127 characters. Devpac’s debugger is called MonAm and it’s a low-level debugger able to step through a program displaying code instructions, 68000 register contents, processor status, and memory contents in hex or ASCII form. If you have included debug info in your program then MonAm can use that to display your original program labels. The debugger can also be used to look at compiler written code and if the package that produced the code included line number debug data it is even possible to view the original source code. MonAm is very powerful but, having said that, it does take a bit of time to learn how to use it effectively and it is not quite as user-friendly as the rest of the Devpac package. As well as the editor, assembler and debugger the Devpac 3 package includes Blink - the Amiga’s de facto standard linker - a program called SRSplit, which is an S-record splitter utility, and a utility called FD2LV0 which converts Commodore FD files into include files containing direct library vector offset data (LVO values). You also get those all-important Commodore assembly language include files which are covered in Chapter 13, link libraries and some example programs to get you started. This book is in no way restricted to Devpac users but it must be said that, if you have yet to get an assembler package, Devpac 3 is worthy of serious consideration. As software goes it provides good documentation along with some superb facilities so newcomers get an assembler environment which will help make learning about, and using, assembly language just about as easy as it ever could be! The following sections provide a step-by-step account of assembling and linking the same ExampleCH8-l.s program dealt with in the last chapter. This time we’re using the Devpac environment rather than A68k’s Shell based methods.

Stepn One Starting Devpac

Devpac works perfectly well with either floppy or hard disk based systems. Like most packages it comes with an automatic installation program for hard disk users. Once initially installed all you have to do is double-click on the Devpac icon to bring up the editor display.

Step Two

As in t h e previous chapter we’ve now got to either type in the source code or, if you prefer, load the pre-written disk form from the Insider Guide disk. If you choose the latter option then all you now have to do is select Load from the editor’s Project menu. Then, when the standard Amiga requester appears, identify and load the appropriate source. If you prefer to type the program in (which helps you to get a feel for what assembly language coding is all about) do it now and remember that, as with the Chapter Nine material, you can save some typing by Step Two — Creating the Source File Step One — Starting Devpac leaving out the comments. I’ve repeated the code here so that you don’t have to refer back to the earlier chapters. * Example CH10-1.s NULL EQU 0 AbsExecBase EQU 4 _LVOOpenLibrary EQU -552 ary EQU -414 LVODisplayBeep EQU -96 start move.1 AbsExecBase, a6 lea intuitionname,a1 moveq #0,d0 openlib jsr LVOOpenLibrary(a6) move. 1 d0, IntuitionBase beq exit openok move. 1 #0,a0 move. 1 _IntuitionBase,a6 jsr _LV0DisplayBeep(a6) move. 1 AbsExecBase,a6 move.1 IntuitionBase,a1 jsr LVOCloseLibrary(a6) exit clr.l d0 rts _IntuitionBase ds.l 1 intuition name dc.b 1 intuition.library1,NULL At this stage you’ll want to save the source code and you can do this first time by selecting "Save As" from the project menu which brings up a file save requester. Assembler source files, by convention, always have a “.s” filename extension so call the file something like ExampleCHlO-l.s. Again, feel free to call the program test.s, or something similarly short in order to save yourself some typing - I’ve only used ExampleCHlO-l.s for consistency. It is the name of the equivalent program as stored on the accompanying Insider Guide disk. It is a good idea at this stage to make a back-up copy of the newly created source code file, just in case something goes wrong when you finally run the finished program.

Step Three - Assembling and Linking the Example Code

Go to the editor’s Settings menu and toggle select the Assemble To Disk option. Then, from the same menu, select the “Assembler Control” option to open a window showing the current assembler settings. A Format box should be showing Executable - if it isn’t change it so that it does. By clicking on this field it can be changed between Executable, Linkable or S-Records. Step Three — Assembling and Linking the Example Code Having done that move to the other side of the requester to the nearbottom right field called Headers. This specifies the header files that Devpac uses during assembly. Move the mouse to within the text box and then keep hitting the back-space key until the default name is removed as this header isn’t needed for our example. By selecting Executable you’ve told Devpac to create an executable program directly so it is not necessary to link the assembled program explicitly. All you have to do to produce a runable program is to select "Assemble” from the editor’s Program menu. Do it now! Step Four — Preparing for the Worst

Step Four - Preparing for the Worst

At this stage of the proceedings a runable program is available. As mentioned before any number of trivial slips might result in this program crashing your machine so, before you run: 1 Check that you have a backup copy of the source code on floppy or hard disk. 2 Take out any floppies from your disk drive unless they are write protected.

Step Five - Go Go Go

It’s now or never. Having taken the above mentioned precautions go to the Editor’s Program menu and select Run. With luck the Workbench screen will flash. Step Five — Go Go Go By default Devpac gives the runable program the same name as your source code but with the .s extension removed. You can, if you wish, specify some alternative output file name.

If Things Have Gone Wrong

If Devpac doesn’t like, or cannot understand your source file it displays one or more error messages. The key is again to look very carefully at the first error message because it invariably indicates a genuine fault. With the second and subsequent Devpac flagged errors this may not always be the case. As with other assemblers Devpac occasionally generates rogue messages produced because some early error caused the assembler to misinterpret later, valid, instructions. When an error is found Devpac (where appropriate) displays the source line along with an error message. With this environment when you cancel the Assembly Details display window you are returned to the editor at the point where the first error occurred. This can be corrected immediately and using the Program menu’s Find Error, Next Error and Previous Error options, you can quickly identify (and therefore correct) any errors in the source. The types of errors that can occur are of course exactly the same as those mentioned in Chapter Nine so, if you do hit any error message snags, have a look at that material. If Things Have Gone Wrong Amiga Insider Guide rvs Expansion

Macro Magic

To create code that fits the Amiga 68000 programming style it’s as well to know a little about how macros are created and used. Why? Because they can hide some of the complexity of assembly language programming!

JjKn 68000 assembly language, as with any other computer language, you frequently find that similar sequences of • instructions crop up again and again. With sequences that are identical one solution is to write the instructions as a subroutine rather than waste space by having the same instructions duplicated in various places throughout the program. The subroutine approach reduces program size and has a number of benefits as far as program structure is concerned but there are still times when inserting duplicate sections of code is necessary - eg to eliminate the time in calling the subroutine. Subroutines are often inappropriate simply because the various sequences of instructions are only similar and not completely identical.

Macros provide a solution to this dilemma because they allow the programmer to assign symbolic names to sets of instruction sequences and, when the name is encountered, the assembler automatically expands it to produce the original set of instructions. This facility is not restricted to predefined, absolutely fixed, instruction sequences. Macros which contain parameter placeholder markers can be created so that, when the macro is used, parameters provided with each particular use instance are inserted into the code that is generated. This makes it possible for the macro programmer to generate a variety of code fragments from each macro definition.

Macro Definitions

A68k, Devpac and most other Amiga assemblers tend, for obvious reasons, to support the standard Motorola style 68000 macro definitions. These start with a label followed by the MACRO keyword and end with the ENDM keyword. Lower case macro and endm are also accepted but, to my mind, the upper case versions mark the macro segment more clearly. The basic 68000 macro takes this type of form: mymacroname MACRO <main body of macro code> ENDM Parameters are specified using the backslash(\) character followed by an any alphanumeric character. The best way of coming to terms with these, extremely useful, code units is to see a couple of examples. I’ve chosen two that are directly related to some of the assembler code you’ve seen earlier in the book.


Let’s start by giving you a macro definition to look a: I The LINKLIB Macro Macro Definitions LINKLIB MACRO move. 1 a6,-(sp) move. 1 \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) move.l (sp),a6 ENDM The first and last real code instructions are exactly that, just perfectly ordinary 68000 move statements which copy a 32 bit long word value from, and to, register a6. The "sp” term means stack pointer and most assemblers allow this to be used as another way of specifying register a7. Thus the above macro could equally have been written as LINKLIB MACRO move.1 a6,-(a7) move.1 \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) move. 1 (a7),a6 ENDM The first and last move instructions are doing something which I’ve talked about in general terms but have yet to provide an example of -pushing and retrieving a data item from the 68000’s user stack. Very often you will want to protect a microprocessor register from being inadvertently altered whilst you execute some other series of operations. One easy way to do this is to copy temporarily the item in question to the 68000’s stack, and retrieve it when it is safe to do so. It is common practice for a subroutine to save the original contents of any registers it intends to use and re-instate them just before it returns to the main program (ie just before the terminal rts instruction). The 68000’s stack pointer register always points to the last item stored in the stack area. These stacks grow downwards in memory and so each time a number of bytes are copied to the area of memory being used for the stack, the stack pointer has to be updated. The important thing here is to recognise that the pointer must be decreased before any new data is stored on the stack otherwise the existing last item would be overwritten with the new data. When getting data from the stack the reverse convention has to be followed - data is retrieved after the stack pointer has been updated. The 68000 actually has special addressing modes, called indirect predecrement and postincrement addressing, which allow these adjustments to be done automatically. Don’t worry if the ideas seem a bit strange at first - just mimic the way the instructions are used in your own code and the understanding will doubtless come in due course. The predecrement mode, which is always used when storing values on the stack, uses an initial minus (-) sign move.l a6,-(a7) The postincrement form uses a trailing plus () sign move.l (a7),a6 These types of preserve/restore operations must always be done in pairs otherwise both you, and the 68000 processor will lose track of the data that is coming onto, or being taken off, the stack. If you take a look at the two innermost macro instructions you will see that they are almost like real 68000 instructions but, in both cases, there is an operand missing. Instead there is a backslash followed by a number move.l \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) These represent parameter placeholders and what happens is that these operands get filled in at assembly time using values that you’ve supplied. If, for instance this macro was to be used in conjunction with the following program line LINKLIB _LVODisplayBeep,_IntuitionBase the assembler would automatically generate this sequence of instructions: move. 1 a6,-(sp) move. 1 _IntuitionBase,a6 jsr _LV0DisplayBeep(a6 move. 1 (sp)+,a6 The net effect is that register a6 is preserved on the 68000’s stack whilst the register is re-loaded with some specified value - which is in practice a library base. Then the specified library call is made using the now familiar indirect subroutine technique. Lastly register a6 gets re-instated with its original value. Note that the macro protects the user by preventing a6 from being inadvertently changed! This particular macro, with some additional error checking code, is actually already present in one of the Amiga system’s include files and it is used to generate library access code.

Macros Within Macros

Macro definitions can even be nested - ie a macro definition can include other macro definitions. Here’s an example which tags on the extra _LVO characters to the function name. CALLSYS MACRO LINKLIB _LV0\1, \2 ENDM Macros Within Macros You can see from the above definition that CALLSYS adds an _LVO Prefix onto the first of the two required parameters. Instead of using LINKLIB like this LINKLIB LVOOpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase you can write CALLSYS OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase and most programmers regard this latter form as being easier to read.

The Underlying Magic

If you include the above LINKLIB and CALLSYS macros in your code you’ll be able to create the appropriate library opening code using these types of simplified statements: CALLSYS OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase To appreciate the benefits of macros you need to see exactly what results these macros can produce relative to a piece of code that doesn’t use them. I should apologise for re-using the Chapter Eight Intuition Beeping example again but by now you should be familiar with it so the changes made in this chapter should be both easy to follow and easy to understand * Example CH11 -1. s * a macro style version The Underlying Magic LINKLIB MACRO move. 1 a6,-(a7) move. 1 \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) move.l (a7)+,a6 ENDM CALLSYS MACRO LINKLIB _LV0\1,\2 ENDM NULL EQU 0 AbsExecBase EQU 4 LVOOpenLibrary EQU -552 LVOCloseLibrary EQU -414 LVODisplayBeep EQU -96 start lea intuition_name,a1 load pointer to library name moveq #0,d0 any version will do! openlib CALLSYS OpenLibrary, AbsExecBase move.l d0,_IntuitionBase save returned pointer beq exit did library open OK? openok move.l #0,a0 flash all screens CALLSYS DisplayBeep,_IntuitionBase move.l _IntuitionBase,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary,_AbsExecBase exit clr.l d0 rts IntuitionBase ds.l 1 intuition_name dc.b "intuition.library",NULL

The result is simpler, cleaner, source code and this is exactly the type of benefit which macros provide along with a certain amount of standardisation. Since macro code tends to get re-used and, since code that is frequently re-used quickly becomes bug free, programmers who make maximum use of macro facilities tend to make fewer coding errors. Macros resemble subroutines in the sense that they provide a shorthand reference to a frequently used set of instructions. However, it should be clear from the above discussion that macros are not subroutines. The code for a subroutine only occurs once within a program, and program execution branches to the subroutine. On the other hand, each time a macro is used the assembler inserts a copy of the appropriate instructions with any parameter-specified alterations.

Header Files

There’s nothing wrong with putting your macros in the same file as your source code but most macros, by their very nature, are used over and over again. Because of this it’s actually convenient to put these units in their own separate file, called a ‘header file' or ‘include file’, and usually given a .i filename extension - i for include. You can then ask the assembler to include this file when it assembles the main program code.

  • Example CH11-2

  • macros.i - a typical macro definitions file LINKLIB MACRO move. 1 a6,-(a7) move.1 \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) move. 1 ENDM (a7)+,a6 CALLSYS MACRO LINKLIB ENDM _LV0\1,\2

Asking the Assembler to Include Another File

The assembler can be instructed to include some other file, such as the macro definition file mentioned above, by adding an INCLUDE directive statement to your main program: INCLUDE macros.i Both A68k and Devpac support this type of statement and both provide additional facilities for defining the directories to be searched when looking for such files. With A68k there is a -kinclude directory list> option. With Devpac several options are provided including the Asking the Assembler to Include Another File Header Files addition of directory names via the Editor menu’s Assembly requester. I’ll be talking more about include files later (in Chapter 13) but the benefits of having standard, and often used, definitions kept separate in this way should already be reasonably obvious. To finish this chapter here is our, now somewhat overworked, example program with a newly added INCLUDE statement * Example CH11-3.S INCLUDE macros.i NULL EQU 0 _AbsExecBase EQU 4 LVOOpenLibrary EQU -552 LVOCloseLibrary EQU -414 LVODisplayBeep EQU -96 start lea intuition_name,a1 load pointer to library name moveq #0,d0 any version will do! openlib CALLSYS OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase move.l d0,_IntuitionBase save returned pointer beq exit did library open OK? openok move.l #0,a0 flash all screens CALLSYS DisplayBeep,_IntuitionBase move.l _IntuitionBase,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary,_AbsExecBase exit clr.l do rts IntuitionBase ds.l 1 intuitionname dc.b "intuition.library",NULL

DOS and the Shell

Writing programs which interact with a Shell window can provide an easy way into the world of larger assembly language programs. Best of all, a lot can be achieved with a few ready made DOS library function calls.

7|; n order to read data from, or write data to, a Shell window ;v a program obviously needs to know something about the DOS I/O environment. More specifically it needs to obtain the two I/O handles which C programmers conventionally call stdin and stdout. When used within assembly language programs these handles are more usually defined as _stdin and stdout. Regard what happens at the DOS level as magic for the moment and just accept that, in order to collect these I/O handles, the Shell program just has to open the DOS library, and then make calls to two DOS functions known as Inputf) and Outputf). Opening, and using, the DOS library is no different to opening any other run-time library and so the code required will follow the same pattern as we’ve used already.

Insider Guide #23

Collecting The Standard Input Handle Function Name: Input() Description: Call Format: Registers: Arguments: Return Value: Identify a program’s initial input file handle filehandle = Input() d0 None filejiandle - the program’s initial input file handle DOSy t- IBRBR’Y PUNCT I ON

Insider Guide #24 —

Collecting The Standard Output Handle Function Name: Output() Description: Identify a program’s initial output file handle Call Format: filehandle = Output() Registers: d0 Arguments: None Return Value: filehandle - the program’s initial output file handle

Insider Guide #25 - Another Useful DOS Function

Function Name: Write() Description: Write data to a file Call Format: lengthwritten = Write(file, bufferp, datalength) Registers: Arguments: d0 d1 d2 d3 file - file handle bufferp - pointer to buffer holding the data datalength - length of the data Return Value: lengthwritten - number of bytes actually written Notes: A lengthwritten value of -1 indicates an error The standard name for the DOS library base is _DOSBase, and so the required library opening code takes this form: lea dos_name,a1 library name start in a1 moveq #0,d0 any version will do CALLSYS OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase move.l d0,_DOSBase store returned value In the final runable example program, we need to check that the returned library base is valid. As with previous library code examples this is done by checking the zero flag after the library base (which comes back in register d0) has been copied to a suitably defined storage location. If OpenLibraryO was successful then the DOS Inputf) and Outputf) functions can be used to identify the program’s input and output handles. For the purposes of the example developed in this chapter I’m going to deal only with the task of outputting messages, so only the output handle needs to be obtained. This is achieved using this sort of code: CALLSYS Output,DOSBase get default output handle move.l d0,_stdout store output handle Again we need, in the final program, to check that the returned d0 value is valid (ie is non zero).

Writing Text

Writing Shell text messages is an easy task because there is a general DOS function, called Writef), which can do the job. You can see from the description of the routine that we need to know how long each text string is. There is a sneaky way of getting this without having to count the characters manually! Static program text is, as we’ve seen in earlier chapters, usually set up using define byte (dc.b) assembler directives: message dc.b "Just an example message" All 680x0 assemblers, and most others come to that, allow the programmer to use an asterisk (*) to represent the current value of the assembler’s location counter - remember that this is how the assembler keeps track of its current position whilst assembling a source file. By placing an additional label at the end of the text, and using another EQUate directive to set it to a value based on the current assembler location counter value we can get the assembler to work out the length of the text string: message dc.b "Just an example message" messageSIZEOF EQU ‘-message The result is that the assembler automatically sets the second label to the size of the preceding string. I adopt a convention whereby the sizes of all message strings are represented by a label formed by taking the original string label and adding _SIZEOF to it. Why? Because it is then possible to create a macro that, given the string label, can form the size label automatically. I won’t be doing this because, at the moment, it is probably more instructive to see the new function call being explicitly set up and used. Writing Text

A First Coding Stage

The following example deals with issues which should, in the main, either be familiar to you or relatively straightforward to understand given the previous discussions. The DOS library is opened and _stdout is set up then the DOS library is closed. For simplicity I’ve placed the LINKLIB and CALLSYS macros in the same file as the main source code. If however you are now happy about using a separate macro include file then by all means rearrange the source accordingly. * Example CH12-1.S LINKLIB MACRO move.l a6,-(a7) move.1 \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) move.l ENDM (a7)+,a6 CALLSYS MACRO LINKLIB ENDM _LV0\1,\2 NULL EQU 0 AbsExecBase EQU 4 LVOOpenLibrary EQU -552 LVOCloseLibrary EQU -414 _LV00utput EQU -60 _LVOWrite EQU -48 start lea dos_name,a1 load pointer to library name moveq #0,d0 any version will do! openlib CALLSYS OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase move.l d0,_DOSBase save returned pointer beq exit did library open OK? dosopen CALLSYS Output, DOSBase get stdout handle A First Coding Stage move.l d0,_stdout store it beq closedos check stdout is valid * HERE’S WHERE THE MESSAGE * WRITING CODE WILL FINALLY GO close_dos move.l DOSBase,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary,_AbsExecBase exit clr.l d0 rts DOSBase ds.l 1 _stdout ds.l 1 dosname dc.b ‘dos.library’,NULL

Write()-ing The Message

The DOS Write() function needs quite a lot of parameters. Namely an output handle in register dl, the address of the start of the message in register d2, and the size of the message in register d3. These aren’t difficult to set up and simple move.l instructions can do the job move.l _stdout,d1 standard output handle move.l #message,d2 start of message move.l #message_SIZE0F,d3 message length Having set up all the necessary function parameters we make the library call in the usual fashion: move.l DOSBase,a6 set a6 to DOS library base jsr _LV0Write(a6) make DOS Write() call All that remains to be done is to put these new ideas into the framework we’ve already established. Here’s the final result: * Example CH12-2.S LINKLIB MACRO move.l a6,-(a7) move.l \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) move.l (a7)+,a6 Write()-ing The Message no ENDM CALLSYS MACRO LINKLIB _LV0\1,\2 ENDM NULL EQU 0 LF EQU 10 AbsExecBase EQU 4 LVOOpenLibrary EQU -552 LVOCloseLibrary EQU -414 LVOOutput EQU -60 _LVOWrite EQU -48 start lea dos_name,a1 load pointer to library name moveq #0,d0 any version will do! openlib CALLSYS OpenLibrary, AbsExecBase move.l d0,_DOSBase save returned pointer beq exit did library open OK? dosopen CALLSYS Output,_DOSBase get stdout handle move.l d0,_stdout store it beq closedos check stdout is valid write_text move.l stdout,d1 standard output handle move.l #message,d2 start of message move.l #message_SIZE0F,d3 message length CALLSYS Write,_D0SBase close_dos move.l DOSBase,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary, AbsExecBase exit clr.l d0 rts DOSBase ds.l 1 stdout ds.l 1 dos name dc.b ‘dos.library’,NULL message dc.b ‘Just an example message’,LF

Variety Is The Spice Of Life

You’ve had the details. Now it’s your turn - so try and sketch out a program which will print these three lines of text: 2YUR2YUBICUR2Y4ME or in other words…​ Too wise you are, too wise you be, I see you are too wise for me! You need to set up three text messages (call them message 1, message2 and message 3) and make three DOS Write() calls. Place a Linefeed (use a LF EQU 10 expression) at the end of each text string so that each piece of text is printed on a separate line. On the Amiga registers aO, al, d0 and dl are designated as scratch registers and library functions can, and often do, overwrite these without warning. Because of this you need to reload register d 1 with the_std-out output handle every time you perform a Write(). However, the DOS library base pointer can be safely re-used as register a6 is not altered by any library calls. Here’s the sort of result you should have obtained: * Example CH12-3.S LINKLIB MACRO move.1 a6,-(a7) move.1 \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) move.l (a7)+,a6 ENDM CALLSYS MACRO LINKLIB _LV0\1,\: ENDM NULL EQU 0 LF EQU 10 AbsExecBase EQU 4 message_SIZEOF EQU ‘-message

Insider Guide #26 — More Macro Help

Macro names are labels and, just like any other labels, they must be placed in such a way that the assembler recognises the name as a label. MACRO and ENDM on the other hand are assembler directives and these must be placed in the source code’s instruction fields. Problems arise if you’re not careful with these type of field placements. For example, the definition: LINKLIB MACRO move.1 a6,-(a7) move.l \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) move.l (a7),a6 ENDM will be thrown out by the assembler because ENDM is not indented. Similarly: LINKLIB MACRO move. 1 a6,-(a7) move. 1 \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) move.l (a7),a6 ENDM will also be thrown out because the indented LINKLIB text is not recognised as representing a label. LV00penLibrary EQU -552 LVOCloseLibrary EQU -414 _LV00utput EQU -60 _LV0Write EQU -48 start lea dos name,a1 load pointer to library name openlib dosopen move.l beq beq write text move.l moveq #0,d0 any version will do! CALLSYS OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase d0,_DOSBase save returned pointer exit did library open OK? CALLSYS Output,DOSBase get _stdout handle move.l d0,_stdout store it close_dos check _stdout is valid stdout,d1 standard output handle move.l #message1,d2 start of message move.l #message1_SIZE0F,d3 message length CALLSYS Write,_D0SBase move.l _stdout,d1 standard output handle move.l #message2,d2 start of message move.l #message2_SIZE0F,d3 message length CALLSYS Write,_D0SBase move.l stdout,d1 standard output handle move.l #message3,d2 start of message move.l #message3_SIZE0F,d3 message length CALLSYS Write,DOSBase move.l _D0SBase,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary,_AbsExecBase clr .1 d0 rts ds.l 1 ds.l 1 c.b ‘dos. library’, NULL exit DOSBase stdout messagel dc.b ‘2YUR2YUBICUR2Y4ME’,LF message1_SIZE0F EQU *-message1 message2 dc.b ‘or in other words…​’,LF message2_SIZE0F EQU *-message2 message3 dc.b ‘Too wise you are, too wise you be, I see you are too wise for me!’,LF message3_SIZE0F EQU *-message3 There are more efficient ways of writing the above code using a program similar to BASIC’s FOR/NEXT arrangements. These are important when dealing with a lot of text but, if you were able to get anywhere near the above arrangement, then give yourself a pat on the back because you’re doing fine!

Insider Guide #27 - Progress Report

You have come quite a way down the Amiga 68000 programming road by now. As well as learning what assemblers and linkers are, and about the 68000 chip itself, you will have picked up tips on bits and bytes, hex and binary, macros and addressing modes and so on. Most importantly, you have seen how with just a few simple instructions, those important Amiga libraries can be opened and used and this is the magic key which will eventually take you into more advanced Amiga programming!

System Include Files

The Amiga has a large collection of system include (or header) files. This chapter explains what they are, where to get them, and a little about how they are used…​ I.r Control -JPIB No darnings Ignore Multiple include: Lou Menorv assenbtv List Symbol Table List Macro EKpansi< List Conditionals « First Pass listing errors.h rexx i o.h rxsIib.h ssstA 1 1 Set…​ 1 Set…​ Set…​ 1 Rdd…​ |T>evpac 3-2.0 : beupac None P HU e u ! i» •sserCTM c t ype.h d i rent . h dos.h ^ 3.211 Si’ll/II 51! 155 87/31/92 12: d.999 87/31/92 12: 2.272 07/31/92 12: -

’ Drawer |Uo FI le | OK 1 Wo 1 unes| Parent j Cancel

Jls programs get larger it becomes useful to split the H source code into any number of smaller units. The dis- between definition type items, such as macros and EQUates, and real code provides one useful dividing line. As we saw in Chapter 11, separate ASCII type text files containing such definitions are called include files. These files have usually been written as separate entities in order to make it easier for any number of programs to use the data they contain. Include files do not usually contain real 68000 code and it isn’t normal practice to include such things as subroutine definitions. The normal approach for including standard routines of this nature is either to assemble the subroutine separately and then attach this pre-assembled code unit (the object code module) to the assembled program at link time or, more commonly, System Include Files actually place the routine in a linker library along with all of youi other frequently used standard routines. Similarly the code present in larger programs can often be spread over several different files. Again the normal approach for putting the various segments together is tc assemble the files individually and then get the linker to combine them. The linker-based approach is used for practical reasons Suppose you have a program that has many files and you wish to edit one of them in order to modify the program. It makes sense to be able to edit that single file, re-assemble it in isolation, and then just create the new version of the program by relinking the new module with the existing unchanged modules. If the source files are arranged so all of the various code sections are brought in via separate include files - and there’s no reason in theory why this can’t be done - then, after any editing any of those files, the complete file set has to be re-assembled to produce a new working program. To ease the burden on Amiga programmers, Commodore have made a variety of system files available containing not just hundreds, but thousands, of EQUate definitions, macros definitions, system structure templates and so forth that have been found useful for the Amiga software developer. Commercial assembler packages, such as Devpac. always come with a set of these include files but public domain assemblers, a la A68k etc, do not. In this latter case the files (if needed) must be purchased separately from Commodore. These official system files relate to things like the serial and other devices, DOS, Exec, graphics and Intuition libraries etc, and always come grouped in directories whose names provide the broad general use category. Exec headers, for instance, are found in the exec directory. There are in fact two distinct sets of system files available. C programmers use a set of header files containing, as expected, C-style system definitions. These files can be easily recognised not only by their contents but by their .h filename extensions. Assembler programmers have a similarly arranged set of system definitions written in ways usable to the 680x0 coder. These include files are again always instantly recognisable because they have .i filename extensions. These Amiga system files provide C and assembly language programmer with broadly parallel universes. A C programmer might, foi instance, use definitions taken from the devices/serial.h header file. Someone coding a similar application using 68000 assembler would use the devices/serial.i include file. The existence of these files helps in two ways. Firstly, it eliminates the need for programmers to create their own definitions - a job which is both time consuming and error prone. Secondly, it promotes standardisation. All or most Amiga programmers soon get into the habit of using the ready made definitions provided in the Commodore supplied includes.

Insider Guide #28 — System File Updates

As each new version of the Amiga’s operating system has appeared so updated header/include files are released in a package officially known as the Amiga Native Developer Update disks. At the time of going to press these cost £25 a set.

The Snag For A68k Users

If you are one of the thousands of users who have now moved to Workbench 2 based machines (actually version 2.04 or later) then you may already be aware that a lot of new facilities have been added with this release: ARexx, the Cadtools library (which provides a whole range of new style, and easy to use, intuition gadget/menu building blocks), the ASL file/font requester library and many other goodies. The version 2.04 update disks provided the header/include file support for all of these new operating system additions and the more recent Workbench 3 headers/includes will be available by the time this book goes to print. For details of the Native Developer Update Disks write to: The Developer Support Liaison Manager Commodore Business Machines UK Ltd Commodore House The Switchback Gardner Road Maidenhead Berks, SL6 7XA 1 === NcuHindow ====»;====»===================*===”=====»»====-=========== ; NOTE: to use the new features of V36, you nay need to use :sWKW8HsSi»TJiSS£!J«re' be,ow- S | l:|i!:l 8 Isis; jjjiits!liiii! WORD nw_Height I initial Window dimensions the —i ka : .

«• Interface definitions for Intuition applications •»« jhj <C> 1gB3-1991 Comiodore-flnisa, Inc. ggJuSFSsETHs!…​.- If, by following the A68k/Blink pathway, you’ve been thankful for being able to build yourself an assembler environment for next to nothing then getting the official include files may present something of a dilemma. Relative to the cost of A68k/Blink they’ll seem expensive. Although these files are worth their weight in gold for the serious programmer, not everyone wants to, or can afford to, invest in these official includes when they first start experimenting with Amiga assembly language. In the early days, your programs are unlikely to need more than a few system definitions so it is easily possible to add these items to your own source code explicitly. Some coders even create their own mini system headers containing just those items which are regularly needed.

Why ths Book Avoided the System Includes

In the main I’ve chosen to create normal Amiga-flavoured code by adding suitable explicit macro and EQUate definitions to the code examples rather than use the official Commodore include files. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, it would have been grossly unfair on those A68k users without the official files. Secondly, much of the material present in the official files is not particularly relevant for the newcomer to assembly language. Thirdly it is probably more instructive in the early stages to see the various EQUate and macro definitions being used rather than have those definitions buried away in a large, and relatively complex, hierarchy of system files. Lastly, it turns out to be very easy for those programmers who do have access to the official includes to modify their programs if they wish to do so. Let me give you an example: a macro called LINKLIB (similar to the Insider Guide LINKLIB macro discussed and used in earlier chapters) is present in the Amiga exec/libraries.i system file. In any of the Insider Guide examples which use this macro it would be possible to eliminate the explicit definition that we’ve used in this book: LINKLIB MACRO move.1 move.1 jsr move.1 ENDM and instead just add the following line near the top of the source code a6,-(a7) \2,a6 \1(a6) (a7)+,a6 INCLUDE exec/libraries.i This causes the assembler to bring in the libraries.i include file which, amongst other items, contains the equivalent, Commodore defined LINKLIB macro. In the next chapter I’ll be taking a look at some more Intuition library functions. The example programs require access to quite a number of system include file based items and this provides another opportunity to illustrate the difference between the home cooked definitions and the official system file coding approaches.

Insider Guide #29 — Keeping Up To Date?

System file updates are usually done in such a way that any changes involving existing structures and library routines are backwards compatible. This means, for example, that a 1.3 based programmer could use more up-to-date system files providing they stuck to using only those library routines which were in fact available with the 1.3 operating system release. However, don’t forget that you only really need up-to-date files if you have an up-to-date, or upgraded, Amiga. Many programmers, having originally purchased the (now dated) Workbench 1.3 head-er/include file set have quite sensibly continued to use them simply because they are still using 1.3 based machines.

More on Intuition

Intuition programming is a massive subject and it’s impossible to do it justice in an intoductory book of this nature. This chapter should, however, place you in good stead for tackling some of the more advanced Amiga programming books later on…​

/in Chapter 13 I mentioned that in recent releases of the I Amiga’s operating system quite a few things have changed. _| Let’s make one thing clear at the outset - the new system facilities make life easier for the Amiga coder, rather than harder. There are however those changes to contend with and unfortunately some of the most visible ones affect even the most elementary operations that an enthusiastic new Amiga coder might experiment with. New methods for opening screens and windows are a typical case in point because these operations, like many others, are now done using things called tag lists.

Ringing the Changes

Before we get stuck into the main tag list discussions it is worthwhile looking at the types of problems that the Ringing the Changes Commodore system programmers have had to contend with as they upgraded the Amiga environment. This will help put a number of otherwise confusing alternative Amiga library function issues into context. First and foremost comes the need for backward compatibility. Software companies who must maintain products to run on all O/S versions in current use can be badly hit by poorly thought out operating system enhancements. To their credit Commodore have gone to great lengths to minimise these types of difficulties. Even so, modifying an existing Amiga product so that it runs say under both Release 2 and 1.3 is hard work and still little short of a nightmare for most programmers. The reason I’m mentioning all this is simple - you will find that with Release 2 onwards some operations can be performed in a variety of seemingly different ways and it is important to understand why this is so. Much of the flexibility has been provided primarily for those developers who, in terms of compatibility, were in the unfortunate position of being stuck between a rock (the 1.3 O/S) and a hard place (Release 2 and later). Given that the 1.3 user base is likely to diminish as users upgrade existing machines, and new models like the brilliant A1200 and A4000/030 make their mark, many developers chose to provide (and maintain) separate versions of their products. This latter approach is also the one that most Amiga users will want to adopt with their own programs because experience shows that once they’re working with the new environment their interest in 1.3 coding will dwindle rapidly! In order to appreciate some of the new system function options (available from Release 2 onwards) it is necessary to understand how tag lists fit into the compatibility scenario.

When New Windows Are Not!

I’ve already mentioned that the official include files contain, amongst other things, templates (definitions) for system structures used to define various entities used by the system. With operating system releases up to and including 1.3, one of these templates, called a NewWindow structure, provided standard names and internal structure position data for the various attribute fields: size, position and so on. To open a window you would create a NewWindow structure, fill in the appropriate details, and then call an Intuition library function named OpenWindowQ. When New Windows Are Not! In order to provide the Release 2 system enhancements, however, some established operations, like window opening, required additional parameters to be specified and Commodore’s problem was to find a way to do this that would minimise any code compatibility upsets.What they wanted was a solution that would eliminate altogether any need to extend existing system structures in future 0/S releases. The approach they adopted is based on the use of arrays, or lists of arrays, that contain self-identifying parameter values each consisting of an identifying label and a corresponding real parameter value. Since these lists provide a way of tagging additional parameters onto existing 0/S structures, they were called tag lists. Where appropriate, new library functions look for such items and use them either in addition to, or as a replacement for, any existing structure data they might have used in the past. Tag lists solve the problem of providing additional parameters but they do not, on their own, provide any help as far as backward compatibility goes. One of the things that Commodore did from Release 2 was to create an extended NewWindow definition which included an additional extension field at the end of the new structure. A special include file flag value was defined which, when set, told the OpenWindowf) system routine that tag item values were present. When running under Release 1.3 or earlier this extension field was obviously ignored but, by using these types of transparent extensions coupled with conditional code that looks for Release 2 libraries or later, developers were (and, in theory, still are) able to write code that worked under all O/S versions.

Window Opening

So far I’ve tried to paint a general picture about how and why tag lists came into existence and why you are going to find a variety of seemingly similar window opening functions in newer versions of the intuition library. Before tackling some 68000 code issues there are a few more points about the opening of Intuition windows that need to be made. Since Release 2 there have actually been five different ways to write window opening code. For a start, a programmer can set up an ExtNewScreen structure containing a pointer to a tag list holding any additional parameters required. Alternatively, an OpenWindowTagList() function can be used in one of two different ways. The originally required parameters can be specified, a la 1.3, in a NewWindow structure with additional (Release 2 Window Opening onward) arguments being provided in a separate tag list. Or, a NULL NewWindow pointer can be used coupled with a tag list that contains all of the required window parameters. This latter approach often turns out to be the easiest because only the non-default window attribute values need be supplied. That covers three of the approaches available for making a window opening call. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your viewpoint) two more variations exist based on the use of the amiga.lib linker library’s OpenWindowTagsO function. Rather than passing a single tag list pointer, this function expects to get its tag parameters from the stack along with a NewWindow pointer. Again the NewWindow pointer can be NULL so tag based parameters can be used exclusively if required.

Insider Guide #30 — Window Opening — The Bottom Line

Whilst the 1.3 operating system offered just one basic routine for opening a window, from Release 2 onward there are five! Despite how it may seem, this hasn’t been done to cause budding Amiga programmers grief- it is just that it has been necessary to provide both a backward compatibility pathway for those who need it, and to ensure increased flexibility as far as future enhancements are concerned. Forget about the stack-oriented OpenWindowTagsO approaches because they’ve been provided primarily for C programmers. Forget also about the use of the NewWindow structures (extended or otherwise) because these structures now only remain in the include files for developers who needed compatibility with Workbench 1.3 and earlier. Concentrate instead on understanding how the OpenWindowTagListO function is used when window attributes are specified completely by tag list data! Tag lists are based on an Amiga system structure known as a Tagltem and if you look in the Utility/tagitem.i header you’ll find that Tagltems are defined in this sort of fashion: STRUCTURE Tagltem,0 ULONG ti_Tag Tag Lists ULONG ti_Data LABEL ti SIZEOF The STRUCTURE, ULONG and LABEL items are some rather ingenious macros designed to allow the assembly language include files to be written using C style structure units. Don’t worry about the way they work just accept the fact that each tag item consists of a pair of long word (four byte) values. The first long word provides a 32 bit Tagltem identity, the second a corresponding 32 bit data value. Most tag identity values are context specific. The intuition.i header file contains definitions of all manner of Intuition-related tag identities. WA_Left, WA_Top, WA_Width and WA_Height, for instance, are used to specify window position and size information. A number of general tag item values have also been defined and can be found, along with the Tagltem structure, in the utility/tagitem.i file. Here are a few examples: TAGIGNORE Indicates that the associated data item should be ignored. TAGSKIP Skip this and the next ti_Data Tagltems. TAGMORE Marks the end of one array and indicates that at least one other Tagltem array exists. The ti_Data field points to the next Tagltem array to be used. TAGEND Signals the end of an array (in this case ti_Data would be unused). It’s important to understand that tag lists have been adopted to solve the problem of adding additional parameters to function calls once and for all. In short, from Release 2 onwards, they have become an integral part of the Amiga’s programming environment. If you are interested in getting into up-to-date Amiga programming you must understand how they work. The rest of this chapter is concerned with making sure you do! The program we’re going to develop opens a window on the Workbench screen. This, rather simple, coding task is actually very useful because it draws a lot of earlier ideas together thus providing another essential step forward. Having said that, there is still much to explain and this is best done in stages. Our starting point, which should by now be familiar, are those all important library opening operations.

Open Sesame

For reasons that should soon become apparent we have got to open both the DOS and the Intuition libraries. These operations, as indicated in Figure 14.1, form the outer framework for our program: OPEN DOS LIBRARY OPEN INTUITION LIBRARY Open a Window? CLOSE INTUITION LIBRARY CLOSE DOS LIBRARY Open Sesame Figure 14.1 A starling framework for the first Intuition example The following code, which just opens two libraries instead of one, does nothing you’ve not seen before but take note that, since the Intuition library function which we shall be using has only been available from library version 36, we’ve got to specify this version as the earliest acceptable library. An EQUate statement has been used to define the library version - this is preferable to placing the number 36 into the code itself. It provides better program documentation and the definition, since it is near the start of the program, is easier to find and update should the need arise. * Example CH14-1.s LINKLIB MACRO move.1 a6,-(a7) move.1 \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) move. 1 ENDM (a7)+,a6 CALLSYS MACRO LINKLIB ENDM _LV0\1,\2 NULL EQU 0 D0S_VERSI0N EQU 0 INTUITION_VERSION EQU 36 AbsExecBase EQU 4 LVOOpenLibrary EQU -552 LVOCloseLibrary EQU -414 start library lea dos_name,a1 load pointer to name moveq #DOS_VERSION,d0 any version will do! open_dos CALLSYS OpenLibrary, AbsExecBase move.l d0,_DOSBase save returned pointer beq exit check open OK? open_int lea intuition name,a1 load pointer to library name moveq #INTUITION_VERSION , do specify mimimum lib version CALLSYS OpenLibrary,AbsExecBase move.l d0,_IntuitionBase save returned pointer beq closedos check open OK? * LIBRARIES OPEN OK SO WE COULD DO SOMETHING! close_int move.l _IntuitionBase,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary,AbsExecBase close_dos move.l _DOSBase,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary, AbsExecBase exit clr. 1 rts d0 DOSBase ds.l 1 _IntuitionBase ds.l 1 dosname dc.b 'dos.library1,NULL intuition name dc.b 'intuition.library',NULL

Completing the Plan of Action

You might think that, once the Intuition library has been opened, we can simply use some Intuition library function to open a window on the Workbench screen. Under some circumstances, however, a user (or an applications program) can close the Workbench and so a method of preventing this happening whilst a program is in the middle of setting up a window is needed. Intuition provides something called a locking function which allows an application to force the Workbench - or other public screen - to stay open. An unlocking function is also available and this can be used at any time after the new window has been successfully created. For reasons of symmetry I prefer to pair lock/unlock calls in much the same way as open/close library operations are paired. The overall program plan can be seen in Figure 14.2. OPEN DOS LIBRARY OPEN INTUITION LIBRARY LOCK INTUITION SCREEN OPEN WINDOW WAIT FOR SPECIFIED TIME CLOSE WINDOW UNLOCK INTUITION SCREEN CLOSE INTUITION LIBRARY CLOSE DOS LIBRARY Figure 14.2 The final framework for the first Intuition example Why the time delay? Just to give you a chance to see the window appear, and this is basically a cop out aimed at keeping things as simple as possible. Fully fledged Intuition programs use gadgets and menus coupled to an Exec style inter-task message communications scheme. This type of coding, at the 68000 level, is sufficiently complex as to be outside the scope of this book. To produce runable Intuition programs whilst avoiding these message-based techniques it has been necessary, having opened a window, to use a DOS DelayO function to enable the window to be seen on the display otherwise it would disappear almost immediately. If you want more details of the Exec messaging system see the Mastering Amiga Assembler and Mastering Amiga System references in the bibliography! Completing the Plan of Action Adding the Screen Locking/Unlocking Code

Adding the Screen Locking/Unlocking Code

These routines are used just like any other library functions. The required parameters are set up, the library base is placed in register a6, and the appropriate indirect subroutine call is made. On return the results - if any - are checked to see that they are valid. One way of locking the Workbench screen is to set up a static name definition using a dc.b directive: workbench_name dc.b ‘Workbench’,NULL along with a variable to store the returned Workbench pointer workbenchp ds.l 1 and then use this now familiar type of library call code arrangement: lock_screen lea workbench_name, aO pointer to screen name CALLSYS LockPubScreen,_ IntuitionBase move.l d0,workbench_p save returned pointer beq close_int check return value?

Insider Guide #31 - Lock Em Up!

Function Name: LockPubScreen() Description: Prevents a public screen from closing screen = LockPubScreen(name) d0 aO Call Format: Registers: Arguments: Return Value: name - pointer to text string giving name of screen screen - pointer to screen (or NULL if routine fails)

Insider Guide #32 — Free At Last!

Function Name: UnlockPubScreen() Description: Release a public screen lock UnlockPubScreen(name,[screen]) aO a1 Call Format: Registers: Arguments: Return Value: name - screen None can provide pointer to name of screen. [Normally supplied as NULL] - pointer to screen

Insider Guide #33 - Open Up!

Function Name: OpenWindowTagList() Description: Opens window using NewWindow and/or tag list data Call Format: window=OpenWindowTagList(new_window,tag_items) Registers: d0 aO a1 Arguments: new_window - pointer to a NewWindow structure tag_items - pointer to a tag list Return Value: window - address of window (NULL if routine fails)

Insider Guide #34 —Closing Windows When You’re Finished

Function Name: CloseWindow() Description: Does the obvious!

Call Format: CloseWindow(window) Registers: aO Arguments: window - pointer to the window to close Return Value: None Insider Guide Function Name: Description: Call Format: Registers: Arguments: Return Value:

Insider Guide #35 - A DOS Time Waster Delay()

Causes program to be suspended for a specified time Delay(time) d1 time - delay specified in ticks (50 ticks = 1 sec) None If by chance the Workbench screen is not open when this call is made Intuition will open it for you. The WorkBench screen unlocking is even simpler: unlkscreen move.l #NULL,aO screen name not needed move.l workbench_p,a1 screen to unlock CALLSYS UnlockPubScreen,_IntuitionBase There’s more good news because the OpenWindowTagListf) function that we’re going to use actually works even if you execute it without supplying either a structure block or a tag list. It sets up some reasonable defaults and even seems to identify the Workbench as the destination screen automatically. This means we can open a trial window very easily using: open_window move.l #NULL,aO move.l #NULL,a1 no tag list CALLSYS OpenWindowTagList,_IntuitionBase move.l d0,window_p our window beq unlkscreen and close it using the CloseWindowf) routine move.l window_p,aO window to close CALLSYS CloseWindow,_IntuitionBase If the DOS DelayO function is used to provide an arbitrary 5 second (250 tick) delay like this move.l #TIME_DELAY,d1 CALLSYS Delay,_DOSBase then - bingo! - we’ve got all we need to create a runable, observable Intuition window. Put this new code into our existing framework and things really start to cook. If you assemble the resulting code (Example CHI4-2.s), in the same way as explained in Chapters 9 and 10, you find that when the program is run, an Intuition window appears on the Workbench screen for about 5 seconds! (A68k users must remembering to put a terminal END statement into their source.) * Example CH14-2.S LINKLIB MACRO move.l a6,-(a7) move.l \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) move.l (a7)+,a6 ENDM CALLSYS MACRO LINKLIB _LV0\1,\2 ENDM NULL EQU 0 DOS_VERSION EQU 0 INTUITION_VERSION EQU 36 SECONDS EQU 50 TIME_DELAY EQU 5*SEC0NDS AbsExecBase EQU 4 LVOOpenLibrary EQU -552 LVOCloseLibrary EQU -414 LVOLockPubScreen EQU -510 LVOUnlockPubScreen EQU -516 LVOOpenWindowTagList EQU -606 LVOCloseWindow EQU -72 LVODelay start opendos open_int EQU -198 lea dos_name,a1 load pointer to library name moveq #DOS_VERSION,d0 any version will do! CALLSYS OpenLibrary, AbsExecBase move.l d0,_DOSBase save returned pointer beq exit check open OK? lea intuition_name,a1 load pointer to name moveq CALLSYS move.l beq lockscreen lea CALLSYS move.l beq open_window move.l move.l CALLSYS move.l beq move.l CALLSYS move.l CALLSYS unlk_screen move.l move.l CALLSYS closeint move.l CALLSYS closedos move.l CALLSYS exit clr.l rts #INTUITION_VERSION,do specify mimimum lib version OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase d0,_IntuitionBase save returned pointer close_dos check open OK? workbench_name,aO pointer to screen name LockPubScreen,_IntuitionBase d0,workbench_p save returned pointer closeint check return value? #NULL,aO #NULL,a1 no tag list OpenWindowTagList,_IntuitionBase d0,window_p pointer to our window unlk_screen #TIME_DELAY,d1 Delay,_D0SBase window_p,aO window to close CloseWindow,_IntuitionBase #NULL,aO screen name not needed workbench_p,a1 screen to unlock UnlockPubScreen,_IntuitionBase _IntuitionBase,a1 library to close CloseLibrary,_AbsExecBase _D0SBase,a1 library to close CloseLibrary,_AbsExecBase d0 logical end of program DOSBase ds.l _IntuitionBase ds.l workbenchp ds.l windowp ds.l dosjtame dc.b intuition_name dc. b workbench name dc.b 1 1 1 ‘dos.library’,NULL ‘intuition.library’,NULL ‘Workbench’,NULL

Adding Some Tag Data

It’s quite surprising that the previous code works because, as you may have noticed, we didn’t tell Intuition which screen we wanted our window to open on. Along with many other possible parameters, this is something that can be specified in a tag list. The numerical values of the tag identities need to be the same as those defined by Commodore and, for clarity, the standard tag identity names should also be used. Without access to the official headers these items need to be set up within the source code itself. The following EQUates do just that and produce results identical to those found in the official intuition/intu-ition.i and utility/tagitem.i include files. The official documentation provides many other tag definitions: TAG_DONE EQU 0 WA_BASE EQU $80000063 WALeft EQU WA_BASE+$01 WA_Top EQU WA_BASE+$02 WAWidth EQU WA_BASE+$03 WAHeight EQU WA_BASE+$04 WA_Title EQU WA_BASE+$0B WADragBar EQU WA_BASE+$1F WAPubScreen EQU WA_BASE+$16 WA_Left, WA_Top, WA_Width, WA_Height and WA_Title are used to provide details of the size and title of the window provided in the corresponding data fields. WA_DragBar, as the name suggests, asks Intuition to place a drag bar on the window if the data item field is set to TRUE and WA_PubScreen is used to supply the address of the screen being used. Adding Some Tag Data

Insider Guide it36 If You Have the Official Amiga Include Files…​

Then you do not need to set up the tag identity values because they are provided in the intuition/intuition.i and utility/tagitem.i include files. Nor is it necessary to define the LINKLIB macro because that is present in the exec/libraries.i file. Best of all you only need to specify one include file, namely intuition/intuition.i, in your source and this automatically brings in the various files just mentioned -and many more. In practice then, you just need this statement at the start of your source code: INCLUDE intuition/intuition.i Most tag identities and values can be set up as static definitions consisting of identity+value pairs. After all we can decide what values are needed before we assemble the program! The data part of the WA_PubScreen however, which is a pointer to the public screen, cannot be set up in this way since this info comes back from the LockPubScreenf) routine. Because of this it is convenient to give the WA_PubScreen data field a separate label. The Workbench address has to be stored anyway in order to release the public screen lock so I’ve arranged to store it directly in the tag list data rather than store it separately and move a copy of the address to the tag list. I’ve arbitrarily chosen to create a 440x100 pixel window (called ‘My Very First Window!’) with a drag bar which opens at the x/y screen location of (100,50). Here are the tag list storage definitions being used: tags workbenchp dc.l WAPubScreen ds.l 1 dc.l WA_Left,100 dc.l WA_Top,50 dc.l WA_Width,440 dc.l WAHeight,100 dc.l WA_DragBar,TRUE dc.l WA_Title,window_name dc.l TAG_D0NE,NULL By adding the above mentioned fragments to the existing program, and changing the OpenWidowTagListf) call so that register al gets loaded with the start of the tag list like this: open_window move.l #NULL,aO lea tags,a1 our tag list CALLSYS OpenWindowTagList,IntuitionBase We are now able to pass Intuition the tag list information about the window. Here, to end this chapter, is the finished source code which shows you how the above ideas fit together: * Example CH14-3.S LINKLIB MACRO move.l a6,-(a7) move.l \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) move.l (a7),a6 ENDM CALLSYS MACRO LINKLIB _LV0\1,\2 ENDM TRUE EQU 1 NULL EQU 0 D0S_VERSI0N EQU 0 INTUITION_ VERSION EQU 36 SECONDS EQU 50 TIME_DELAY EQU 10*SEC0NDS TAG_D0NE EQU 0 WA_BASE EQU $80000063 WA_Left EQU WA_BASE$01 WATop EQU WA_BASE+$02 WA_Width EQU WA_BASE+$03 WAHeight EQU WA_BASE+$04 WATitle EQU WA_BASE+$0B 139 WA_DragBar WA_PubScreen AbsExecBase LVOOpenLibrary _LVOCloseLibrary LVOLockPubScreen LVOUnlockPubScreen LVOOpenWindowTagList LVOCloseWindow _LVODelay start lea opendos moveq CALLSYS move.l openint beq lea moveq CALLSYS move.l lockscreen beq lea CALLSYS move.l beq open_window move.l lea CALLSYS EQU WA_BASE+$1F EQU WA_BASE+S16 EQU 4 EQU -552 EQU -414 EQU -510 EQU -516 EQU -606 EQU -72 EQU -198 dos_name,a1 load pointer to library name #DOS_VERSION,d0 any version will do! OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase d0,_DOSBase save returned pointer exit check open OK? intuition_name,a1 load pointer to library name #INTUITION_VERSION,d0 specify mimimum lib version OpenLibrary, AbsExecBase d0,_IntuitionBase save returned pointer close_dos check open OK? workbench_name,aO pointer to screen name LockPubScreen,_IntuitionBase d0,workbench_p save returned pointer close_int check return value? #NULL,aO tags,a1 our tag list OpenWindowTagList,_IntuitionBase move.l d0,window_p pointer to our window beq unlkscreen move.l #TIME_DELAY,d1 CALLSYS Delay,_D0SBase move.l window_p,aO window to close CALLSYS CloseWindow, IntuitionBase unlk screen move.l #NULL,aO screen name not needed move.l workbench_p,a1 screen to unlock CALLSYS UnlockPubScreen,IntuitionBase close _int move.l IntuitionBase ,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary, AbsExecBase close dos move.l _D0SBase,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary, AbsExecBase exit clr.l d0 rts logical end of program DOSBase ds.l 1 IntuitionBase ds.l 1 windowp ds.l 1 tags dc.l WAPubScreen workbench_p ds.l 1 dc.l WALeft,100 dc.l WA_Top,50 dc.l WA_Width,440 dc.l WA_Height,100 dc.l WA_DragBar,TRUE dc.l WA_Title,window_name dc.l TAG_DONE,NULL dos_name dc.b ‘dos.library’,NULL intuition_name dc.b ‘intuition.library’,NULL workbenchname window_name dc.b Workbench',NULL dc.b 'My Very First Window!NULL

Amiga Graphics: A Start

Creating Amiga graphics is an exciting and rewarding job hut, surprisingly, it is not that difficult even when programming in assembler language. This chapter unveils some of the tricks that are needed to get you started…​ drawing graphics into multiple-bitplane screens and windows are, in terms of the underlying ideas, quite complex but the existence of pre-written routines means that all the complexity can be nicely hidden away. Intuition provides routines for displaying text, polygon shapes which come under the general name of Borders, and bitplane images. In this chapter it is the image-oriented operations that come under the magnifying glass. Intuition’s image drawing is based on a structure - a standardised block of data - known, believe it or not, as an Image structure. The Intuition Image structure tells Intuition things about the size and location of the image and is used primarily in conjunction with a library routine called DrawImageQ. Amiga Graphics: A Start

Insider Guide #37 — Graphics The Easy Way

Function Name: Drawlmage() Description: This is Intuition’s high-level Image drawing routine Call Format: DrawImage(rastport, image, left_offset, top_offset); Registers: aO a1 do d1 Arguments: rastport - pointer to a RastPort image - pointer to an Image structure leftoffset - a general left offset used with all of the linked Image structures of a particular Drawlmage() call. topoffset - a general top offset used with all of the linked Image structures of a particular Drawlmage() call. Return Value: None Notes: It is convenient to have displacement offsets in the Drawlmage() call itself because this allows a global offset to be applied to a chain of Image structures. You may have a group of a couple of dozen separate images on display but, if you so desire, can reposition the whole group (keeping their relative positions the same) by altering the global offsets. On the face of it this function call arrangement makes the display of graphics images very easy. In practice there is a big problem looming because, although using the Image structures and the Drawlmagef) function is easy enough, creating the associated Image data is not. Working out from first principles exactly how to create the Image data for a particular object (whether it be a cloud, a tree or some fancy backdrop display) turns out to be nigh-on impossible. The good news is that, as a programmer, you never have to do this because nowadays tools are available which make the task of creating even the most complex graphics a piece of cake. Firstly, the existence of clear inter-program graphics definition guidelines (part of the now famous IFF standard) encouraged the creation of programs that can read and write graphics data using a common data-file format. Secondly, programs such as Electronic Art’s DPaint and Cloanto’s Personal Paint have provided an easy means of creating IFF picture files without the programmer having to be involved with the underlying complexities of bitplane data generation. More help has appeared and tools, such as Inovatronic’s Power Windows, are able to convert IFF brushes into the equivalent assembly source compatible Image data.

Insider Guide #38 — BitPlane Graphics Theory

An example bit-by-bit plan for a small graphics object is provided in the Intuition sections of the Addison Wesley Libraries RKM manual but you are unlikely to have to use this approach. The relationships between displays, bitplanes, Images etc, are dealt with very thoroughly in the RKM manuals and, when you get to the point where you start to need in-depth information, they are without doubt the best place to look.

Getting Graphics into Code

As already mentioned, the task of creating and using graphics in your Amiga programs has been considerably eased by some sophisticated graphics-support tools. Deluxe Paint for instance can be used to create any required graphics objects which can then be stored as picture files. This can be done using either complete screen pictures or small, user definable, graphic sections called brushes. By switching on Deluxe Paint’s X/Y co-ordinate display a user can easily create objects of a given size. If some graphic images 40 pixels by 60 pixels are needed then a suitable background area can be marked out, the images drawn, and the brush facility then used to save that particular area of the display. So, how do you get say a Deluxe Paint drawing into your program? It is possible for a program to read in an IFF file and convert it into a suitable (Amiga displayable) form directly. The advantages of this particular approach are that you only need to read the picture into memory just prior to displaying it, so it becomes very easy to change the graphics without re-assembling the program - you just swap one IFF file for another. The disadvantage is that some rather complicated programming is needed to handle straight IFF graphics file loading. Getting Graphics into Code The other approach is to take the IFF file and convert it to an Intuitior Image structure using a utility such as Power Windows. Having dont that the Image structure and the associated Image data can be reac into the source code of the program and displayed using the Intuitior DrawImageQ function. Tools like PowerWindows are a great help to the serious Amiga coder.

A Runable Example

The next program is based on the last example of Chapter 14 but in addition to opening a window on the Workbench screen, it also draws some bitplane graphics. In this case DPaint was used to draw the picture, which was subsequently saved as an IFF Brush. Power Windows was then used to convert the brush to assembler-style data statements. A Rimable Example The DrawImageO function requires a pointer to the window’s rastporl (drawing area) and this address is stored inside the window structure ie the block of data set up by Intuition when a window is opened. I’ve not discussed structure creation and structure access in this book because, although important, it leans heavily towards C language style concepts and complicated macros that are best left for more advanced books. To be honest it isn’t necessary to understand how C- style structures are created in order to use them and, since tools like Powei Windows can create the structures automatically anyway, all that’s really needed initially is a little help in using them. By loading an address register with the base of a window structure it is possible to reach inside and extract, ie copy, the window’s rastport address. It’s done using the 68000’s indirect addressing with displacement addressing mode - the same as that used to execute system library routines. Where do we get the base from? This is the window pointer, the window address, that was collected when the window was

Insider Guide #39 - Devpac to A68k Assembler Section Conventions

We’ve already seen that A68k requires source files to contain an explicit END statement at the end of the source code. This is easily done by reading the source file into any available ASCII text editor -ED or Memacs will do - moving to the end of the text file and inserting a terminal END statement as the last line of the source code. There is also a minor difference between the A68k and Devpac assemblers in the syntax used for program section identification. Most assembler programs contain real code, initialised data areas, and uninitialised areas. The section directive is used to tell the assembler about the purpose of particular areas of source code. The assembler subsequently embeds this information in the object code so that the linker can use it. For most small programs you don’t need to use, or worry about, section directives unless you are including graphics data - this must end up in chip memory in order for the Amiga’s custom chips (namely the blitter) to access it. With Devpac this is done using this sort of statement SECTION IMAGE,DATA_C Where IMAGE is just an arbitrary section name and DATA_C is a keyword indicating chip memory. Charlie Gibb’s A68k assembler requires slightly different section syntax and so a small change is necessary for coders using this program. The source code line shown above, which has to appear just before the graphics data itself, must with A68k, be changed to SECTION IMAGE,DATA,CHIP opened. In the example code this pointer comes back in register d0, so I just copy it to a convenient address register, al: move.l d0,a1 window address in a1 The offset, ie the displacement which is used to reach into the window structure, is another one of those many items defined in the official Amiga include files. It’s official name is wd_RPort, so named because it refers to a WinDow RastPORT. When this value is available the Amiga programmer can copy the field: move.l wd_RPort(a1),a0 copy rastport pointer into aO In the first version of the program I’ve assumed that the header files are not available and, since the RKM manuals tell me that the numerical value of the wd_RPort offset is 50 (decimal), I’ve just added an additional EQUate to the source code to create my own definition of this item. Once the rastport address is available the rest of the Drawlmagef) parameters can be set up and the function executed in the normal fashion: lea Imagel,a1 pointer to image moveq #20,d0 example left offset moveq #15,d1 example top offset CALLSYS Drawlmage, _IntuitionBase Now all that’s needed are some examples which show these drawing routines in action.

If You Haven’t Got the Official Includes

Everyone using Devpac has the official include files so this example is based on using the A68k assembler. All of the macros, tag identities, LVO values and field definitions have therefore been, like many previous examples, placed directly into the source and no official include files are needed to assemble it correctly: * Example CH15-1.s LINKLIB MACRO move.l a6,-(a7) move.l \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) move.l ENDM (a7),a6 CALLSYS MACRO LINKLIB ENDM _LV0\1,\2 TRUE EQU 1 NULL EQU 0 DOS_VERSION EQU 0 INTUITION_VERSION EQU 36 SECONDS EQU 50 TIME_DELAY EQU 10*SEC0NDS TAG_D0NE EQU 0 WA_BASE EQU $80000063 WA_Left EQU WA_BASE$01 WA_Top EQU WA_BASE+$02 WA_Width EQU WA_BASE+$03 WAHeight EQU WA_BASE+$04 WATitle EQU WA_BASE+$OB WA_DragBar EQU WA_BASE+$1F WAPubScreen EQU WA_BASE+$16 wdRPort EQU 50 AbsExecBase EQU 4 LVOOpenLibrary EQU -552 LVOCloseLibrary EQU -414 LVOLockPubScreen EQU -510 LVOUnlockPubScreen EQU -516 LVOOpenWindowTagList EQU -606 LVOCloseWindow EQU -72 LVODelay EQU -198 LVODrawImage EQU -114 start lea dos_name, a1 load pointer to library name moveq #DOS_VERSION,d0 any version will do! opendos CALLSYS OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase move.l d0,_DOSBase save returned pointer beq exit check open OK? openint lea intuition_name,a1 load pointer to library name moveq #INTUITION_VERSION ,d0 specify mimimum lib version CALLSYS OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase move.l d0,_IntuitionBase save returned pointer beq closedos check open OK? lockscreen lea workbench_name,aO pointer to screen name CALLSYS LockPubScreen,_IntuitionBase move.l d0,workbench_p save returned pointer beq close_int check return value? open_window move.l #NULL,aO lea tags,a1 our tag list CALLSYS OpenWindowTagList, _IntuitionBase move.l d0,window_p pointer to our window beq unlkscreen drawimage move.l d0,a1 window address in a1 move.l wd_RPort(a1),aO copy rastport pointer into aO lea Imagel,a1 pointer to image moveq #20,d0 example left offset moveq #15,d1 example top offset CALLSYS Drawimage,_IntuitionBase wait move.l #TIME_DELAY,d1 CALLSYS Delay,_DOSBase move.l window_p,aO window to close CALLSYS CloseWindow,_IntuitionBase unlkscreen move .1 #NULL,aO screen name not needed move.l workbench_p,a1 screen to unlock CALLSYS UnlockPubScreen, IntuitionBase close_int move .1 _IntuitionBase,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary,_AbsExecBase closedos move .1 DOSBase,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary,_AbsExecBase exit clr. 1 d0 rts logical end of program DOSBase ds.l 1 _IntuitionBase ds.l 1 windowp ds.l 1 tags dc.l WAPubScreen workbench_p ds.l 1 dc.l WA_Left,50 dc.l WA_Top,20 dc.l WA_Width,420 dc.l WA_Height,250 dc.l WA_DragBar,TRUE dc.l WA_Title,window_name dc.l TAG_DONE,NULL dosname dc.b ‘dos.library’,NULL intuition_name dc.b ‘intuition.library’,NULL workbenchname dc.b ‘Workbench’,NULL windowname dc.b ‘My Very First Graphics!’, NULL Imagel: Generated from IFF brush using Windows Power dc.w 0,0 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft dc.w 395, ,215 ;Image width and height in pixels dc.w 2 ;number of bitplanes in Image dc.l ImageDatal ;pointer to ImageData dc.b $0003,$0000 ;PlanePick and PlaneOnOff dc.l NULL ;next Inage structure 3ECTI0N Image,DATA,CHIP InageDatal: dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc. w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $001F, $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc. w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc. w $0000, $001F, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc.w $0000, $0000,$001F,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $001F, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $001F, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $001F, $0000, $0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $001F, $0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $001F dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 END

The Offical Approach

When the official Amiga include files are available many of the definitions present in the previous version are unnecessary because they are available in the includes files themselves. LVO values are available from two main sources. Firstly, they are defined as part of the amiga.lib Tinker library so any program that needs to link with amiga.lib has access to the necessary values automatically. Secondly both Commodore and commercial assemblers like Devpac provide utilities for generating LVO values from the Commodore function description files; these form part of the official include file disk material. The following source assumes that a file, called function_offsets.i, is available with suitable LVO offset information: The Official Approach * Example CH15-2.S INCLUDE intuition/intuition.i INCLUDE functionoffsets.i CALLSYS MACRO LINKLIB _LV0\1,\2 ENDM TRUE EQU 1 NULL EQU 0 D0S_VERSI0N EQU 0 INTUITIONJ/ERSION EQU 36 SECONDS EQU 50 TIME_DELAY EQU 10*SEC0NDS start lea dosname, a1 load pointer to library name moveq #D0S_VERSI0N,d0 any version will do! opendos CALLSYS OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase move.l d0,_DOSBase save returned pointer beq exit check open OK? openint lea intuition _name,a1 load pointer to library name moveq #INTUITION_VERSION,d0 lock screen wait specify mimimum lib version CALLSYS move.l beq lea CALLSYS move.l beq open_window move.l lea CALLSYS move.l beq draw_image move.l move.l pointer lea moveq OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase d0,_IntuitionBase close_dos workbench_name,aO save returner pointer check open OK? pointer to screen name LockPubScreen,_IntuitionBase d0,workbench_p closeint "NULL,aO tags,a1 save returned pointer check return value? our tag list OpenWindowTagList,_IntuitionBase d0,window_p unlkscreen d0,a1 wd_RPort(a1),a0 into aO Imagel,a1 #20,d0 moveq #15,d1 pointer to our window window address in a1 copy rastport pointer to image example left offset example top offset CALLSYS DrawImage,_IntuitionBase move.l #TIME_DELAY,d1 CALLSYS Delay,_D0SBase move.l window_p,aO window to close CALLSYS CloseWindow,_IntuitionBase unlkscreen move.l #NULL,aO screen name not needed move.l workbench_p,a1 screen to unlock CALLSYS UnlockPubScreen,_IntuitionBase closeint move.l _IntuitionBase,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary,_AbsExecBase closedos move.l _D0SBase,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary,AbsExecBase exit clr. .1 d0 rts logical end of program _D0SBase ds.l 1 _IntuitionBase ds.l 1 window_p ds.l 1 tags dc.l WAPubScreen workbench_p ds.l 1 dc.l WA_Left,50 dc.l WA_Top,20 dc.l WA_Width,420 dc.l WA_Height,250 dc.l WA_DragBar,TRUE dc.l WA_Title,window_name dc.l TAG_DONE,NULL dos_name dc.b 'dos.library',NULL intuitionname dc.b 'intuition.library1,NULL workbench_name dc.b 'Workbench',NULL window_name dc.b 'My Very First Graphics!',NULL Imagel: Generated from IFF brush using Power Windows dc.w 0,0 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft dc.w 395,215 ;Image width and height in pixels dc.w 2 ;number of bitplanes in Image dc.l ImageDatal ;pointer to ImageData dc.b $0003,$0000 ;PlanePick and PlaneOnOff dc.l NULL ;next Image structure SECTION Image,DATA_C ImageDatal: dc. w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $001F, $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc. w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$001F,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc. w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc. w $0000,$0000,$001F,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc .w $0000,$0000,$0000,$001F,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc .w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 l\l\l\l\l\l\/\l\l\l\ dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$001F,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc. w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$001F,$0000,$0000 dc .w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc .w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$001F,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc. w $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $0000, $001F dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000

More Coding Practice

This chapter deals with a number of topics, all carefully chosen to lead you on to greater things…​

rjhe examples we’ve dealt with so far have been kept deliberately straightforward and you’ll have doubtless _noticed that the examples have adopted a “do this, then that, then something else…​” style coupled with some conditional test branches to ensure that the right things happen at the right time. This is fine for small pieces of code but as programs get larger these simple linear arrangements become less and less attractive. In short, methods need to be found for identifying and separating the various logical tasks a program must perform. Equally important, coding has to progress in a way which makes program development (and code re-use) less traumatic. One of the ways this is done is to identify those jobs which are suitable for writing as subroutines. More Coding Practice


When a particular piece of code is recognised as being generally useful - or perhaps is repeated many times within just one program - it is worth writing as a subroutine and on the 68000 the basic arrangement takes this form: label start of subroutine t code which does the real work I rts return from subroutine The subroutine, as likely as not, has to use one or more of the 68000’s registers and this creates a potential problem because the contents of some of those registers may already contain information important to the program. The usual way of preventing a subroutine from inadvertently destroying register data is to preserve the contents of any registers being used (by placing them on the 68000’s stack) and, when the subroutine has finished its work, re-instating them. In general then the framework adopted by most subroutines actually looks more like this: label start of subroutine preserve any registers to be used t code which does the real work \ restore contents of registers used rts return from subroutine These multiple save/restore operations are so common that the 68000 has provided special instructions for the job. They are called multiple move, or movem, instructions and they allow ranges of registers to be specified. If, for instance, we want to store data registers d2-d7, and address registers a2-a5, on the 68000 stack using the stack pointer register sp (ie a7) it could be done like this: movem.1 d2-d7/a2-a5, - (sp) preserve registers and to reinstate the contents of those registers: Subroutines movem.l (sp),d2-d7/a2-a5 restore registers so 68000 subroutines end up using these type of schemes: label start of subroutine movem.l d2-d7/a2-a5,-(sp) preserve registers t code which does the real work \ movem.l (sp),d2-d7/a2-a5 rts restore registers return from subroutine

Subroutine Parameters

Subroutines usually need some sort of data to act on and these items are known as the subroutine’s parameters. There are a variety of parameter passing techniques available to the 68000 programmer but the one used in our examples is that used by the Amiga’s run-time library functions -ie any values the subroutine needs are passed in microprocessor registers. Very often a supplied parameter needs to be re-used by the subroutine and one commonly seen Amiga-specific coding slip is arranging to supply one of more values in registers d0, dl, aO ,or al, and at some point making a run-time library call. The registers just mentioned, the so called scratch registers, are often destroyed by the library call and the official Amiga documentation specifically states that the values of those registers should always be regarded as lost!

An Example Subroutine

We’re going to develop a nice and easy, but still quite effective routine, called DrawGridf) that takes a specified graphics object (defined as an Intuition image) and creates a tile/wallpaper effect within a window by drawing multiple copies of the image using the sort of caller-defined MxN grid, as’seen in Figure 16.1. Quite a few parameters need to be passed to this DrawGridf) subroutine. Knowing from the function description that the Intuition Drawlmagef) library routine needs a rastport pointer in aO, an image pointer in al, plus left and top offsets in d0 and dl the following register arrangements were chosen: An Example Subroutine Subroutine Parameters N columns —► M r 0 w s 1

Figure 16.1. A MxN caller defined grid. aO is to hold the window rastport pointer a1 is to hold the image pointer d0 is to hold the starting left offset value d1 is to hold the starting top offset value d2 holds the required horizontal block count, ie column count d3 is to hold the required vertical block count, ie row count The subroutine draws each row of the grid by making DrawImageQ library calls incrementing the function’s left offset drawing position by the width of the image block each time. Once a row is complete the top offset value is increased by the height of the image and the row drawing operations repeated. Rather unfortunately we must assume that the parameters present in aO, al, d0 and dl (the scratch registers) are destroyed by each and every Drawlmage() Intuition call. So these values need to be copied to other registers at the start of the routine so that they can be reloaded as required. Also, a copy has to be kept of the original left offset because one working value needs to be increased as the images in any given row are drawn but the original value is still needed to reset the offset at the start of the second and subsequent row drawing operations. Now all of these values could be placed on the 68000’s stack, or stored in ds.x defined memory locations but, for maximum execution speed it is actually faster to keep as much data as possible within the 68000 registers themselves. I have therefore, somewhat arbitrarily, chosen to preserve the rastport pointer in register a2, the image pointer in regis- ter a3, the left offset in d7, the top offset in a4, the column block count in a5 and opted to collect and store the image width and height in d4 and d5 respectively. Additionally register d6 is used to store the current left offset value at any given time. Why were address registers chosen for some data items? It’s simply that almost all (data and address) registers were needed to store all of the various items! Parameters supplied: aO holds the window rastport pointer a1 holds the image pointer d0 holds the starting left offset value d1 holds starting top offset value d2 holds required horizontal block count, ie column count d3 holds required vertical block count, ie row count Additional registers used within the routine: d4 stores image width d5 stores image height d6 holds an updated (current ) left offset d7 copy of original left offset a2 copy of rastport pointer a3 copy of image pointer a4 copy of original top offset a5 copy of original column count Although I’ve not made a point of emphasising this in earlier chapters, it’s worth remembering that instructions which use smaller size operands do execute more quickly and, of course, memory space is saved. Graphics routines, such as the one we are developing, should make all reasonable efforts to take advantage of such things and in this case a lot of the data, block counts, the Drawlmage() offsets etc, can in fact be specified as word sized (two byte) data items. The image width and height values, which are also word sized fields do not need to be explicitly provided as they’re stored in the image structure itself and can be obtained using the word-based form of indirect addressing with displacement. In the case of the Intuition Image structure the displacements required to obtain the image width and height are given the standard ig_Width and ig_Height respectively. Predefined values are available in the intuition.i include file but since they have absolute values of 4 and 6 it is easy enough to define identical EQUate values if necessary and so still write this type of conventional Amiga code: move.w ig_Width(a1),d4 get image width in d4 move.w igHeight(a1),d5 get image height in d5 Coupled to the previously mentioned initial parameter copy operations, the subroutine entry code therefore ends up looking like this: move.1 a0,a2 preserve rastport pointer move.1 a1 ,a3 preserve image pointer move.w d0, d6 d6 = current left offset move.w d0,d7 preserve left offset for re-use move.w d1, a4 preserve top offset move.w d2,a5 preserve column count for re-use move.w ig_Width(a1),d4 get image width in d4 move.w ig_Height(a1),d5 get image height in d5

Drawing a Row of Images

Basically we draw the image structure (using the same function call arrangement as in the last chapter), decrease the horizontal block count, and test to see whether the count is zero thus checking all horizontal images in a row have been drawn. If the current row is complete we move onto the next row; otherwise we reset the top offset value in register dl (which the library call might have destroyed), update the left offset value (by adding the image width to it), reset the d0, aO and a 1 parameters which may also have been destroyed by the library call, and continue looping back to the Drawlmage() function: drawrow CALLSYS Drawlmage, IntuitionBase subq #1 ,d2 decrease count beq nextrow move.w a4,d1 set top offset add.w d4,d6 form new left offset draw_row2 move.w d6, d0 needed for library function call Drawing a Row of Images move.l a2,a0 restore rastport pointer move.l a3,a1 restore image pointer bra drawrow keep going At the start of each new row we decrease the count value and check whether another row needs to be drawn. If it does the left offset value is reset to the start of the row, the column count (which represents the number of horizontal blocks to be drawn) is similarly reset, and the top offset value is increased by the height of the image. In the following code notice how branch on equal (beq) and branch always (bra) instructions are used to create program loops which finally exit when the count values (which are decreased by one each time a loop is executed) become zero: next_row subq #1 ,d3 decrease count beq draw_end move.w d7,d6 reset start left offset for row move.w a5,d2 reset column count move.w a4,d1 add.w d5,d1 move.w d1, a4 top offset for next row bra draw row2 draw end These types of program loops with counter exits become increasingly important in more advanced 68000 programming and in fact the 68000 even provides some rather more specialised automated instructions for creating this type of code. By collecting all the things discussed so far we can piece together this, reasonably efficient, DrawGrid0 routine. I have incidentally chosen to preserve and restore all registers used (including scratch registers d0, dl, aO and al) because this allows the routine to be re-used quickly without having to reload any unchanged scratch register based parameter values: DrawGrid: Requires following parameters on entry…​ aO holds window rastport pointer a1 holds image pointer d0 holds starting left offset value d1 holds starting top offset value d2 holds required horizontal block count, ie column count d3 holds required vertical block count, ie row count draw row draw row2 movem.1 d0-d7/a0-a5 registers ,-(sp) preserve move.l a0,a2 preserve rastport pointer move.l a1 ,a3 preserve image pointer move.w d0,d6 d6 = current left offset move.w d0,d7 preserve left offset for re-use move.w d1 ,a4 preserve top offset move.w d2,a5 preserve column count for re-use move.w ig Width(a1),d4 get image width in d4 move.w ig Height(a1),d5 get image height in d5 CALLSYS Drawlmage,_ IntuitionBase subq #1 ,d2 decrease count beq next_row move.w a4,d1 set top offset add.w d4,d6 form new left offset move.w d6,d0 needed for library function call move.l a2,a0 restore rastport pointer move.l a3,a1 restore image pointer bra drawrow keep going next_row subq #1 ,d3 decrease count beq draw_end move.w d7,d6 offset for reset start left row move.w a5,d2 reset column count move.w a4,d1 add.w d5,d1 move.w Q. ft) top offset for next row bra draw_row2 drawend movem.l (sp),d0-d7/a0-a5 restore registers rts Are we finished? Not yet, because hidden in this routine is a glaring inefficiency that is easily eliminated. The CALLSYS macro is pushing a6 onto the stack and retrieving it after the Drawlmagef) routine returns. In this particular routine these actions are quite pointless because I’ve been a little crafty - register a6 has deliberately not been used except within CALLSYS. There is therefore no reason why, by just setting up a6 initially, we can’t replace the CALLSYS generated code with the single equivalent indirect subroutine call, thus eliminating all of those a6 push/pull operations. Trust me - the time savings are significant. DrawGrid: ; Requires following parameters on entry... ; aO holds window rastport pointer ; a1 holds image pointer ; d0 holds starting left offset value ; d1 holds starting top offset value ; d2 holds required horizontal block count, ie column count ; d3 holds required vertical block count, ie row count draw_row2 movem.l numbers bogus row movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) preserve registers move.l _IntuitionBase,a6 set up library base move.l a0,a2 preserve rastport pointer draw row draw row2 next row drawend move.l a1 ,a3 preserve image pointer move.w d0,d6 d6 = current left offset move.w d0,d7 preserve left offset for reuse move.w d1 ,a4 preserve top offset move.w d2,a5 preserve column count for re-use move.w ig Width(a1),d4 get image width in d4 move.w ig Height(a1),d5 get image height in d5 jsr _LV0DrawImage(a6) a faster alternative subq #1 ,d2 decrease count beq next_row move.w a4,d1 set top offset add.w d4,d6 form new left offset move.w d6,d0 needed for library function call move.l a2.a0 restore rastport pointer move.l a3,a1 restore image pointer bra draw_row keep going subq #1 ,d3 decrease count beq draw_end move.w d7,d6 reset start left offse for row move.w a5,d2 reset column count move.w a4,d1 add.w d5,d1 move.w d1 ,a4 top offset for next row bra draw_row2 movem.l rts (sp),d0- d7/a0-a6 restore registers

Building a Test Framework

All we have to do now is put this subroutine into a run-able example to check that it actually works. The next program, suitable for A68k coders and others without the official includes, is based on the ideas discussed in Chapter 15. Instead of the previous direct DrawImageO function call some example parameters are set up for our new DrawGrid0 routine: drawimages move.l d0,a1 window address in a1 move.l wd_RPort(a1) ,a0 copy rastport pointer into aO lea Imagel,a1 pointer to image moveq #20,d0 example left offset moveq #15,d1 example top offset moveq #20,d2 example columns count moveq #10,d3 example rows count and the subroutine simply executed like this: jsr DrawGrid our subroutine * Example CH16-1.S LINKLIB MACRO move.l a6,-(a7) move.l \2,a6 jsr \1(a6) move.l (a7),a6 Building a Test Framework ENDM CALLSYS MACRO LINKLIB _LV0\1,\2 ENDM TRUE EQU NULL EQU D0S_VERSI0N EQU INTUITION_VERSION EQU SECONDS EQU 50 TIME_DELAY EQU 10*SEC0NDS TA6_D0NE EQU 0 WA_BASE EQU $80000063 WALeft EQU WA_BASE$01 WA_Top EQU WA_BASE+$02 WA_Width EQU WA_BASE+$03 WAHeight EQU WA_BASE+$04 WATitle EQU WA_BASE+SOB WA_DragBar EQU WA_BASE+$1F WAPubScreen EQU WA_BASE+$16 wdRPort EQU 50 igWidth EQU 4 igHeight EQU 6 AbsExecBase EQU 4 LVOOpenLibrary EQU -552 _LVOCloseLibrary EQU -414 LVOLockPubScreen EQU -510 _LVOUnlockPubScreen EQU -516 _LVOOpenWindowTagList EQU -606 _LVOCloseWindow EQU -72 LVODelay EQU -198 _LVODrawImage EQU -114 start lea dos_name ,a1 load moveq #DOS_VERSION,d0 library name any version will do! opendos CALLSYS move.l beq OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase d0,_DOSBase save returned pointer exit check open OK? openint lea intuition_name,a1 load pointer to library name moveq #INTUITION_VERSION,d0 specify minimum lib version CALLSYS OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase move.l d0,_IntuitionBase save returned pointer beq closedos check open OK? lock_screen lea workbench_name,aO pointer to screen name CALLSYS LockPubScreen,_IntuitionBase move.l d0,workbench_p save returned pointer beq close_int check return value? open_window move.l #NULL,aO lea tags,a1 our tag list CALLSYS OpenWindowTagList, _IntuitionBase move.l d0,window_p pointer to our window beq unlkscreen draw_images move.l d0,a1 window address in a1 move.l wd_RPort(a1) ,a0 copy rastport pointer into aO lea Imagel,a1 pointer to image moveq #20,d0 example left offset moveq #15,d1 example top offset moveq #20,d2 example columns count moveq #10,d3 example rows count jsr DrawGrid our subroutine wait move.l #TIME_DELAY,d1 CALLSYS Delay,DOSBase move.1 CALLSYS unlkscreen move. 1 move.1 CALLSYS closeint move.l CALLSYS closedos move.l CALLSYS exit clr.l rts window_p,aO window to close CloseWindow,_IntuitionBase #NULL,aO screen name not needed workbench_p,a1 screen to unlock UnlockPubScreen,_IntuitionBase _IntuitionBase,a1 library to close CloseLibrary,_AbsExecBase _D0SBase,a1 library to close CloseLibrary,_AbsExecBase d0 logical end of program DrawGrid: ; Requires following parameters on entry…​ ; aO holds window rastport pointer ; a1 holds image pointer ; d0 holds starting left offset value ; d1 holds starting top offset value ; d2 holds required horizontal block count, ie column count ; d3 holds required vertical block count, ie row count movem.1 d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) preserve registers move.l _IntuitionBase,a6 set up library base move.l a0,a2 preserve rastport pointer move.l a1 ,a3 preserve image pointer move.w d0,d6 d6 = current left offset move.w d0,d7 preserve left offset for re-use move.w d1 ,a4 preserve top offset move.w d2,a5 move.w ig_Width(a1),d4 move.w ig_Height(a1),d5 draw_row jsr _LV0DrawImage(a6) subq #1 ,d2 beq next_row move.w a4,d1 add.w d4,d6 draw_row2 move.w d6,d0 move.l a2,a0 move.l a3,a1 bra draw_row next_row subq #1 ,d3 beq drawend move.w d7,d6 move.w a5,d2 move.w a4,d1 add.w d5,d1 move.w d1 ,a4 bra draw_row2 drawend movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts DOSBase ds .1 1 preserve column count for re-use get image width in d4 get image height in d5 a faster alternative decrease count set top offset form new left offset needed for library function call restore rastport pointer restore image pointer keep going decrease count reset start left offset for row reset column count top offset for next row restore registers _IntuitionBase ds.l 1 windowp ds.l 1 tags dc.l WAPubScreen workbenchp ds.l 1 dc.l WA_Left,50 dc.l WA_Top,20 dc.l WA_Width,420 dc.l WA_Height,250 dc.l WA_DragBar,TRUE dc.l WA_Title,window_name dc.l TAG_DONE,NULL dos_name dc.b 'dos.library',NULL intuitionname dc.b 'intuition.library’,NULL workbenchname dc.b 'Workbench',NULL window_name dc.b 'My Very First Subroutine!',NULL Imagel: dc.w 0,0 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft dc.w 19,18 ;Image width and height in pixels dc.w 2 ;number of bitplanes in Image dc.l ImageDatal ;pointer to ImageData dc.b $0003,50000 ;PlanePick and PlaneOnOff dc.l NULL ;next Image structure SECTION Image,DATA,CHIP ImageDatal: dc. w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,500C0,$8000,500C0,$8000 dc. w 508C2,$8000,$0000,$8000,$00C0,$8000,$00C0,$8000 dc. w $1CCE,$8000,$1CCE,$8000,$00C0,$8000,$00C0,$8000 dc . w $0000,$8000,S00C0,$8000,$08C2,$8000,$00C0,$8000 dc . w $3FFF,$8000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$7FFF,$C000 dc.w S40C0,$4000,550C4,$4000,$40C0,$4000,$41EO,$4000 dc. w $43F0,$4000,$43F0,$4000,$5FFE,$4000,$5FFE,$4000 dc. w $43F0,$4000,$43F0,$4000,$41E0,$4000,$50C4,$4000 dc. w $40C0, $4000, $40C0, $4000, $4000, $4000, $0000, $0000 END The Official Alternative

The Official Alternative

If the official Amiga includes are available many explicit definitions can be avoided in the program source. Here’s the Devpac version that adopts the same include file arrangements as the Chapter 15 example: * Example CH16-2.S INCLUDE intuition/intuition.i INCLUDE functionoffsets.i CALL3YS MACRO LINKLIB LV0\1,\2 ENDM TRUE EQU 1 NULL EQU 0 D0$_VERSI0N EQU 0 INTUITI0N_VERSI0N EQU 36 SECONDS EQU 50 TIME_DELAY EQU 10*SEC0NDS start lea dos_name,a1 load pointer to library name moveq #D0S_VERSI0N , d0 any version will do! opendos CALLSYS 0penLibrary, AbsExecBase move.l d0,D0SBase save returned pointer beq exit check open OK? openint lea intuition_name,a1 load pointer to library name moveq #INTUITI0N_VERSI0N,d0 specify minimum lib version CALLSYS OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase move.l d0,_IntuitionBase save returned pointer beq close_dos check open OK? lockscreen lea workbenchname, aO pointer to screen name CALLSYS LockPubScreen, IntuitionBase move.l d0,workbench_p save returned pointer beq close_int check return value? open_window move.l #NULL,aO lea tags,a1 our tag list CALLSYS OpenWindowTagList,_IntuitionBase move.l d0,window_p pointer to our window beq unlkscreen draw_images move.l d0,a1 window address in a1 move.l wd_RPort(a1),a0 copy rastport pointer into aO lea Imagel,a1 pointer to image moveq #20,d0 example left offset moveq #15,d1 example top offset count moveq #20,d2 example columns moveq #10,d3 example rows count jsr DrawGrid our subroutine wait move.l #TIME_DELAY,d1 CALLSYS Delay, DOSBase move.l window_p,aO window to close CALLSYS CloseWindow,_IntuitionBase unlkscreen move.l #NULL,aO screen name not needed move.l workbench_p,a1 screen to unlock CALLSYS UnlockPubScreen,_IntuitionBase closeint move.l _IntuitionBase,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary,_AbsExecBase closedos move.l _D0SBase,a1 library to close CALLSYS CloseLibrary,_AbsExecBase exit clr.l d0 DrawGrid: rts logical end of program ; Requires following parameters on entry…​ aO holds window rastport pointer a1 holds image pointer d0 holds starting left offset value d1 holds starting top offset value d2 holds required horizontal block count, ie column count d3 holds required vertical block count, ie row count movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) preserve registers move.l _IntuitionBase,a6 set up library base move.l a0,a2 preserve rastport pointer move.l a1 ,a3 preserve image pointer move.w d0,d6 d6 = current left offset move.w d0,d7 preserve left offset for re-use move.w d1 ,a4 preserve top offset move.w d2,a5 preserve column count for re-use move.w ig_Width(a1),d4 get image width in d4 move.w ig_Height(a1),d5 draw_row jsr _LV0DrawImage(a6) subq #1 ,d2 beq nextrow move.w a4,d1 add.w d4,d6 draw_row2 move.w d6,d0 move.l a2,a0 move.1 a3,a1 bra draw_row next_row subq #1, d3 beq drawend move.w d7,d6 move.w a5,d2 move.w a4,d1 add.w d5,d1 move.w d1 ,a4 bra draw_row2 draw_end movem.l rts (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 DOSBase ds.l 1 _IntuitionBase ds.l 1 window_p ds.l 1 tags dc.l WAPubScreen workbenchp ds.l 1 get image height in d5 a faster alternative decrease count set top offset form new left offset needed for library function call restore rastport pointer restore image pointer keep going decrease count reset start left offset for row reset column count top offset for next row restore registers dc.l WA_Left,50 dc.l WA_Top,20 dc.l WA_Width,420 dc.l WA_Height,250 dc.l WA_DragBar,TRUE dc.l WA_Title,window_name dc.l TAG_DONE,NULL dos_name dc.b 'dos.library1,NULL intuition_name dc.b 'intuition.library1,NULL workbench_name dc.b 'Workbench',NULL window_name dc.b 'My Very First Subroutine!',NULL Imagel: dc.w 0,0 ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft dc.w 19,18 ;Image width and height in pixels dc.w 2 ;number of bitplanes in Image dc.l ImageDatal ;pointer to ImageData dc.b $0003,$0000 ;PlanePick and PlaneOnOff dc.l NULL ;next Image structure SECTION Image,DATA_C ImageDatal: dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00C0,$8000,$00C0,$8000 dc. w S08C2,$8000,$0000,$8000,$00C0,$8000,800C0,$8000 dc.w $1CCE,$8000,$1CCE,$8000,$00C0,$8000,$00C0,$8000 dc. w $0000,$8000,$00C0,$8000,$08C2,$8000,$00C0,$8000 dc.w $3FFF,$8000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$7FFF,$C000 dc. w $40C0, $4000, $50C4, $4000, $40C0, $4000, $41E0, $4000 dc. w $43F0,$4000,$43F0,$4000,$5FFE,$4000,$5FFE,$4000 dc.w $43F0,$4000,$43F0,$4000,$41EO,$4000,$50C4,$4000 dc. w $40C0,$4000,$40C0,$4000,$4000,$4000,$0000,$0000

Reaping the Benefits

Now that the tried and tested DrawGrid0 subroutine is available it can of course be used to draw tile effects ad infinitum. Just set up the required parameters, block counts etc, identify the image to be used…​ and then make the subroutine call. It’s also quick and easy to swap images and/or alter starting positions and block counts because you just reset those parameters that have changed and then repeat the subroutine call. Here for example is a code fragment which generates one tile effect in the top part of a display, and uses a different effect in the lower part: draw_images move. 1 d0,a1 window address in a1 move. 1 wdRPort(a1),aO copy rastport pointer into aO lea Imagel,a1 pointer to image moveq #20,d0 example left offset moveq #15,d1 example top offset moveq #20,d2 example columns count moveq #5,d3 example rows count jsr DrawGrid use subroutine lea Image2,a1 pointer to second image moveq #120,d1 second top offset jsr DrawGrid re-use subroutine There’s plenty of scope for experiment, and experiment you should. Here, to finish this chapter and get you started, is the above type of split tile, twin image, modification of the first program of this chapter. If you are a Devpac or other official include file user just remove the appropriate preliminary definitions and add the include file references mentioned earlier: * Example CH16-3.S LINKLIB MACRO move.l move.l jsr a6,-(a7) \2,a6 \1(a6) move.1 ENDM CALLSYS MACRO LINKLIB ENDM TRUE NULL D0S_VERSI0N INTUITION_VERSION SECONDS TIME_DELAY TAG_D0NE WA_BASE WA_Left WA_Top WA Width WA_Height WA_Title WA_DragBar WAPubScreen wd_RPort igWidth igHeight AbsExecBase _LV00penLibrary LVOCloseLibrary LVOLockPubScreen _LVOUnlockPubScreen _LVOOpenWindowTagList LVOCloseWindow _LV0Delay (a7),a6 LV0\1, \2 EQU 1 EQU 0 EQU 0 EQU 36 EQU 50 EQU 10*SEC0NDS EQU 0 EQU $80000063 EQU WA_BASE$01 EQU WA_BASE+$02 EQU WA_BASE+$03 EQU WA_BASE+$04 EQU WA_BASE+$OB EQU WA_BASE+$1F EQU WA_BASE+$16 EQU 50 EQU 4 EQU 6 EQU 4 EQU -552 EQU -414 EQU -510 EQU -516 EQU -606 EQU -72 EQU -198

lock screen
EQU -114
lea	dos_name,a1	load pointer to library name
moveq	#DOS_VERSION,d0	any version will do!
CALLSYS	OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase
move.l	d0,_DOSBase	save returned pointer
beq	exit	check open OK?
lea	intuitionname,	a1 load pointer to library name
moveq	#INTUITION_VERSION,d0 specify minimum lib version
CALLSYS	OpenLibrary,_AbsExecBase
move.l	d0,_IntuitionBase save returned pointer
beq	close_dos	check open OK?
lea	workbench_name,	aO pointer to screen name
CALLSYS	LockPubScreen,_	IntuitionBase
move.l	d0,workbench_p	save returned pointer
beq	closeint	check return value?
move.l	#NULL,aO
lea	tags,a1	our tag list
CALLSYS	OpenWindowTagList,_IntuitionBase
move.l	d0,window_p	pointer to our window
beq	unlk_screen
move.l	d0,a1	window address in a1
move.l	wd_RPort(a1) ,aO	copy rastport pointer into aO
lea	Imagel,a1	pointer to image
	moveq	#20,d0	example left offset
	moveq	#15,d1	example top offset
	moveq	#20,d2	example columns count
	moveq	#5,d3	example rows count
	jsr	DrawGrid	use subroutine
	lea	Image2,a1	pointer to second image
	moveq	#120,d1	second top offset
	jsr	DrawGrid	reuse subroutine
wait	move.l	#TIME_DELAY,d1
	move.l	window_p,aO	window to close
	CALLSYS	CloseWindow,_IntuitionBase
unlk_screen	move.l	#NULL,aO	screen name not needed
	move.l	workbench_p,a1	screen to unlock
	CALLSYS	UnlockPubScreen,_IntuitionBase
closeint	move.l	_IntuitionBase	,a1 library to close
	CALLSYS	CloseLibrary,_	AbsExecBase
closedos	move.l	DOSBase,a1	library to close
	CALLSYS	CloseLibrary,_	AbsExecBase
exit	clr.l	d0
	rts		logical end of program
; Requires following		parameters on	entry...
;	aO	holds	window rastport pointer
;	a1	holds	image pointer
; d0 holds starting left offset value
;	d1	holds	starting top offset	value
;	d2	holds	required horizontal	block count, ie column
; d3 holds required vertical block count, ie row count
draw_row jsr
draw_row2 move.w move.l move.l bra
nextrow subq beq
d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) _IntuitionBase,a6 a0,a2
a1 ,a3
d0, d6
d1 ,a4 d2,a5
ig_Width(a1) ,d4
#1 ,d2 nextrow a4,d1 d4,d6
drawrow #1 ,d3 drawend d7,d6
preserve registers
set up library base
preserve rastport pointer
preserve image pointer
d6 = current left offset
preserve left offset for re-use
preserve top offset
preserve column count for re-use
get image width in d4
get image height in d5
a faster alternative
decrease count
set top offset
form new left offset
needed for library function call
restore rastport pointer
restore image pointer
keep going
decrease count
reset start left offset for row
move.w	a5,d2	reset column count
move.w	a4,d1
add.w	d5,d1
move.w	d1 ,a4	top offset for next row
bra	draw_	CM £ O (-
drawend movem.
rts	1 (sp)+	,d0-d7/a0-a6 restore registers
DOSBase	ds.l	1
_IntuitionBase	ds.l	1
window_p	ds.l	1
tags	dc.l	WAPubScreen
workbenchp	ds.l	1
	dc.l	WA_Left,50
	dc.l	WA_Top,20
	dc.l	WA_Width,420
	dc.l	WA_Height,250
	dc.l	WA_DragBar,TRUE
	dc.l	WA_Title,window_name
dos_name	dc .b	'dos.library',NULL
intuition_name	dc.
b	'intuition.library',NULL
workbench_name	dc.b	'Workbench',NULL
windowname	dc.b	Getting Clever Eh!',NULL
dc.w	0,0	;XY origin relative to TopLeft	container
dc.w	19,18	;Image width and height	in pixels
dc.w	2	;number of bitplanes in	Image
dc.l	ImageDatal	;pointer to ImageData
dc.b	$0003,$0000	;PlanePick and PlaneOnOff
dc.l	NULL	;next Image structure
w	$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$00C0,$8000,$00C0,$8000
w	S08C2,$8000,$0000,$8000,$0000,$8000,$0000,$8000
w	$1CCE,$8000,$1CCE,$8000,$0000,$8000,$0000,$8000
w	$0000,$8000,$0000,$8000,$0802,$8000,$0000,$8000
w	$3FFF,$8000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$7FFF,$0000
w	$4000, $4000, $5004, $4000, $4000, $4000, $41EO, $4000
dc.w	$43F0,$4000,$43F0,$4000,$5FFE,$4000,$5FFE,$4000
dc.w	$43F0,$4000,$43F0,$4000,$41EO,$4000,$5004,$4000
w	$4000,$4000,$4000,$4000,$4000,$4000,$0000,$0000
dc.w	0,0	;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
dc.w	19,18	;Image width and height in pixels
dc.w	2	;number of bitplanes in Image
dc.l	ImageData2	;pointer to ImageData
dc.b	$0003,$0000	;PlanePick and PlaneOnOff
dc.l	NULL	;next Image structure
dc. w	$0000,$0000,$FFFF,$C000,SFFFF,$C000,$F007,$0000
dc. w	$F007,$0000,$F007,$0000,$F007,$0000,$F007,$0000
dc,w	$F007,$0000,$F007,$0000,$F007,$0000,$F007,$0000
dc. w	$F007,$0000,$F007,$0000,$F007,$0000,$FFFF,$0000
dc. w	$FFFF,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $0FF8,$0000,$0FF8,$0000,$0FF8,$0000,$0FF8,$0000 dc.w $0FF8,$0000,$0FF8,$0000,$0FF8,$0000,$0FF8,$0000 dc.w $0FF8,$0000,$0FF8,$0000,$0FF8,$0000,$0FF8,$0000 dc.w $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000

Where To Go From Here

Bn this book I’ve attempted to introduce 68000 assembly Slanguage specifically from an Amiga oriented viewpoint Band my main aim was to provide you with the necessary easy footholds to get into low-level Amiga programming as quickly as possible. In the past many Amiga programmers have felt that this simply couldn’t be done but I’ve always been convinced that it could and hopefully this book proves it. Needless to say, many of the more complex Amiga programming areas have had to be avoided. By now you should have a good idea of what assembly language is all about, and know enough about the Amiga’s operating system for the words "Amiga system library call” not to produce a cold sweat. In fact, given the details of a function in a particular library, you should by now be able to sketch out (and understand) code which opens the library, uses the function, and checks any returned values and so forth. This is an important achievement because a good 90% of all the code written by most 68000 coder is based on the use of pre-written Amiga library routines! Where To Go From Here There are of course plenty of things I’ve not mentioned including those topics that are readily picked up from general, as opposed to Amiga specific, 680x0 books. The convoluted tricks that many 68000 programmers use to ensure that their code is compact was another topic placed on the back burner although perhaps Chapter 16 provided a little food for thought. Such things can and will be picked up from both the more advanced 68000 books and your own experience! One of the other areas deliberately avoided, because newcomers find it a difficult topic to come to terms with is the use of something known as Amiga start-up code. Perhaps, however, a few words about this subject are appropriate at this stage. Shell based programs are easy to run. You just type the name of the program at the Shell prompt along with any required arguments. With Workbench programs you doubleclick on an associated program icon and herein lies yet another Amiga story. Programs which are to run from the Workbench have to execute some rather complicated message-oriented code and both Commodore, and indeed other developers, offer pre-assembled modules which take care of the awkward code details. These modules, known as start-up code modules, just need to be linked, as the first module, with the actual assembled program code. Unfortunately start-up modules do tend to vary somewhat and so you need to get details of any modules supplied from your assembler documentation. Depending on their source, start-up modules are likely do any number of things as well as handling the initial Workbench startup message operations. Start-up modules supplied with most C compilers, for instance, open the DOS library, set up standard I/O handles and so on. This means that if you are linking with such a module you do not have to write code explicitly to do these things. You do, however, have to conform to any conventions expected - start-up modules designed for use in C programs, for instance, expect the first label in a program, ie the start location of the real program code, to be labelled as _main. It is wisest at least to make a rough preliminary check of the contents of any start-up modules you are tempted to use in order to avoid linker errors due to missing connecting labels and so on. Once the start-up code has been linked to a suitable program it is only necessary to create an icon file for the program - using the same filename as the program but with a .info filename extension - to allow the program to be run from Workbench by double-clicking on its icon. What do I mean by "suitable program"? It is best if I explain what

unsuitable programs are - they are programs which use DOS-oriented I/O operations, such as the examples discussed in Chapter 12 that wrote messages back to a Shell window.
Programs started from the Workbench have no default I/O handles available and if you just tag an icon on to such programs and try to run them from the workbench, you’ll cause the O/S to crash! Depending on the start-up module the same thing may well happen even when the start-up code is utilised.
In other cases the start-up code thoughtfully opens a default console window which provides a sink for any DOS oriented program output.
You'll find that most assemblers and compilers provide detailed notes about the start-up facilities they provide and the best idea is to read them.
Like many things Amiga-wise all this takes time but after a while, and with a little experimentation, things will eventually make sense.
You’ll find additional Workbench-oriented examples on the associated Insider Guide disk.
And talking of complexity.
This Insider Guide in dealing with low-level 68000 coding has tackled a subject which is rather more difficult to get to grips with than most other Amiga areas.
Hopefully you’ve not found the path so far too difficult but do remember that we have only travelled a few steps down what may sometimes become a difficult road.
Be in no doubt that the Amiga’s operating system is not something you learn about in just a few days, weeks or even months.
There is, however, plenty of good news as well because programming the Amiga can be both addictive and enjoyable and all serious programmers will tell you the same thing - the more you learn, the more you’ll want to learn! As you progress you will doubtless follow your own path in terms of what you choose, Amiga-wise, to take an interest in but nowadays, with plenty of more advanced books to choose from, you’ll never be far from help.
Regardless of the directions in which you travel you will almost certainly get to a point where more and more reliance has to be placed on the Amiga’s official system documentation.
The Addison Wesley Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manuals are the ultimate source of Amiga system information and are worth their weight in gold but I would be less than honest if I told you that some experience with the C language would not be an advantage to you at this stage.
Why? It’s because, in the main, the official RKM reference manuals use C for their programming examples! Because of this my experience is that all programmers, including those whose sole interest was programming at the 680x0 microprocessor level, eventually need to come to terms with C just in order to cope with the official Amiga documentation.
This, from a long term viewpoint, is something which you should clearly keep in mind.
From the point of view of this current book however you have reached the end of the road and hopefully you feel ready to move on to more advanced books.
Have fun, enjoy your coding, and make the most of one of the most accessibly priced and brilliant computer systems the world has ever seen!

The 68000 Instruction Set

The details provided here cover just some of the main instructions used in this book plus a few related ones. Additional notes about their uses, the addressing mode restrictions, flag effects and so on have also been given.

his appendix covers only the main instructions used in this book and a few related ones. Additional notes about _| their uses, the addressing mode restrictions, flag effects and so on have also been given but for full details you should consult the references given in the bibliography. The range of 68000 instructions can be roughly divided into the following classes: • Data Movement instructions • Flow Control (Jump, branch type) instructions • Logical, shift and rotate type instructions • Bit manipulation instructions • Arithmetic instructions. The 68000 Instruction Set Many 68000 instructions can work with byte, word and long word operands. However, byte size values are not allowed if the destination or source operand is an address register.

Effective Address

Motorola 68000 literature uses the term effective address to refer to the address that the processor ultimately uses. For instructions which identify an operand, do something, and then store a result there is an effective source address and an effective destination address. Usually the context of the instruction makes it easy to identify these separate entities. When a general effective address needs to be stated, as opposed to a specific addressing mode description, it is common practice to use the term <ea>.


The part of the binary machine code instructions which holds the real 68000-understandable information about which operation the processor should perform is known as the operation code or op-code part of the instruction. Op-Codes Effective Address

Sign Extension

Some 68000 instructions sign-extend byte or word data, ie they propagate the sign bit (bit 7 in the case of byte data or bit 15 for word sized operands) to produce a 32 bit value. Notes on An/Dn Name Conventions

Notes on An/Dn Name Convetions

When talking generally about address registers and data registers it is common practice to use the terms An and Dn to indicate any address register or any data register.

60000 Addressing Modes

One of the most powerful features of the Motorola 68000 device is the rich variety of addressing modes that are available. Most processor instructions work on a piece of data called the operand and this data has to be stored somewhere. Many instructions use some real or implied source address (the effective source address), do something, and then transfer the result to some destination address (the effective destination address). In short the processor’s addressing modes enable these source and destination addresses to be specified. Here’s the rundown on the basic 68000 addressing schemes: 60000 Addressing Modes Sign Extension Inherent Addressing This is one of the addressing modes which do not involve the specifying of memory locations because the processor knows which addresses it should use from the instruction op-code. The 68000’s return-from-subroutine, rts, instruction for instance inherently knows that the stack pointer register is to be used to move data to and from memory -the details are built into the instruction itself. This is why the programmer does not need to specify an addressing mode for rts, and why none are listed. Register Addressing This is perfectly straightforward: Register addressing simply means that the operands reside in a processor’s register and so no memory address information is needed. The official documentation splits register addressing into data and address register addressing but, for most practical purposes, the distinction is neither here nor there. Immediate Addressing Another straightforward mode where the data in question, ie the operand itself, is placed immediately after the instruction op-code in memory. In other words the effective address is the value of the program counter after the op-code part of the instruction has been fetched. The Motorola 68000 has long word, word and byte oriented immediate instructions but, in the latter case, the immediate data still gets stored as a word. The byte data is placed in the low-order part of the word and the upper byte is set to all zeros. Absolute Addressing This mode is also called direct addressing and actually consists of two schemes. With absolute long addressing the effective address used by the processor is the address contained in the four bytes (ie the long word) which follows the op-code and so this scheme can be used to address any memory location within a 32 bit addressing range. A word (two-byte) addressing scheme known as absolute short addressing is also available and here only the lower 16 bits of an address need be specified - the upper half of the address is obtained by sign-extending bit 15 of the specified short address. This mode is quicker and more memory efficient than absolute long addressing but only addresses in the lower and upper 32k of address space (0000000 hex to 00007fff hex and ffff8000 hex to ffffffff hex) can be specified in this way. Address Register Indirect Addressing Here the address of the operand is held in an address register and so this scheme is not the same as conventional indirect addressing where the address of the operand is held in a memory location. Register indirect addressing is nevertheless a very powerful addressing mode and is indicated by placing parentheses around the register name. For example the instruction move.b (a2), d0 will copy the contents of the byte whose address is in register a2 into register d0. Address Register Indirect with Displacement This mode allows a fixed, but programmer defined, constant value to be added to the indirectly specified address. The displacement itself gets stored immediately after the op-code in memory and the effective address used by the processor is the sum of the contents of the address register and the specified displacement. For example the instruction move.b 20(a2), d0 copies the contents of the byte whose address is formed by ‘adding 20 to the address in register a2' into register d0. You can find some examples of this addressing mode within this book for storing and retrieving items from Amiga system defined structures. Address Register Indirect with Postincrement This mode provides for the automatic incrementing of a specified address after it has been used. Byte, word and long word sizes may be specified and the processor increments the address by 1, 2 or 4 accordingly. The mode is specified by placing a plus sign after the normal indirect addressing scheme. The instruction move.b (a2)+, d0 copies the contents of the byte whose address is in register a2 into register d0 and, having done, that the contents of address register a2 are automatically incremented by 1. This mode is convenient for handling lists of byte, word and long word values. Address Register Indirect with Predecrement This mode is similar to the above but it provides for the automatic decrementing of a specified address before it has been used. Again byte, word and long word sizes may be specified and the processor decrements the address by 1, 2 or 4 accordingly. The mode is specified 1 192

by placing a minus sign before the normal indirect addressing scheme. For example, the instruction move.b -(a2), d0 copies the contents of the byte whose address is in register a2 into register d0 and having done that the contents of address register a2 are automatically decreased by 1. This mode is convenient for handling lists of byte, word and long word values. Chapter Eleven outlines the reasons why the addresses are decremented before use and, in the case of the previous mode, incremented after use. Address Register Indirect with Index and Displacement This is another useful, but initially confusing, 68000 addressing mode. The effective address is the sum of three separate addresses: an address register specified indirect address, an index value held in an address or data register (long or word values may be specified), and a programmer defined constant displacement. The Motorola assembly language syntax for this addressing mode requires that the displacement is specified as with the basic register indirect addressing scheme but that the address register itself, and the index register, be enclosed within parentheses. The address register should be specified first, and the two enclosed items must be comma delimited. This is best illustrated by example and the instruction: move.l 20(a0,d0.1), d2 forms an effective source address by taking the contents of register aO, adding the full 32 bit contents of register d0, and then adding 20 to the resulting address. In the case of the example statement the operand is retrieved from that address and placed in register d2. Program Counter Relative with Displacement Addressing modes that use offsets from the program counter, as opposed to absolute addresses are known as relative addressing modes. It’s the microprocessor equivalent of you giving someone a friend’s address by saying ‘they live six doors further up’ rather than saying ‘they live at number 230’. The 68000 branch instructions automatically use relative addressing but many instructions allow explicit use of relative addressing with the option to include a displacement value. This mode, which we’ve not used in this book, is equivalent to the ‘address register indirect with displacement’ mode except for the fact that the program counter is used as the base register. It becomes useful when it is necessary to write position-independent 68000 code. Program Counter Relative with Index and Displacement Another addressing mode that has not concerned us in this book. In this case the basic relative addressing scheme is supplemented by both an address register or data register index value and a programmer-specified constant displacement. This mode is equivalent to the ‘address register indirect with index and displacement’ mode except for the fact that the program counter is used as the base register. Again it becomes useful when it is necessary to write truly position- independent 68000 code.

Data Movement Instructions

Mnemonic: LEA - Load Effective Address Purpose: Loads an address register with a processor determined effective address. Addressing Modes: Source Destination Data register direct Address register direct X Address register indirect X Postincrement register indirect Predecrement register indirect Register indirect with displacement X Register indirect with index X Absolute Short X Absolute Long X PC relative with displacement X PC relative with index X Immediate Flags affected: X N Z V C Notes: This instruction allows you to load an address register with an effective source address, ie the source address specified by virtue of a chosen addressing mode. Example: The effective source address for the instruction: lea newwindow,aO is the address of the location which has been labelled new_window (this is an example of absolute addressing). Mnemonic: MOVE - Move Data from Source to Destination Purpose: Copies a source operand to specified destination Addressing Modes: Source Destination Data register direct X X Address register direct X* Address register indirect X X Postincrement register indirect X X Predecrement register indirect X X Register indirect with displacement X X Register indirect with index X X Absolute Short X X Absolute Long X X PC relative with displacement PC relative with index Immediate X Flags affected: X N Z V C - Y Y 0 0 Notes: You can find plenty of examples of move instructions within this book. See the notes about the movea instruction and also be aware that address register direct addressing is not allowed if specified data size is byte! There are a number of specialised move instructions which allow reading from and writing data tc the whole status register or just the lower byte that holds the condition codes allowing you to forcibly clear/set the N, Z, V, C and X flags. Some of these instructions are privileged on one or more members of the 680x0 family and you should consult the official 680x0 documentation for details. Mnemonic: MOVEA - Move Address Purpose: Loads an address register with a value Addressing Modes: Source Destination Data register direct X Address register direct X X Address register indirect X Postincrement register indirect X Predecrement register indirect X Register indirect with displacement X Register indirect with index X Absolute Short X Absolute Long X PC relative with displacement X PC relative with index X Immediate X Flags affected: X N Z V C Notes: Only word or long word operands can be specified and if the operation is word-sized then the address is sign-extended. Most 68000 assemblers accept move <ea>,An as well and the latter convention has been adopted in this book. You do however need to remember that when move is used to load an address register it is really a movea instruction and the flags are not affected. Mnemonic: MOVEM - Move Multiple Registers to Memory Purpose: Copies multiple registers to memory Addressing Modes: Source Destination Data register direct Address register direct Address register indirect X Postincrement register indirect Predecrement register indirect X Register indirect with displacement X Register indirect with index X Absolute Short X Absolute Long X PC relative with displacement PC relative with index Immediate Flags affected: X N Z V C Notes: The main use of this instruction is for storing groups of registers on the stack. For example: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) push all registers onto the stack Mnemonic: MOVEM - Move Multiple Registers From Memory Purpose: Copies multiple registers from memory Addressing Modes: Source Destination Data register direct Address register direct Address register indirect X Postincrement register indirect X Predecrement register indirect Register indirect with displacement X Register indirect with index X Absolute Short X Absolute Long X PC relative with displacement PC relative with index Immediate Flags affected: X N Z V C Notes: The main use of the instruction is for retrieving registers from stack. For example: movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 pull all registers from the stack. Mnemonic: MOVEQ - Move Quick Purpose: Copies immediate data to a specified data register Flags affected X N Z V C - Y Y 0 0 Notes: This instruction provides a quick and efficient way to set a data register to a particular value which can be from -128 to +127 decimal. Most 68000 assemblers, given an immediate addressing move instruction, generate moveq instructions where possible. For example: Before After moveq#$58,d0 d0=ffffffff d0=00000058 Flow Control Instructions

Flow Control Instructions

These instructions work by altering the contents of the program counter. Mnemonic: Bcc - Branch Conditionally Purpose: Transfers program control using relative addressing Flags affected: X N Z V C - - - - - Notes: The branch data sizes may be byte or word so these instructions can branch in an area of 32K. When using a branch with a byte offset you can in fact put a .s (for short) suffix behind the instruction eg beq.s HERE. Similarly when using a branch with a word offset you can use a .w suffix - eg beq.w HERE. Most assemblers determine whether the short or word form is needed automatically and optimise word-branches to byte-branches whenever it is possible. These instructions test a combination of the NZVC-flags in the status register and conditionally perform a branch to another address. If the testing of the condition codes is true, then the branch is taken, otherwise the instruction immediately following the bcc instruction is executed. Fourteen variations of this instruction are available and a related bra (branch always) instruction adds another condition to the testable set: bcc: where cc stands for carry clear. The branch is taken if the carry © bit is 0. This instruction is often used in combination with shift and rotate operations. bcs: where cs stands for carry set. The branch is taken if the carry © bit is 1. beq: where eq stand for equal. The branch is taken if the zero (Z) bit is 1. This instruction, as we’ve seen many times within this book, is frequently used after tst and cmp type instructions. bne: where ne stands for not equal. The branch is taken if the zero (Z) bit is 0. This instruction is of course the opposite of beq. bpl: where pi stands for plus. The branch is taken if the negative (N) bit is 0. bmi: where mi stands for minus. The branch is taken if the negative (N) bit is 1. bvc: where vc stands for overflow clear. The branch is taken if the overflow (V) bit is 0 (this instruction is often used in conjunction with arithmetic instructions like add, mul and so on. bvs: where vs stands for overflow set. The branch is taken if the overflow (V) bit is 1. bge: where ge stands for greater or equal. The branch is taken when the negative (N) and overflow (V) bits contain the same value. bgt: where gt stands for greater than. The branch is taken in cases where either N= 1, V= 1 and Z=0 or N=V=Z=0. ble: where le stands for lower or equal. This branch is taken in cases where Z= 1 or the N and V bits contain different values. bit: where It stands for less than. This branch is taken if the nega- tive (N) and overflow (V) bits contain different values. bhi: where hi stands for higher. This branch is taken if the negative (N) and overflow (V) bits contain the same value. bis: where Is stands for lower or same. This branch is taken if the carry © and zero (Z) bits contain different values. bra: branch always. This instruction is commonly seen at the end of a loop to force control back to the top of the loop. Mnemonic: Bcc - Branch Conditionally Purpose: Transfers program control using relative addressing Flags affected: X N Z V C - - - - - Notes: See jsr notes below Mnemonic: JSR - Jump to Subroutine Purpose: Transfers program control to a subroutine Addressing Modes: Source Destination Data register direct Address register direct Address register indirect X Postincrement register indirect Predecrement register indirect Register indirect with displacement X Register indirect with index X Absolute Short X Absolute Long X PC relative with displacement X PC relative with index X Immediate Flags affected: X N Z V C Notes: The bsr (branch to subroutine) and jsr (jump to subroutine) instructions are used for calling subroutines. The bsr form is a relative branch with a range of 32K. For subroutine calls beyond this range the jsr instruction should be used but having said that most assemblers would optimise jsr to bsr when possible (bsr is more efficient). When executing a bsr/jsr instruction, the 68000 pushes the program counter on the stack and then re-loads it with the target address. Mnemonic: RTS - Return From Subroutine Purpose: Transfers control to a stack-retrieved address Flags affected: X N Z V C Notes: In a sense this is the counterpart of the bsr/jsr instructions because it reloads the program counter register with the value on top of the stack (this value will usually have been put there by a bsr or jsr instruction). Mnemonic: JMP - Jump Purpose: Transfers program control to a specified address Addressing Modes: Source Destination Data register direct Address register direct Address register indirect X Postincrement register indirect Predecrement register indirect Register indirect with displacement X Register indirect with index X Absolute Short X Absolute Long X PC relative with displacement X PC relative with index X Immediate Flags affected: X N Z V C Notes: This instruction is a variant of the move instruction but in this case the destination register, namely the program counter, is inherently defined. You could therefore just as easily use moved (ea>,PC instead of jmp <ea>.

Logical Operations

Mnemonic: ANDI - AND Immediate Purpose: Bitwise AND of immediate data source with destination Addressing Modes: Source Destination Data register direct X Address register direct Address register indirect X Postincrement register indirect X Predecrement register indirect X Register indirect with displacement X Register indirect with index X Absolute Short X Absolute Long X PC relative with displacement PC relative with index Immediate X Status register X Flags affected: X N Z V C - Y Y 0 0 Notes: In addition to the more conventional register and memory usage the destination may be the condition codes or the whole of the 68000 status register. In the latter case the instruction is privileged. As an example: Instruction Before After andi.b #7,d0 d0=9999aaaa d0=9999aaa0 Mnemonic: EORI - Exclusive OR Immediate Purpose: Bitwise Exclusive-OR of immediate data source with destination Addressing Modes: Source Destination Data register direct X Address register direct Address register indirect X Postincrement register indirect X Predecrement register indirect X Register indirect with displacement X Register indirect with index X Absolute Short X Absolute Long X PC relative with displacement PC relative with index Immediate X Status register X Flags affected: X N Z V C - Y Y 0 0 Notes: Destination may be condition codes or the whole of the 68000 status register. In the latter case the instruction is privileged. For example: Before After eori.b #$ff,d6 d6=eeeeee30 d6=eeeeeecf

Mnemonic: NOT - Logical Complement
Purpose: Performs a bitwise complement of an operand
Addressing Modes:	Source	Destination
Data register direct		X
Address register direct
Address register indirect		X
Postincrement register indirect		X
Predecrement register indirect		X
Register indirect with displacement		X
Register indirect with index		X
Absolute Short		X
Absolute Long		X
PC relative with displacement
PC relative with index
Flags affected: X N Z V C - Y Y 0 0
Notes: The instruction not.w An has the same effect as eori.w #$ffff,An.
Mnemonic: ORI - Inclusive OR Immediate
Purpose: Performs bitwise OR using immediate data source
Addressing Modes:	Source	Destination
Data register direct		X
Address register direct
Address register indirect		X
Postincrement register indirect		X
Predecrement register indirect		X
Register indirect with displacement		X
Register indirect with index		X
Absolute Short		X
Absolute Long		X
PC relative with displacement
PC relative with index
Immediate	X
Status register		X
Flags affected: X N Z V C - Y Y 0 0
Notes: Destination may be condition codes or the whole of the 68000 status register.
In the latter case the instruction is privileged.
Before	After
ori.b #ff,d0 d0=efefefef	d0=efefefff

Shift and Rotate Operations

A whole range of left and right shifts and rotate instructions are available on the 68000 processor. Here are two examples: Shift and Rotate Operations Mnemonic: ASL - Arithmetic Shift Left in Data Register Purpose: Left shifts the contents of a data register Flags affected: X N Z V C Y Y Y Y Y Notes: This instruction arithmetically left shifts the contents of the data register and the carry © and extend (X) flags receive the last bit shifted out. The shift count may be specified either by another data register or by immediate data and, in the latter case, a shift count in the range 1-8 may be specified. When a data register is used counts in the range 0-63 are allowed. ASL instructions can be used as a fast form of multiplying an operand by a factor of two. The lower bit of the destination is always set to zero. Example: Before After asl.l #4,d1 d1=0000000f d1=000000f0 Mnemonic: ASL - Arithmetic Shift Left in Memory Purpose: Left shifts the contents of a memory location Addressing Modes: Source Destination Data register direct Address register direct Address register indirect X Postincrement register indirect X Predecrement register indirect X Register indirect with displacement X Register indirect with index X Absolute Short X Absolute Long X PC relative with displacement PC relative with index Immediate Flags affected: X N Z V C Y Y Y Y Y Notes: This form of the instruction is restricted to a one-bit shift and can only be used for word sized operands. Bit Manipulation Instructions

Bit Manipulation Instructions

Again many instructions exist. One example is: Mnemonic: BTST - Test a Bit Purpose: Tests an operand bit and sets zero flag accordingly Addressing Modes Source Destination Data register direct X X Address register direct Address register indirect X Postincrement register indirect X Predecrement register indirect X Register indirect with displacement X Register indirect with index X Absolute Short X Absolute Long X PC relative with displacement X PC relative with index X Immediate X Flags affected: X N Z V C - - Y - -

Arithmetic Instructions

Mnemonic: ADD - Add Binary Purpose: Add source operand to data register destination Addressing Modes: Source Destination Data register direct X X Address register direct X* Address register indirect X Postincrement register indirect X Predecrement register indirect X Register indirect with displacement X Register indirect with index X Absolute Short X Absolute Long X PC relative with displacement X PC relative with index X Immediate X Flags affected: X N Z V C Y Y Y Y Y Notes: Address register direct addressing is not allowed for byte size operations. Two forms of the instruction are available. Example: Before After add.w d0,d2 d0=00000011 d0=00000011 d2=0000FFFA d2=0000000B XNZVC=00000 XNZVC= 11001 Mnemonic: ADDI - Add Immediate Purpose: Add immediate data to specified operand Flags affected: X N Z V C Y Y Y Y Y Notes: This instruction has exactly the same characteristics as the 'ADD using a data register source’ instruction, except that immediate addressing is used to specify the source - ie the source must be a constant. Mnemonic: ADDQ - Add Quick Purpose: Add data specified in instruction code to operand Flags affected: X N Z V C Y Y Y Y Y Notes: Similar in effect to ADDI but the value is built into the instruction code itself. The immediate values in the source field are restricted to the range 1 to 8. This instruction is the fastest way to add a number between 1 to 8 to a destination operand. Additional notes on ADD, ADDI, ADDQ: Most assemblers optimise your code automatically and so if, for example, you write add #l,Dn then the assembler translates it automatically to addq #l,Dn thus reducing the size of the object code and saving a few clock cycles of execution time. Mnemonic: CLR - Clear and Operand Purpose: Sets specified register or memory location to zero Addressing Modes: Source Destination Data register direct X Address register direct Address register indirect X Postincrement register indirect X Predecrement register indirect X Register indirect with displacement X Register indirect with index X Absolute Short X Absolute Long X PC relative with displacement PC relative with index Immediate Flags affected: X N Z V C - 0 1 0 0 Notes: You cannot use clr to clear an address register but most assemblers allow instructions like clr aO to be written and then substitute a sub.l instruction which has the same effect (sub.l aO,aO in the case of clr aO). Example: Before After clr.w d0 d0=bbbbbbbb d0=00000000 NZVC=1011 NZVC=0100 Mnemonic: CMP - Compare Purpose: Compares operand with a data register and sets flags Addressing Modes: Source Destination Data register direct X X Address register direct X Address register indirect X Postincrement register indirect X Predecrement register indirect X Register indirect with displacement X Register indirect with index X Absolute Short X Absolute Long X PC relative with displacement X PC relative with index X Immediate X Flags affected: X N Z V C - Y Y Y Y Notes: CMP is a subtraction instruction which affects only the condition codes. Example: cmp.l d2,d3 Before d2=00000001 d3=00000002 NZVC=1111 After d2=00000001 d3=00000002 NZVC=0000 Mnemonic: CMPA - Compare Address Purpose: As CMP but uses an address register as destination Flags affected: X N Z V C - Y Y Y Y Notes: This instruction differs only from CMP in that the second operand is an address register and that the data size cannot be bvte. Mnemonic: CMPI - Compare Immediate Purpose: As CMP but compares against immediate data Flags affected X N Z V C - Y Y Y Y Mnemonic: CMPM - Compare Memory Purpose: Compares contents of two memory locations Flags affected: X N Z V C - Y Y Y Y Notes: Similar to CMP, but both the source and destination operands must use postincrement addressing. This instruction is used to compare areas of memory. Additional note on all CMPx instructions: Most assemblers accept instructions like cmp.w (aO),(al) and cmp.l #3,d0 Mnemonic: DIVS - Signed Divide Purpose: Divides a 32 bit destination by a 16 bit source Flags affected X N Z V C - Y Y Y 0 Notes: This instruction performs a division between two signed numbers. The destination register is always a longword and the source operand is always a word. After the division the destination operand contains the result. The quotient is always in the lower word and the remainder is always in the high order word of the data register! Mnemonic: MULS - Signed Multiply Purpose: Multiplies two 16 bit operands Flags affected: X N Z V C - Y Y 0 0 Notes: This instruction performs a multiplication of the source and destination operand, putting the result in the destination operand. Mnemonic: SUBI - Subtract Immediate Purpose: Subtract immediate data from specified operand Flags affected: X N Z V C Y Y Y Y Y Notes: This instruction, except for the fact that subtraction is involved, has exactly the same characteristics as the ADDI instruction. Mnemonic: SUBQ - Subtract Quick Purpose: Subtract data specified in instruction code Flags affected: X N Z V C Y Y Y Y Y Notes: Similar in effect to SUBI but the value is built into the instruction code itself. The immediate values in the source field are restricted to the range 1 to 8. This instruction is the fastest way to subtract a number between 1 to 8 from a destination operand. Additional notes on SUB, SUBI, SUBQ: Most assemblers optimise your code automatically and if, for example,you write sub #l,Dn the assembler automatically translates it to subq #l,Dn thus reducing the size of the object code and saving a few clock cycles of execution time. Mnemonic: TST - Test an Operand Purpose: Test an operand and set status flags accordingly Addressing Modes: Source Destination Data register direct X Address register direct Address register indirect X Postincrement register indirect X Predecrement register indirect X Register indirect with displacement X Register indirect with index X Absolute Short X Absolute Long X PC relative with displacement PC relative with index Immediate Flags affected: X N Z V C - Y Y 0 0

To Get the Complete Story

Consult the official 68000 literature foi details. In addition to the instructions outlined in this appendix the 68000 includes man) other specialist instructions including special commands called link and unlnk which can produce subroutines that use stack-based parameter passing, local variables etc. There are binary coded decimal (BCD) operations, a range of supervisor-mode-only commands (privileged instructions), specific 680x0 trap generating and handling instructions and so forth. To Get the Complete Story

Library Function Tables

More notes on those important library functions…​

he tables in this appendix provide library vector offset values and register usage details for some commonly used Amiga library functions (some of which have been used in the programs of this book). The term void in the following descriptions indicates that no return value is supplied. For full details of all libraries and their available functions you should consult the official Amiga documentation. DOS functions LVO offset _LV00pen -30 file(d0) = Open(name.mode) (dl,d2) _LVOClose -36 void() = Close(file) (dl) _LVORead -42 collected(d0) = Read(file, buffer, length) (dl,d2,d3) _LVOWrite -48 written(d0) = Write(file, buffer, length) (dl,d2,d3) JLVOOutput -60 filehandle(d0) = Output() _LVODelay -198 void() = Delay(time) (dl) Library Function Tables Exec functions _LVOAllocMem -198 block(d0) = AllocMem(size,type) (d0,dl) _LVOFreeMem -210 void() = FreeMem(block,size) (al,d0) _LVOCloseLibrary -414 void() = CloseLibrary(library) (al) LVOOpenLibrary -552 base(d0) = OpenLibrary(name, version) (al.d0) Graphics functions _LVORectFill -306 void() = RectFill(rastport,xl,yl,x2,y2) (al,d0,dl,d2,d3) Intuition functions _LVOCloseScreen _LVOCloseWindow _LVODisplayBeep _LVODrawImage-l 14 _LVOOpenScreen _LVOOpenWindow -66 void() = CloseScreen(screen) (aO) -72 void() = CloseWindow(window) (aO) -96 void() = DisplayBeep(screen) (aO) void() = Drawlmage(rastport,image,x,y) (a0,al,d0,dl) -198 screen(d0) = OpenScreen(new_screen) (aO) -204 window(d0) = OpenWindow(new_window) (aO) The following Intuition functions are available only from Release 2 (v36) onwards: _LVOLockPubScreen -510 screen(d0) = LockPubScreen(name)(d0) _LVOUnlockPubScreen -516 void() = UnlockPubScreenfname, [screen]) (a0,al) LVOOpenWindowTagList -606 Window(d0) = OpenWindowTagList (nw,tags)(aO,al)

Usage notes

The system macro LINKLIB can be used to generate function call code in an easy-to-read, and conceptually tidy, fashion. An Intuition library OpenScreenf) call for instance might take this form: LINKLIB LVOOpenScreen, IntuitionBase and the instructions generated would be: move.l a6,-(sp) move.l IntuitionBase,a6 jsr _LV00penScreen(a6) move.l (sp),a6 To create an exectuable program the _LVOOpenScreen reference must at some stage be resolved, ie the real value for it must be found. This may be done either at link time (via the LVO values present in amiga.lib), by using an include file which contains the appropriate LVO value, or by the programmer inserting a suitable EQUate within their program. Since the numerical LVO values are available from the system documentation programmers are sometimes tempted to use the numerical equivalents directly, for instance, knowing that the _LVOOpenScreen reference is -198 a programmer could decide to code the above library opening fragment in one of these ways: 1) LINKLIB _LV00penScreen, _IntuitionBase 2) move.l a6,-(sp) move.l _IntuitionBase,a6 jsr LVOOpenScreen move.l (sp),a6 3) LINKLIB -198, _IntuitionBase 4) move.l a6,-(sp) move.l _IntuitionBase,a6 jsr -198(a6) move.l (sp)+,a6 The preferred approach is to use the LINKLIB macro (or an equivalent macro) but if you do write the code manually you should always use the LVO name and NOT the numerical value. There are two reasons for this: Firstly, the LVO name approach provides more reable code. Secondly, if Commodore-Amiga do ever change the existing function arrangements in a library then providing you’ve used the LVO symbol- Usage notes ic names it would be possible to re-assemble/re-link your program with the new LVO data and it would work. This would not be possible if you had used numerical LVO equivalents in your code. In short you should avoid the style of the last two examples shown above! i == Glossary Of Terms

Some extra help with the jargon…​

Jargon Busting i i >• i > m active screen On the Amiga this is the screen currently displaying the active window. active window The window currently receiving input from a user.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk On the Amiga only one window can be active at any one time. address A number which identifies a storage location in memory.addressing modea term related to the way in which a microprocessor locates the operand that an instruction is to work on. alert A special red/black Amiga display used for emergency messages. ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit angle brackets These characters, < and >, are frequently used to identify command line parameters. For example…​ dir <filename> implies that ‘filename’ is a parameter which you, the user, should supply. Glossary Of Terms arithmetic logic unit Part of a microprocessor which performs arithmetic and logical operations. arguments The values supplied when a function is used. These values are also often called parameters. ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange consists of a set of 96 displayable and 32 non displayed characters based on a seven bit code. asynchronous Some operation which is executed/performed without reference to an overall timing source. Asynchronous operations can therefore occur at irregular timing intervals. background program A program, task, or process, which is running somewhere in memory but not interacting directly via a terminal. back-up To make a duplicate of a program or data disk. Back-up copies are usually made for either safety or security purposes. baud rate A measurement of the rate of data transmission through a serial port. The baud rate divided by ten is a rough measure of the number of characters being transmitted per second. BCD Binary Coded Decimal, binary A number system using base 2 for its operations, bit An abbreviation of “binary digit”, bitmap An array of bits which form a system’s display memory. Modifying the datain the bitmap alters the picture on the display. The Amiga uses a bitmap display consisting of a number of two dimensional ‘bitplanes’. blanking interval The period of time when a video beam is outside of the screen display area. It’s a good time for a program to do things which might visually jar the display - the idea is to ensure that all of the necessary changes have been made before the video beam comes back into the visual area. boot To start up a computer system. BPS Bits per second, branch A type of processor instruction which causes control to pass from one section of a program to another. The branch is achieved by altering the contents of the processor’s program control register which is the register which tells the processor from where it should get its next instruction. On the 68000 the term is reserved for instructions which use relative addressing. buffer An area of memory used to hold data temporarily whilst being collected or transmitted. bug A fault within a program that has not yet been found. Also see "Debug". C A high-level programming language: one of the best that has ever been developed. call To activate a program, function or procedure. character string A sequence of printable characters. checksum A number which is used to ensure that a block of data is correct and has not been inadvertently changed. Checksums are used to verify proper transmission and reception of data, to guard against deliberate alteration of sensitive file records etc. clear Change the value of a binary bit from 1 to zero. CLI Command line interface - precursor of the Shell, clipping Preventing the parts of an image which lie outside a specified drawing area from being displayed. colour indirection Powerful pixel colouring technique whereby the binary number formed by the appropriate image bits determines which colour register is used. colour register The Amiga has 32 hardware colour registers which means it has the ability to select from a palette of up to 4096 colours. (256 from 16 million - AGA?) command file An ordinary (usually ASCII) textfile containing executable system commands. comment A remark, social or otherwise, written within a program, commenting out In the assembly language world this term implies that part of the source code of a program has been eliminated not by removing it but by adding * or ; characters at the beginning of each line of a code section. This renders it inoperative because those lines are then treated as comments by the assembler. It is a trick frequently used by programmers during program development. complement "Binary complement”, the process of turning all Is to Os and all Os to Is. concatenate Join together. Strings, files etc, may be concatenated! constant Any value which does not change, contiguous Adjacent, lying next to each other etc. A contiguous block of memory is a block whose addresses are numerically adjacent and contain no gaps. control character A character that signifies the start or finish of some process. Copper An abreviation for the Amiga’s Co-processor chip. Co-processor The brilliant and powerful Amiga chip which handles much of the display work. This chip has its own instruction set which allows it to modify display characteristics without requiring 68000 processor intervention. Advanced Amiga programmers write their own Copper lists (Co-processor programs) for doing strange and wonderful graphics tricks. CPU Central Processing Unit, crash A term used when a computer program terminates unexpectedly or when the system hardware or software malfunctions. Usually reserved for serious problems that have no way of escape other than restarting the system. CRT Cathode Ray Tube debug To eliminate errors within a program, debugger A program designed to help programmers find errors - bugs - in theirprograms. Nowadays some highly sophisticated interactive debuggers are available which can link into the original source code as a program is executing. decimal constant A constant written as a base 10 number. default value A value which is supplied automatically if no other is given, delimiting characters Characters placed at the beginning or end of a character string. destination file A file being written to. DMA Direct Memory Access direct memory access A method of data transfer whereby intelligent hardware devices can read and write to memory without the main microprocessor being involved. disable To prevent something from being used, display memory The RAM area that contains data used to produce the screen image. display mode A particular type of screen display - low resolution, high resolution, non-interlaced etc. editor See text editor, enable To make something available for use. EOF End Of File Exec The Amiga’s low level system software which controls tasks, task switching, interrupt scheduling, message passing, I/O and many other underlying system functions. FIFO First In First Out file A set of data items held on diskette, tape or other medium, filename A name given to a file for identification puroses. fill To colour or draw a pattern into an enclosed area, flag A single bit within a microprocessor register or memory location which has been chosen to represent some TRUE/FALSE, YES/NO, type situation. floating point A means of representing numbers in the binary equivalent of “scientific notation", ie by specifying an exponent and a mantissa. glitch A transient, normally unreproduceable, problem usually associated with sOme hardware malfunction. hard copy The printed listing of some computer output as opposed to the output displayed on a VDU screen. header file Another term for a C include file, hexadecimal A base 16 numbering system using the digits 0-9 and the letters A-F. hexadecimal constant A base 16 constant which in assembler is written with the prefix $ followed by the hexadecimal digits themselves. IDCMP Intuition Direct Communications Message Port. Arguably the most important means of two-way, program-to-Intuition, communication. I/O input/output. interrupt An externally instigated request that, if accepted, causes the processor to save its current status and perform some required function. When the function has been completed the status of the processor is restored and control handed back to the interrupted program. IntuiMessage Messages created for applications programs by Intuition. Intuition Users regard Intuition as the Amiga’s high level graphics interface, ie the overall Workbench orientated WIMP arrangement. Programmers take a much lower level view regarding Intuition as a mass of system routines and object definitions which can be used to simplify their programming tasks. The Intuition approach allows programmers to easily create programs which use windows, gadgets, menus etc. jump A processor instruction which causes control to pass from one section of a program to another. The jump is achieved by altering the contents of the processor’s program control register which is the register which tells the processor where it should get its next instruction from.The 68000 implements ordinary jumps, subroutine style jumps and branches - the last term is reserved for instructions which use relative addressing. label Rectangular shaped paper, often sticky, used for placing identification markings on objects. label An identification name used within the source code to refer to a particular section of coding. long word On the Amiga this implies a 32 bit binary number, low-level language A computer language whose primitive operations are closely related to the processor on which the language runs. Assembly languages are low-level. memory map A diagram showing the allocation of the various parts of memory chosen for a particular system or program. message port A fundamental software structure used by Exec’s communication mechanism. null-terminated string A string of bytes which are terminated by a zero value, octal A base 8 numbering system, operand The value upon which an instruction or statement operates, operating system A collection of routines that perform the I/O and other hardware dependent chores that are needed for a computer to function. parallel port Hardware device which, on the Amiga, is used for transmitting data eight bits at a time. Mainly used for printer connection. parameter Any value which must be explicitly passed to a subroutine, function, procedure or program in order for it to be properly executed. peripheral Any external or remote device connected to a computer system, eg a printer. pixel The smallest addressable part of a screen display, playfield Another name for a screen background, pointer An address, record number or other indicator that specifies the next item of a data set taken in a specified logical order. With 68000 assembly language pointers are normally taken to mean addresses. primitives Another name for Amiga library functions and system routines, refresh To re-draw part (or all) of a graphics display, render Draw an image into a display area. RAM Random Access Memory. ROM Read Only Memory, set The act of turning a binary 0 into a binary 1 value. Shell An improved CLI interface which offers a number of useful new facilities including line editing and re-use of previously typed commands. software Any program or routine for a computer. source code The text version of a program, ie the program actually writen in the first place. source file A file from which data is being read, synchronous Operations which are performed with reference to a controlling overall timing source. syntax The formal grammatical structure of a language, text editor A program that enables text to be written, manipulated, stored etc. Wordprocessor programs are sophisticated text editors. title bar An optional strip at the top of a window or screen which may contain either a name, some system gadgets or both. tool An Amiga Workbench name for an application program, two’s complement A numerical representation in which positive numbers are represented as ordinary signed binary but negative numbers are represented by complementing the number and adding one. VDU Visual display unit word In the world of the 68000 programmer, and on the Amiga, a word is taken to mean a 16 bit binary number. Workbench The Amiga’s inbuilt high-level interface applications program which allows users to interact with AmigaDOS, run applications programs etc, without getting involved with Shell commands.


Some useful sources of further information…​

rn he following books are a selection of those currently I available on assembly language programming and the _I Amiga. They’ve been chosen because they have all, at some period in time, been found to be particularly useful. See also the details of the Mastering Amiga System and Mastering Amiga Assembler books provided immediately after this bibliography. Title: Amiga ROM Kernel Author: Commodore-Amiga Publisher: Addison-Wesley ISBN: 0-201-56774-1 One of the major Amiga reference Reference Manual - Libraries Inc. books. Title: Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual - Devices Author: Commodore-Amiga Inc. Publisher: Addison-Wesley ISBN: 0-201-56775-X One of the major Amiga reference books. Bibliography Title: Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual - Includes & Autodocs Author: Commodore-Amiga Inc. Publisher: Addison-Wesley ISBN: 0-201-56773-3' One of the major Amiga reference books. Title: Amiga Hardware Reference Manual Author: Commodore-Amiga Inc. Publisher: Addison-Wesley ISBN: 0-201-56776-8 One of the major Amiga reference books.. Title: Amiga User Interface Style Guide Author: Commodore-Amiga Inc. Publisher: Addison-Wesley ISBN: 0-201-57757-7 One of the major Amiga reference books. Title: The AmigaDOS Manual Author: Commodore-Amiga Inc. Publisher: Bantam Books ISBN: 0-553-35403-5 Now in its third edition this is the most comprehensive guide to the internal workings of AmigaDOS that exists but parts of it are technically heavy going. Title: The Kickstart Guide to the Amiga Author: Dave Parkinson and Mike Boley. Publisher: Ariadne Software Ltd. This book has been about for quite a few years now so it is a little out of date in places. Nevertheless it contains a lot of useful information and is still worth reading. Title: Computers - From Logic to Architecture Author: R. D. Dowsing and F. W. D Woodhams Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold ISBN: 0-278-00093-2 Contains good general introductions to hardware issues (processors, memory chips and so on) including some 68000 material. Title: Dr Dobb’s Toolbook of 68000 Programming Authors: Editors of the Dr Dobbs Journal Publisher: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0-13-216557-0 A goldmine for ideas once you are fairly 68000 proficient, but does not contain any Amiga specific material. Title: 68000 Assembly Language Programming Authors: Kane, Hawkins and Leventhal Publisher: Osbome/McGraw-Hill ISBN: 0-931988-62-4 A very good general Motorola 68000 book with very detailed accounts of the instruction set.